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R0b0t1_ is now known as iR0b0t1
iR0b0t1 has quit [Changing host]
iR0b0t1 has joined #homecmos
superkuh has quit [Quit: the neuronal action potential is an electrical manipulation of reversible abrupt phase changes in the lipid bilayer]
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<Sync> molten Ge in an electron beam evap looks like saurons eye
CIA-61 has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<lekernel> :)
<lekernel> picture please :)
<Sync> if I'm allowed to I'll try to take one
<lekernel> where is that?
<Sync> at work in the university
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superkuh has quit [Quit: the neuronal action potential is an electrical manipulation of reversible abrupt phase changes in the lipid bilayer]