ec changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a π•―π–Šπ–“ 𝖔𝖋 π•―π–Šπ–™π–Šπ–—π–’π–Žπ–“π–Šπ–‰ π•―π–†π–’π–˜π–Šπ–‘π–˜ slash sΝ”ΜžuΝ•Ν™pΝ™Ν“e̜̺rΜΌΜ¦i̼̜oΜ–Μ¬rΜ™Μ™ c̝͉α»₯Μ§Ν˜αΈ·Μ‘Ν™Ε£Ν“Μ€ || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCABLE
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> gkatsev: yep
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gkatsev: you?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jfhbrook: what!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: u goin?
<jfhbrook> hm?
<pikajude> what am i still doing in here
<pikajude> thinking emoji
<pikajude> how did i even end up in #elliottcable in the first place
<jfhbrook> idk pikajude you tell me
<pikajude> i've been here for like 6 years
<pikajude> and i've sent like 30 messages
<jfhbrook> liar
<jfhbrook> how's facebook?
<pikajude> it's fine
<pikajude> other than the whole cambridge analytica thing
<pikajude> there have been some excellent memes about zuck on twitter though
<pikajude> so
<pikajude> shrug
<jfhbrook> ahahaha yeah well
<jfhbrook> it's not like anything's gonna change it's just bad press
<pikajude> "drink the water. humans like water"
<jfhbrook> and the booster seat :)
<pikajude> working on misinformation classifiers for search actually
<pikajude> which is quite interesting
<jfhbrook> oh neat
<pikajude> got an interview offer from the startup that my old boss founded
<pikajude> that was a real thonker
<jfhbrook> oh interesting
<jfhbrook> oh
<jfhbrook> speaking of shit getting real at work
<pikajude> oof, fusion media's bones
<pikajude> owie ouch
<jfhbrook> yeah and like on the tech side
<jfhbrook> we're already running pretty bare bones, and we got like a dozen sites running on our shit now
<pikajude> oof
<jfhbrook> and in data /engineering/ we're a pretty lightweight team, only 5 of us
<jfhbrook> my coworkers are like, they can't cut us, there's nothing to cut
<jfhbrook> oh, lightweight and unique team
<pikajude> i've actually never even heard of fusion media
<ljharb> ELLIOTTCABLE: goin to what?
<pikajude> apparently for good-ish reason
<jfhbrook> right, it's relatively new
<pikajude> always interesting when your work gets in the news
<jfhbrook> it's been in there a LOT
<pikajude> didn't happen too often with godaddy except when they wrote articles about how the puppy mill commercial was in incredibly poor taste
<pikajude> which, to be fair, i fully agree with
<pikajude> oh noey
<jfhbrook> and these both link back to the og WSJ article
<pikajude> a tornado of nightmares
<jfhbrook> yeah
<jfhbrook> madeline davies said that
<pikajude> neat
<pikajude> wait so do you work for fusion
<jfhbrook> yeah
<pikajude> neat
<jfhbrook> heh
<pikajude> how's the tornado of nightmares
<jfhbrook> awful but also very much hurry up and wait
<jfhbrook> morale is low
<pikajude> oh ok
<pikajude> sounds awful
<pikajude> are you looking to go elsewhere
<jfhbrook> some people are getting out while they can (and that's not anything new, a lot of the old GMG people already split for the daily beast or squarespace)
<jfhbrook> I have the best product manager in the biz, and the second best boss I've ever had
<jfhbrook> and I'm getting paid pretty good for not being at one of the big guys
<pikajude> oh ok
<pikajude> sounds good
<jfhbrook> but I've also been cruising job listings
<jfhbrook> and I floated this idea to my boss around getting our entire team hired as a unit
<jfhbrook> for a rapidly growing startup without a comprehensive data strategy
<jfhbrook> but it's also 5 of us
<pikajude> a rapidly growing startup :')
<jfhbrook> right I know it sounds like something a recruiter brags about
<jfhbrook> but we know how to instrument sites and build data pipelines
<pikajude> sure
<pikajude> everyone could use a functional data engineering team
<pikajude> i have 4 1 on 1s in a row today
<pikajude> that's gonna be fun
<jfhbrook> hoo boy
<jfhbrook> anyway yeah, wondering if I can shop us around as a group like that
<jfhbrook> I mean realistically that's not gonna happen but I dropped the idea and we'll see
<jfhbrook> what's more likely is that in the next 6 months morale continues to be rough, and I decide that I have the skills to apply to something that sounds leet and go from there
<pikajude> it's always worth a shot
<jfhbrook> yeah I mean
<jfhbrook> like I said I love my team here
<jfhbrook> and my product manager loves the product team more generally (they're good people)
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<pikajude> i've never gotten attached to a team
<pikajude> no idea what it'slike
<jfhbrook> I mean
<jfhbrook> I usually get emotionally attached to my team to an extent, after all I collaborate with them closely every day
<pikajude> right
<pikajude> most people do that
<jfhbrook> but like I also have known our PM for years, I got her this gig
<pikajude> fully understandable
<pikajude> i don't get emotionally attached to people at work
<jfhbrook> my boss shared a link to a python intro session to the analytics team and they were like, oh, see you there!
