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Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out a solution to fix a build error that appeared after Crystal 1.x's release on one of my projects . I went through a bunch of issues on the shards' project board (eg. but I did not really find a consensus in the discussions about a solution for the issue.
Will you recommend to bump the `crystal` version to 1.0.0 in my project and all my dependencies? (it looks like an unnecessary constraint to me as technically theses projects worked fine with crystal < 1.x)
Also, if this is the way to go, do you have some plans to update projects like crystal_lib,,, etc. to depend on crystal > 1.x as well? (I can help out with that if it's what you want to do)
I'm going to give it a shot, thank you for sharing :)
So ">= 0.35.0" doesn't have the implicit "< 1.0.0"?
Nice, it looks like it doesn't :)
Small question for the core team: I'm planning to propose updates for shards.yml of, crystal_lib, & Should I switch the Crystal dependency declaration to ">= 0.y.z" or to "1.0.0" ?
<asterite> If it works with both versions, the first form
<> Hi, I have troubles building a static binary with the alpine image 1.0.0. I run `docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/workspace -w /workspace crystallang/crystal:1.0.0-alpine ./` with containing β β ```code paste, see link``` []
<> ok IΒ needed `yaml-static`
<> Hi guys, for some reason I can't find mastodon (activitypub) librairies in crystal, but I saw ... so it seems such librairies exist. Are you aware of such libs ?
<Blacksmoke16> using a module is the ideal way when making interfaes
<Blacksmoke16> interfaces*
<djberg96> Understood, I was just trying to most closely copy the Go example
<Blacksmoke16> just because you can do more with them. I.e. include multiple modules into another module and include them into both classes and structs
<Blacksmoke16> could also combine the two. I.e. abstract parent class that includes the interface
<djberg96> yep!
<kingsleyh> Beware when using Github actions - a scammer sent a pull request to my repo that modified my Github actions config file to run a mining bot net for the cyrptocurrency Monero when the PR runs in the github actions CI. Looks like he's automated this to run like this on over 300 repos
<Blacksmoke16> without merging the PR?
<kingsleyh> yeah
<kingsleyh> the GH action runs as soon as the PR is created
<kingsleyh> the author closed it themselves immediately - probably hoping I would not spot it
<kingsleyh> because you can keep re-running it even when it's closed
<kingsleyh> also you can't delete the PR - only GH support can do that
<kingsleyh> GH support deleted the PR and the scammers account now
<Blacksmoke16> nice
that's Github's problem, though
And they should have mechanisms to detect such malicious behaviour
<kingsleyh> yeah - but it's annoying for this kind of PR to arrive in my repo and I can't even delete it lol
yeah, that's true
<Blacksmoke16> and now there'll be a gap in the PR numbers :P
<kingsleyh> hehhe
<rishavs> Checking back into Crystal after a while. I have just updated to v1. But now my shards updates are failing; β β ```code paste, see link``` β β is there something that I am missing? []
<Blacksmoke16> looks like you'll need to use `--ignore-crystal-version` or update `helmet`
<rishavs> thanks both of you!
<rishavs> I was surprised because I thought that clearly so many core libs cannot be be left un-updated for this long. Therefore, I must be doing something wrong. :/
<Blacksmoke16> helmet is like 4 years old so that doesnt surprise me :P
<Blacksmoke16> be easy enough to just define your own handler to do that versus using that dep tho
IDK about your system, but my system does not let me launch shell scripts like described.
bin/crystal is a shell, and altough it works with ./, it does not so with crystal --version, as shown.
<Blacksmoke16> what system are you on then?
<Blacksmoke16> the idea is you link `bin/crystal` to some dir on your PATH, then you can
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And I did that
Well, maybe usr/local/bin is not in my path
<Blacksmoke16> that would do it
Still, a text file is no binary, so I find that a bit confusing.
That ln -s command is just an example. Do whatevery fits for you to place bin/crystal in your PATH if you want to run it as crystal
Well, stack works from the same directory, so it is likely in here.
I mean the --version example.
How to make Crystal Formatter working with VSCode? I'd like o run the format after every file save. It does do nothing at the moment. I have to go to the terminal and run 'crystal tool format' to do that
<Blacksmoke16> using the plugin?
shalokshalom, yes that `crystal --version` is just to verify that the installation was successful
Yeah, it is already in the path.
echo $PATH
And stack works also from here
ls -l /usr/local/bin/crystal
Why could a link change the nature of the text file?
It is already ther.e
it doesn't, it just places it in path
you can run the shell wrapper directly, if you want
How could a text file be called as a binary?
it doesn't?
it's a shell script
And shell scripts are always called with ./
The VSCode plugin Crystal Formatter does not work out of box.
Well, it does here on Linux.
Are you on MacOS?
it doesn't matter if an executable is a script or a binary, if it's in PATH you can run it by its name
Idk why that doesn't work for you
This has been explained to me like 6 years ago, as one of the first things I learned about Linux.
I could never run shell scripts, the way you describe it.
On no distro.
