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<devyn> haskell is fun
<devyn> in haskell it's
<devyn> product [1..6]
<devyn> er
<devyn> I should say n
<devyn> lol
<devyn> product [1..n]
<devyn> as a whole,
<devyn> factorial n = product [1..n]
<devyn> main = putStrLn . show $ factorial 6
<devyn> put all that in a file, done
<vigs> I don't know anything about it, but that (1..n) reminded me of a snippet of haskell I saw recently
<vigs> maybe sometime this summer, I'll buy a book or something
<devyn> learnyouahaskell is nice to get started
<devyn> it's free online
<vigs> oooh, I like that!
<vigs> it's very pretty
<devyn> yeah
<vigs> I DO enjoy physical books, though…it'd be nice to add to my collection
<devyn> well you can buy it too!
<vigs> buuuut $50 a pop…maybe I'll wait until I'm ready to start learning it lol
<devyn> well, yeah
<devyn> books are expensive
<vigs> Yeah
<vigs> I've bought a couple used for a good price
<vigs> I have the first edition of The C Programming Language; bought that for $5 :P
<devyn> real world haskell is great too, but much more dry
<vigs> (Granted, it's not the one that's updated for ANSI C, but it's still a nice resource, and a very neat historical thingy)
<vigs> ah yes, the animals-on-covers variety
<whitequark> tell me about expensive books http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/9994589997
<devyn> that's an O'Reilly thing
<devyn> in general
<vigs> yeah, THAT publisher
<devyn> holy wow
<devyn> lol
<vigs> whitequark: holy shit, is that MADE of plutonium or something?
<whitequark> I dunno, it's not even that old. 1980
<devyn> that says they're selling it $190
<devyn> but obviously not first edition or anything
<devyn> lol
<devyn> or is that not the same one
<whitequark> same
<vigs> The person in charge of this account tweeted what I did when I accidentally opened emacs and couldn't get out: https://twitter.com/CBSSportsNBA/status/594693249656205314
<incomprehensibly> inimino: ah right
<incomprehensibly> whitequark: i really like the idea of languages/computing models like that, where you throw a bunch of things in a pot and then they interact and don't have to be built to interact with each other
<incomprehensibly> whitequark: seems very very hard to design it in a way that scales to any degree but i like it a lot
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<whitequark> don't think it can be possible at all
<whitequark> like, at best you can put a lot of effort into making them SEEM that way
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I am *so* hungover
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 2:21 PM <+whitequark> let's deprecate socializing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: no reviews, lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: so … the web?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's pretty much *the premise* of the web
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: no reviews?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the book you linked, whatever it is
<whitequark> plutonium handbook
<whitequark> plutonium chemistry is really fascinating, metallurgy even more so
<ELLIOTTCABLE> F-series pickup lines
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B2TESUQ what do you think about this, for the price, whitequark?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've got a solder-sucker fan, but it's small. And real vent hoods are Fucking Expensive™, And Also Large™
<whitequark> this is what for?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fumey things. although now I suddenly can't remember why it's in my Amazon wishlist.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I swear I had a reason other than soldering, but … welp
<whitequark> don't really need one for soldering
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yah, aware
<whitequark> even if being paranoid, i'd use a respirator, since the fume hood would just unnecessarily inhibit your access to the PCB
<ELLIOTTCABLE> What the crap is ‘intentional programming’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anybody aware of any CS concept named ‘intent’ or ‘intents?’ I'm about to apply meaning to that word, and I don't want to overload it
<whitequark> eDSL invented by enterprise programers
<whitequark> *mm
<whitequark> you can ignore that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the fuck is an eDSL
<whitequark> actually, no, not an eDSL, just a DSL
<whitequark> domain-specific language.
<whitequark> (eDSL means "embedded DSL", like all the Ruby's things that look like "route do root '/' path '/x' => Y end")
<whitequark> basically a language that's developed specifically for your task at hand.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> very familiar with DSLs, just never seen the e taggedo n.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I grew up in ruby, yo :P
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<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: it shows
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<inimino> an eDSL is a DSL that's actually a subset of or a creative application of an existing language
<ELLIOTTCABLE> inimino: … then I misunderstand what a DSL is.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Because I thought that was literally what a DSL is: a non-language, but almost-a-language by dint of the flexibility of the *actual* language being worked in
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if it's *not* an eDSL … i.e. it's self-hosted … then isn't it basically just “a language,” instead of a DSL?