<jfhbrook> my boss obviously is pretty well versed in python at this point in her career
<pikajude> nice
<jfhbrook> anyway, yeah, dunno, willing to stick it out for now but not exactly happy
<pikajude> right
<jfhbrook> and like I mighta already said I'm actually positioned pretty well in terms of jobs
<pikajude> yes
<jfhbrook> like it'd be nice to have another year of this data stuff under my belt but I have enough to get picked up doing something similar to what I'm doing now, or maybe more hackerly/interesting
<jfhbrook> I do data engineering these days, a bit of a shift from the nodejs backends I was doing before
<pikajude> data engineering sounds...boring
<jfhbrook> wait why?! it's so cool
<pikajude> yeah
<jfhbrook> like writing ingesters for a data warehouse not as much, perhaps
<pikajude> i don't actually know what's involved in it
<pikajude> it just sounds boring
<pikajude> but it's probably fun
<jfhbrook> well like, so data products at the end of the day are like, ok on a schedule, pull data from somewhere, crunch it, munge it, mapreduce it, whatever, then store the results somewhere, then kick off a task that, say, imports that into a database, or whatever
<pikajude> ya
<jfhbrook> you orchestrate complex data pipelines w/ deps by building a dependency graph and then executing the whole shebang
<pikajude> maybe that couldbe fun
<pikajude> hmm
<pikajude> it's like a rube goldberg machine
<pikajude> mmmyea
<pikajude> ok
<pikajude> now i can empathize
<jfhbrook> so like apache/airbnb's airflow, or spotify's luigi, plus some jenkins
<jfhbrook> yeah exactly, total rube goldberg
<jfhbrook> but yeah, for a data warehouse you import the data to something that can do sql queries
<jfhbrook> so redshift is a good option, presto/hive is also doable esp for large datasets
<jfhbrook> if you use aws you're obviously using s3 for blob storage
<jfhbrook> anyway, if it's in the data warehouse you can slap a visualization/reports tool on top of it, a BI tool, like PowerBI or Looker or Domo or whatever, shrug, call it a day
<jfhbrook> some work to spruce up your datasets but you're not building out dashboards manually anymore
<jfhbrook> but big data stuff is way more interesting imo
<jfhbrook> like same shit but bigger queries with bigger tech (presto is common here but we're using spark at FMG)
<jfhbrook> but also, you need to expose the results of those pipelines to end users, and you want to make it so your data scientists aren't overwhelmed by ops or plumbing and can concentrate on hacking up algorithms
<jfhbrook> so lots and lots of platform engineering challenges here
<jfhbrook> the thing you were talking about, with the new algorithm at work, that sounds like a MR task
<pikajude> MR
<pikajude> did i miss what MR means in that list of messages
<jfhbrook> mapreduce
<pikajude> oh ok
<pikajude> i have no idea
<pikajude> it might be
<jfhbrook> see? facebook built a platform C:
<pikajude> i'm not working on classification, i'm working on meta-classification
<jfhbrook> hmmm
<pikajude> building the tool that we can use to define rules for the search results page
<gkatsev> ELLIOTTCABLE: yup, I'm going
<gkatsev> ljharb: ELLIOTTCABLE was asking about jsconf us, most likely
<jfhbrook> ELLIOTTCABLE oh right, yeah, I mostly work in python these days and I'm still doing some light scala
<pikajude> scala LUL
<pikajude> "hey, what if we put every possible feature into a programming language?"