<Blacksmoke16> do you need to make it executable?
well, I can run `echo "#! /bin/sh\necho Hello World" > /usr/bin/hello; chmod +x /usr/bin/hello; hello` on any distro, and the shell script executes
(on some distros echo needs -e flag, but that's unrelated)
<> shalokshalom, yes. it's just not true what you're saying
<> what I ran: `echo 'echo foo' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/foo; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/foo; foo`
<> shalokshalom, seems that your symlink is to `'[/home/shalokshalom/Dokumente/crystal-1.0.0-1/bin/crystal]'` rather than to `/home/shalokshalom/Dokumente/crystal-1.0.0-1/bin/crystal`
I originally did and changed this
The [] come with the documentation and I assumed they have some hidden meaning.
so what happens if you run /usr/local/bin/crystal directly?
not found
Its not a binary.
<> it's a broken symlink ffs
<> yes the fact that you thought it's some hidden meaning is the big fault of the documentation
and `readlink /usr/local/bin/crystal`
<> please delete that symlink and create it anew
<> without square brackets now
Yep, that works. Seems like my previous change did not get accepted, probably because I did try it from the normal user account.
oprypin: No, its my fault. Altough its usually described without brackets and more like /add/path/here or something.
it's because ln -s doesn't override existing links
So shell scripts in paths get evaluated as executables
Nice to know.
And that works without LLVM?
Since I am on 11 here, and I read that is not supported yet.
<> ? what's the relation to LLVM
<> oh it's a separate question
<> i think you'll be fine. you dont need llvm at all to use crystal. just to compile *crystal itself*. and even then llvm 11 may sometimes work
<noaheverett_twitter> even though I see the character I read into the buf and re-written back out on the client side tool I'm using to debug
<noaheverett_twitter> how can I access the string/character contained in `buf`?
Crystal strings are immutable and have a different memory layout than C strings
so you shouldn't use `String` for C interop
<noaheverett_twitter> @straight-shoota ok good to know, in this instance (i'm a bit over my head on low level c stuff / pointers) which should the buf type be? Ironically this code "works" as it echoes the characters I type back to me, but just not viewable in the puts line
yeah, it works because you can pass a `String` instance to a C function, which is automatically mapped to a C char pointer by `String#to_unsafe`
but you can't read into a String that way
best use a `Slice(UInt8)` instead
you can then create a Crystal string using ``
<noaheverett_twitter> @straight-shoota that worked! Thank you very much. Coming from the Ruby world I'm working to get my head wrapped around Slices/Pointers etc...thank you again for the direction
<MrSorcus> > *<straight-shoota>* best use a `Slice(UInt8)` instead β β Or `Bytes`as short alias π
<noaheverett_twitter> @MrSorcus that worked too, good to know thank you!
<RespiteSage> Is working for anyone else?
<MrSorcus> @RespiteSage yeah, i can open.
<> @RespiteSage: it fails to run code, yea
<RespiteSage> Okay, cool. Glad to know it isn't just me.
<RespiteSage> Is there an issue that I can follow?
jhass, seems down
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Is anybody using VSCode with working format on save for *.cr files? I can't set it up.
<riffraff169> what would be the best way to initialize an array of structs (or hash, whatever) with a bunch of static values?
<Blacksmoke16> is this array immutable?
<riffraff169> it will never change, so it could be in an external file and parsed and read in, but being in the code is no problem either
<riffraff169> yeah, basically
<Blacksmoke16> use a tuple and a const
<Blacksmoke16> if it'll never change would a tuple not be better?
why would it`
<Blacksmoke16> wouldnt the array still need memory allocated when a tuple wouldnt
<Blacksmoke16> even if its a const
yes, but it doesn't matter
it's a one time heap allocation
<riffraff169> i might change to a hash with a key being one of the values in the item, better for indexing rather than a search
but even a tuple is likely allocated on the heap, unless it's only ever used in a local variable
<riffraff169> well, this program will most likely be a one and done type parses some input, indexes with the data to get some more information, then outputs results, and quits
<riffraff169> so not sure memory will really be an issue
Yes, so don't worry about it. Just use an array.
<riffraff169> so for each item, actually a struct could work, but a hash would work just as well...just a hash of hashes
<riffraff169> hmmm
<riffraff169> thanks, i just needed to talk it out
<Blacksmoke16> > *<straight-shoota>* but even a tuple is likely allocated on the heap, unless it's only ever used in a local variable β β ah interesting
<riffraff169> so for clarification, what would be the benefits/drawbacks of tuple vs array?
<riffraff169> more in a long term program...short term probably wont notice
<riffraff169> or even hash, although hash can be indexed by non-numeric key
there are none. Tuple is not really an approriate data type for that use case.
<riffraff169> i mean just in general
<riffraff169> why would one use a tuple over an array, or vice versa?
I don't think there should ever by a reason to use a tuple over an array. If you can use an array, you should use an array.
tuples are just a container of anonymous variables.
<riffraff169> hmm
`tuple = {"foo", 1}` is more or less just something like `tuple_1 = "foo"; tuple_2 = 1` and a common way to address all indexed variables as `tuple`.