<inimino> ELLIOTTCABLE: A DSL is just a domain-specific language, such as SQL. It could be embedded or it could be something you have to write an interpreter for.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *SQL's* a DSL? Yeah, I take back everything I said, I have no idea what a DSL is, then.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I think DSL, I think “creatively applying syntactic sugar.”
<inimino> SQL isn't the canonical example of a DSL, but I'd say it clearly qualifies.
<inimino> or something like ANTLR
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: no, eDSL is creatively applying syntactic sugar
<whitequark> DSL, however, is just a language that's less general than anything general-purpose
<whitequark> eDSLs are evil and we need less of them, tbh
<inimino> languages like lisp encourage them
<whitequark> lisp is sort of "special" with its syntax
<whitequark> you could say that lisp is a eDSL of itself :p
<whitequark> what's harmful is trying to creatively abuse Ruby
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: I just can't understand how the silicon-sphere approach is viable
<whitequark> why not?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is the density of a silicone lattice so constant that it's as reliable as the aforementioned speed of light in a vaccuum?
<whitequark> absolutely
<whitequark> silicon*
<whitequark> not silicone
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Maybe I'm just not a fan of chemistry, but it seems so wishy-washy compared to basis physical constants
<whitequark> it's not much of chemistry. it's crystallography and metallurgy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I Know Little, But I Know That
<whitequark> but the thing is
<whitequark> it's incredibly reliable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: harmful, how?
<whitequark> if you actually grow a monocrystal of silicon, and due to people being obsessed with shiny rectangles we are incredibly fucking good at growing really pure monocrystals of silicon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's my highest goal in life to make a ‘better ruby’ / ‘better lisp.’
<whitequark> then it's as good standard as any
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a language in which customizing the language is as trivial as working in the language is one of the few things I actually *care* much about, in programming
<whitequark> but you don't customize ruby
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Lisp is beautiful, but not far enough; Ruby is far enough, but not as beautiful (conceptually, not practically)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, exactly.
<whitequark> not far enough?
<inimino> why are you talking about silicon spheres?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> inimino: twitter link
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 1:03 PM <inimino> why are you talking about silicon spheres?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I miss purr >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “if you actually grow a monocrystal of silicon, and due to people being obsessed with shiny rectangles we are incredibly fucking good at growing really pure monocrystals of silicon”
<whitequark> inimino: i tweeted about project avogadro which retrofitted russian uranium enrichment centrifuges to enrich silicon
<inimino> oh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> from shiny rectangles to fundamental constants
<whitequark> on topic of crystallic lattice.
<whitequark> how do you actually figure out how a lattice looks like? using X-ray crystallography
<whitequark> so... you know all that thing about light behaving like a wave? diffraction, interference, etc
<whitequark> if you shine X-rays on something crystallic
<whitequark> might be a piece of silicon, or metal, or DNA, or a protein--the last one is one of the main methods of determining structure today--it will produce an interference picture on a screen
<whitequark> a series of white and black blobs
<whitequark> by applying FFT to the picture, you can get the 3D structure back.
<whitequark> imagine this: there's a truly mindboggling amount of atoms in a silicon sphere
<inimino> is that how that works?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh god bash.org; I forgot completely about this
<whitequark> and they all contrive to place light rays falling an an appropriate angle into one particular area on a screen
<whitequark> inimino: which part?
<inimino> whitequark: actually the whole thing, I never had any idea how X-ray crystallography worked
<whitequark> well yeah, that should be a decent overview
<inimino> I just knew Watson and Crick benefited from it
<whitequark> with simple crystals you can literally look at the picture and think about it and figure it out
<whitequark> bcc fcc this kind of stuff
<whitequark> with proteins it's a fairly massive computational job
<whitequark> I'll do some crystallography someday
<whitequark> you can get CMOS dental x-ray sensors for relatively cheap
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark's apartment: the safest place in Russia.
<whitequark> and with those, the energies are fairly minor, though you still should get proper shielding and such
<inimino> I also don't get how you can x-ray image a single molecule like DNA
<whitequark> youcan't
<whitequark> you need to crystallize it
<whitequark> a few micrograms at /least/
<whitequark> that's one of the major issues with x-ray crystallography in life sciences
<whitequark> some proteins just /refuse/ to crystallize
<whitequark> some of the key proteins I must say. iirc transmembrane proteins are particularly prone
<whitequark> so we have no clue how they look
<whitequark> or how they work
<whitequark> you can try to fold them in silico but a) our supercomputers are not even close to doing it in reasonable time
<whitequark> b) often you can do several alternative foldings, some of which are even lower-energy than the actual one
<whitequark> i.e. kinetically, not thermodynamically stable
<whitequark> so you have something like chaperone-assisted folding in a real cell
<whitequark> "fold it by this template"
<inimino> yeah, actually the idea that you could just randomly crystallize arbitrary biological molecules isn't something I would have expected to work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, is today April 1st?