<jfhbrook> yeah pikajude it's hilarious but I also kinda like it
<jfhbrook> they're mostly good features tho
<jfhbrook> like even implicit conversions are ok in my book these days
<jfhbrook> that said
<jfhbrook> I kinda wanna learn like
<jfhbrook> haskell, or ocaml
<pikajude> i like haskell better
<pikajude> but i don't actually use it for work ever of course
<pikajude> since it's a toy language
<pikajude> but i do spend my time at home rebuilding the react stuff from work in reflex
<pikajude> for a sense of catharsis
<pikajude> since i've got nothing else to do at home other than play overwatch
<jfhbrook> right, I feel like haskell would make me feel good and nice about some kinda fun simple thing but that I'd only really use it irl if I needed deep integration w/ pandocd
<jfhbrook> pandoc*
<jfhbrook> but people actually use ocaml for irl things, right?
<pikajude> i think so
<jfhbrook> oh yeah, that's the other potential work thing
<pikajude> i mean haskell's quite goo
<pikajude> d
<jfhbrook> show up at a hedge fund all "I know basic scala hire me"
<pikajude> at stuff
<pikajude> just nobody uses it
<pikajude> scala has become the functional language of the moment
<jfhbrook> and get paid etc
<jfhbrook> the idea of banking up retirement coin appeals to me
<pikajude> haskell allegedly has a very efficient runtime
<pikajude> retirement-coin
<jfhbrook> right!
<pikajude> retirecoin
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<ljharb> ah, yeah i won't be going to confs for awhile what with the spawn and all
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<jfhbrook> bring them along
<ljharb> lol i doubt that'd fly
<gkatsev> ljharb: you have baby? congrats
<jfhbrook> yeah I guess the jsconf I know isn't SUPER kid friendly
<gkatsev> there'll be free onsite childcare :D
<pikajude> never been to a conf
<pikajude> are they fun
<jfhbrook> yeah pikajude
<jfhbrook> it depends on the conf and what you're actually interested in but
<jfhbrook> some conferences have fantastic talks, and others are really good for networking
<jfhbrook> and a lot of them are just in like really nice places
<jfhbrook> so like jsconf back in the day was often at a florida resort
* joepie91 prefers hacker confs and squatconf
<jfhbrook> awesome pool, multiple bars snacks
<jfhbrook> expensive as fuck though
<jfhbrook> compare to nodeconf summercamp way back in the day--only maybe 100 people, all hacker types, lots of just standing around a campfire smoking weed with ryan dahl
<joepie91> lol
<jfhbrook> or strata nyc--massive conference, 18 tracks, lots of really interesting shit but hard to make friends
<jfhbrook> big data is also like pretty stodgy because only large orgs, like corporations, have enough data to justify even squinting in hadoop's general direction
<jfhbrook> anyway pikajude it really depends but if you're gonna go to a conf those are some things to look for
<jfhbrook> I suspect if you went to jsconf us you'd like, get to meet some chill peeps and you said you've been adjacent to some react so the talks will probably be relevant, if a little soft
<jfhbrook> and if the new venue is anything like the old one it should be ultra chillax
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<jfhbrook> our entire marketing team just got laid off, wholesale
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<joepie91> uh..
<joepie91> jfhbrook: that... does not sound healthy?
<jfhbrook> joepie91: work is going to hell in a handbasket, did you miss the link
<joepie91> jfhbrook: been busy with work, had no time to read it
<joepie91> jfhbrook: I'm guessing this is a good moment to archive the entire thing on the quiet?
<jfhbrook> yeah exactly
<jfhbrook> haven't written the script yet
<jfhbrook> I should just do that now
<jfhbrook> like they're not gonna axe kinja they have like a dozen brands on it
<jfhbrook> oof that was a lot of typing
<jfhbrook> didn't want to deal with github api shenanigans so manually wrote down the repo names that matter
<jfhbrook> anyway, they'd be fools to axe kinja, and sameer has basically already said that isn't happening
<jfhbrook> that said I might still get laid off
<ljharb> gkatsev: ty
<joepie91> jfhbrook: good luck :/
<jfhbrook> yeah thanks
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