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<berndj> it'll be the Great Leap Forward
<berndj> everyone will have a (silicon) foundry in their back yard
<azonenberg> berndj: lol
<berndj> how is your welding-fu coming along?
<azonenberg> Been working on so many projects its not even funny
<berndj> i'm still mostly gluing things together with slag :(
<azonenberg> The current one - finish grading homework before grades are due
<azonenberg> While also doing the HW i have due tomorrow
<azonenberg> I do want to get back to welding at some point
<berndj> is nov/dec also the end of the academic year over there?
<azonenberg> i started fooling with MiG a while ago
<azonenberg> And yes, we're about to start the last week of classes
<azonenberg> then exams
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<smeding> forgot to join here!
<azonenberg> Lol
<smeding> thanks for reminding me
<azonenberg> Yeah, its been quiet the last few weeks because i have exams and stuff this week
<azonenberg> And i've been saving up to buy some more supplies
<azonenberg> Going to try buying a professionally made 2" wafer contact mask (well actually a sheet of several masks i'll cut apart)
<azonenberg> and do contact litho of an entire wafer at 12.5 micron design rules
<smeding> still MEMS kind of stuff? how's that going
<smeding> made anything wiggle yet?
<azonenberg> I have a design that should workj
<azonenberg> Just havent had time to fab it