<riffraff169> if you are to return a group a values from a function, in c, for example, you have to create a struct and return it (on the heap of course) crystal, an array would be just as good as a tuple, or better
<riffraff169> hmm
Main use case is if a method returns two different value but you don't want to define a proper data type for that
<riffraff169> i see
tuple members can be completely unrelated data type
<riffraff169> yeah, thats not really the case here, it is strictly defined in the array
arrays on the other hand are a collection of instances of a specific type
<riffraff169> in this case, every entry is `String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32`
<riffraff169> actually, Int16 would even work, probably even Int8 (the numbers dont even reach triple digits)
there's also a stack-allocated collection type called StaticArray, that could technically be an alternative for Array in some case. But it's usually not worth to think about.
<> @Blacksmoke16: tuple can give you a small runtime advantage but i suspect it gives a big compiletime disadvantage, and also is semantically technically wrong as straight-shoota is saying
<riffraff169> or should it be `weapons = [...]`
I don't know what you want to do here
<Blacksmoke16> prob easier to store it as JSON or something then load it in then you're not coupling your code with the static data
<riffraff169> weapons will be a hash of weapon name, and values for the weapon
okay, so no array at all
<riffraff169> you maybe that would be is static, never changing, but i could save it in a file and read it in
<asterite> Introduce a Weapon type that's a class?
<riffraff169> no, i was just seeing what type of internal crystal class the weapons var turned out to be (since it was basically created dynamically, ie, no type information)
<riffraff169> going to be parsing a file that will have descriptions and information, one of which will be a weapon spelled out...going to find that weapon name, index into this data, and get the relevant numerical information about it
<riffraff169> it could be an array where i use `.select` to find the specific entry i want, but adding a hash key doesnt add a lot and might make the code easier
Yeah, hash is probably a better data structure than array if you want name-based lookup
<riffraff169> ok, lets figure out yaml parsing
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<riffraff169> hmm, i dont see yaml in api, but i do see json...wonder if it moved
<riffraff169> ah man, left panel didnt scroll all the way to the bottom...its still there
<riffraff169> is it best to use `getter a : Int32` or just `@a : Int32` if it is immutable data (for YAML::Serializable)
<Blacksmoke16> you'd need a getter if you want to actually access it
<riffraff169> ah ok, there we go then
<Blacksmoke16> id also define these types as structs
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<riffraff169> yeah...i see property in the yaml examples, is that different from a getter? where could i see that in the docs?
<Blacksmoke16> property defines a getter and setter
<riffraff169> ah ok i dont need a setter, so im good, thanks
<Blacksmoke16> but as you said this data is immutable, so no need for a setter, and no need for it to be a class either imo
<riffraff169> okay, great, got yaml::serializable working and parsing the yaml data, that much easier...
<riffraff169> comes in as YAML::Any, of course, although i can still index it by name...
<riffraff169> great, all working, fantastic
<Blacksmoke16> if you're using serializable it shouldnt come in as yaml any
<Blacksmoke16> make sure you're using like `Type.from_yaml` not `YAML.parse`
<riffraff169> ah, i am using yaml.parse
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<riffraff169> is there an example somewhere, a github project or something someone knows about, where i can see examples of from_yaml being used?
<Blacksmoke16> what are you having trouble with?
<riffraff169> just a sec, testing something...
<Blacksmoke16> π
<riffraff169> getting `Unhandled exception: Missing YAML attribute: name at line 1, column 1 (YAML::ParseException)`, trying to track that down
<Blacksmoke16> can you share your types and an example of the data structure you have setup?
<riffraff169> yes, here we go
<riffraff169> These are the structs: ```
<Blacksmoke16> the value is no longer another hahs
<riffraff169> ah, should be `.`
<riffraff169> getter of a struct
<riffraff169> exactly, got it
<riffraff169> first time ive ever used the yaml module for crystal...because of the static typing, more involved than ruby
<Blacksmoke16> a bit yea, but is a lot safer type wise
<riffraff169> i like type safety, i did most of my programming in c, but you end up writing your own parsers often, where i knew the data types before hand
<riffraff169> yaml kind of has no types, or all types, so anything could be anything at any time
<riffraff169> you really have to have a schema
<Blacksmoke16> right, ofc serializable stuff doesnt work if the data is dynamic
<Blacksmoke16> have to know it ahead of time
<riffraff169> at one company we had a a precommit hook for git that would run a schema verifier against the yaml data files for our ansible code, and if it failed it wouldnt commit
<riffraff169> and if you created a new file, you had to create a schema to go with it
<riffraff169> so made it more structured than basically free-form
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<HertzDevil> thinking if we really need to tie language versioning and stdlib versioning together
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<asterite> Good point. I think there were discussions around that
<> is there any plans to make concurrency a bit more easier to use, currently making something concurrent is a bit annoying and waiting for one to finish is a bit annoying as well
@zomatree0 Yes, there's plans like
That seems like a little bit sparse as information.
the many assignment operators are just combinations with other operators
Yeah, I know
yeah byte shift is the original meaning of `<<`. But the language just defines the existence of operators, not their behaviour. So `<<` is also used for appending.
It just looks overwhelming at first