ec changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a 𝕯𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝕯𝖆𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖘 slash s͔̞u͕͙p͙͓e̜̺r̼̦i̼̜o̖̬r̙̙ c̝͉ụ̧͘ḷ̡͙ţ͓̀ || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCABLE
_whitelogger has joined #elliottcable
_whitelogger has joined #elliottcable
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<alexgordon> ec
<ec> alexgordon!
<alexgordon> elliottt!
<ec> what’s up brah
<alexgordon> sitting in bed, writing code, what else
<ec> sitting in bed tryna wake up so i can go to work to write code
<alexgordon> you have a job?!
<ec> god you should see the monstrosity i was working on last night / over the last month
<ec> i’ve cobbler literally fucking six build systems together to do a thingie
<ec> yeplol
<ec> you missed the news!!!
<alexgordon> you're pregnant?!
<ec> I’m getting paid to build fucken programming languages alex
<ec> paid like, a lot
<alexgordon> wow
<alexgordon> living the dream
<ec> my dream she is the trues
<alexgordon> what programming language?
<ec> KidScript; i work for a company that’s trying to teach young kids to code
<ec> programming-education and PLT, couldn’t be more perfect.
<ec> well. a little less Ember would be nice. 🙄
<ec> luckily i touch the web stuff very little.
<ec> so check this:
<alexgordon> xD the website is kind of sparse
<ec> is the real one
<ec> count ‘em:
<alexgordon> I see camels!
<alexgordon> wow it's actually readable are you sure you wrote this?
<ec> 1. make 2. bucklescript’s bsb 3. ocaml’s dune 4. i can’t remember 5. i just woke up 6. but still
<ec> lmao so how’s life in Englandland
<ec> where do you live again? not London, rite?
<alexgordon> I live in london
<ec> Berkshire
<ec> Leeds
<alexgordon> lol no
<alexgordon> London!
<ec> uh
<ec> i’m out of British places already
<ec> all i know about Britain: Leeds sux.
<alexgordon> I don't associate with the foreigners in the rest of the country
<ec> thx Charles Stross
<ec> what’s up
<alexgordon> 😂
<ec> how the fuck do i reach you i wanted to show you something earlier this year but ur twitter is ded
<alexgordon> London is where it's at man
<ec> DM me ur digits bby
<ec> i’ll hitchu up next time i’m there
<alexgordon> I do check my twitter from time to time
<alexgordon> don't you have my email address?
<ec> do i?!
<ec> god who uses email in 2018
<ec> jesus almost 2019
<alexgordon> 6 years after the end of the world
<ec> lmaooooop
<ec> so why’d u hit me up whazzup
<ec> hopping in the shower but i’ll read
<alexgordon> my email is alextgordon at the same place everybody else's email is
<ec> hotmail? :P
<alexgordon> 😂 gmail
<ec> yahoo.
<ec> that weird secure one for drugs
<alexgordon> protonmail
<alexgordon> ^ I had to open textual to test the irc server I made and I remembered this place existed
<ec> lmaooo
<ec> IRC is over and it is very sad
<ec> I know a lot of the cultists (micah and whitequark, at least) are now in sigfig’s discord
<ec> Discord is, tbh, pretty great
<ec> good middle ground between the horrors of Slack For Opensource, and deadass Freenose
<alexgordon> yeah indeed
<ec> ah and yesssss camellllllls
<ec> OCaml stole my heart and disappeared over the horizon a couple years ago
<ec> v enamored, one true language, yadda yadda
<alexgordon> I have found the same love with typescript
<alexgordon> I never want to see another line of objective-c in my life
<ec> am fan too lmao
<alexgordon> I can't believe how many years I was writing [NSString stringWithFormat:]
<alexgordon> [NSArray arrayWithObjects:...,nil]
<ec> v excited for bob zhang to add a typescript/flowtype converter to BuckleScript/ReasonML
<alexgordon> [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:]
<alexgordon> stupid verbose fucking language
<ec> lmaooooo
<alexgordon> [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: options: error:]
<ec> who thfuck else is around here
<ec> devyn?
<ec> oh wow <20 people
<ec> sad
<alexgordon> you need to reseed ec!
<alexgordon> this place used to be happening
<ec> vilhalmer!
<ec> lmao smeh
<ec> busy also irc is dead
<alexgordon> yeah
<ec> oh oh another
<ec> micah lives here now
<ec> works a few blocks from me
<ec> is married
<ec> just got a dog
<alexgordon> married woah
<alexgordon> micah is married!
<ec> yep!
<alexgordon> did he marry a mormon?
<ec> works at Google
<alexgordon> naturally
<ec> lmao that’s actually … a really good question, i have no idea
<alexgordon> haha
<alexgordon> he lives a few blocks away and you haven't met his wife? 😂
<ec> have met, but … do not know if mormon
<alexgordon> offer her some coffee
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<vilhalmer> hello
<vilhalmer> I am in more irc channels now than before irc died
<ljharb> when did irc die
<vilhalmer> sometime after slack was released I imagine
<ljharb> irc still seems alive to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<vilhalmer> same, I was just catching up on backlog from this morning
<vilhalmer> it definitely is quiet in here though
<ljharb> 🦗🦗