<whitequark> inimino: you actually often can.
<whitequark> like in 30% of cases
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: around?
<whitequark> semi-related, did you know that membranes are technically classified as liquid crystals?
<inimino> I did not
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have a vial of my favourite scotch. I keep it at my desk, and when I get sad, I rip it open and take a big sniff. http://i.ell.io/10inG
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Does this make me an addict?
<inimino> what has to happen for you to drink it?
<inimino> is Hedonism a scotch or a perfume?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Oh, I have bottles of the stuff. This is just small, and unobtrusive, and modern-looking, and funnily enough I rarely actually **drink** anything, so I don't open my scotch-cabinet.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> But nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoy the smell; it brings back all sorts of happy memories, and just plain makes me happy.
<whitequark> >scotch-cabinet
<whitequark> ಠ_ಠ
<inimino> I admit to a fondness for the stuff.
<purr\GH> [by] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/by/commit/304046ced87c41d4002f9ce9adf8b67f9380f204
<purr\GH> by/master 304046c ELLIOTTCABLE: CNAME. How was this not previously necessary?
<whitequark> "Data is cheap to store and send in the United States, but expensive in many other parts of the world. " HAHAHAHAHA
* whitequark looks at the $40/mo unlimited gigabit fiber available to most of Moscow with no contract or substantial setup cost
<whitequark> tell me more about it
<whitequark> that being said, their algo makes sense, it's essentially an evolution of JPEG, throwing out anything that humans can't notice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: why ಠ_ಠ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> are you not aware of my scotch collection?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> rephrased: *how* are you not aware
<ELLIOTTCABLE> looking for a photo of it in my drops, I came across this gem
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://ell.io/iZi8J+
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> a scotch collection is /so much/ of a status symbol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what, really? everybody I know hates the stuff.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> chellio and I are the only people I know who'll touch it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> unfortunately.
<whitequark> not mutually exclusive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> status symbol, to me, is like, audio gear. or a 3d printer.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe I have weird friends.
<whitequark> I mean, you aren't required to enjoy a status symbol. more like, many status symbols are absolutely intolerable if not for their social consequences
<whitequark> alcohol IS a status symbol, by and large
<whitequark> a few people genuinely enjoy it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> subtext: “Scotch whiskey is absolutely intolerable.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> love it. :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> man, russians are weird
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, the majority of people I know seriously, seriously enjoy drinking. Way more than I do.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *Different* alcohols, but still
<whitequark> exact opposite for me
<whitequark> I think I know, like, three people who actually enjoy alcohol?
<whitequark> I mean, I can force myself to drink it if I can't just stand up and leave
<whitequark> shrug
<vigs> make friends with college students, that number will shoot up so fast
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm pretty sure it's specific to my social circle; but there's very little (unusually little) pressure to drink. There's several (but a very small number) who don't drink at all; and the ones who do, all enjoy it and drink quite a bit (too much?) when they're not alone, too.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: lemme rephrase to be more correct in general
<whitequark> alcohol widely appears as a status symbol in our society
<whitequark> it's especially apparent if you look at the higher-en
<whitequark> d
<whitequark> the wine reviews are pretty much the same thing as audiophiles write
<whitequark> and for same reason
<whitequark> it's grape water. done, over, next
<whitequark> which is to say, you can objectively enjoy expensive grape water more than cheap but exact same grape water. well-known effect
<whitequark> or expensive grape water with a good review, possibly generated by a markov bot, as opposed to expensive grape water without one
<whitequark> doesn't have to do anything with the actual properties of it; still has social impact
<whitequark> which is pretty much a definition of a status symbol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hm that's cool
<vigs> ELLIOTTCABLE: omg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but wish it posted with Droplr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (using the share pane in iOS; didn't notice there was an IRCcloud plugin)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> k, I'm off bbl
<vigs> Maybe one day I'll grow out of the college thing and actually have high-end stuff in my apartment (that lasts past the weekend following the purchase date)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh god my dad's sending me memes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> of my Internet handles, wtf
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes thxdad vmuch http://ell.io/i1lBON+?.png
<vigs> hahahaha
<whitequark> wat
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