yb66_gitlab: do you know all browser names beforehand?
if yes, you could create fields for them with a marco
but actually, probably cleaner/safer to have a class/struct for the body of each browser (assuming it's always identical) and populating it by iterating over the unmapped keys
mm, from a macro, if I have a method from `@type.methods`, can I append something to its documentation section?
Each `spawn` call requires 8kb of memory?
asterite: ooops, duplicated `channel`. Anyway, it doesn't change the output from valgrind X-)
<asterite> I don't have time to dig into that code, but vallgrind shows memory allocations not only through GC
asterite: Oh, ok.
can i somehow change the stdout/stderr of the current process to an IO of my choice?
(i want to capture the output instead of letting it through to stdout)
raz: IO::Memory?
yup, but how do i point STDOUT/STDERR to it?
<Blacksmoke16> can you do it the other way? supply the io you want to write to?
nope, i need to capture all output that would normally go to stdout
<Blacksmoke16> how is it currently being sent to stdout? `puts "foo"`?
yup, for example
in ruby you can just re-assign $stdout. i'm looking for the equivalent in crystal :)
<Blacksmoke16> id vote you just dont do that
<Blacksmoke16> like to be clear `puts "foo"` is the same as `STDOUT.puts "foo"`, when you could just do like `io.puts "foo"` where io could be like `io : IO = STDOUT`
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. allow using a diff io but default to stdout
but then athena might never have a pre-forking webserver 😏
<Blacksmoke16> what data is being sent to stdout anyway?
logging from the forked workers
<Blacksmoke16> cant use MT mode?
not production ready and slower than multi-process
also less robust even when it's ready
<Blacksmoke16> diff logging backend that doesnt use STDOUT?
won't capture other prints to stdout that the user may have
<Blacksmoke16> i should hope someone isnt using `puts` in prod..
<Blacksmoke16> could you redefine top level `puts` method?
but that's not pretty and probably not robust either
i don't want to capture Log, i want to capture STDOUT/STDERR
you can use freopen to point fd 1 to something different
now we are talking
thx, will look into that - that will most likely do it
hmpf, so close. but no way to get the FileDescriptor from an IO::Stapled or IO::Pipe it seems 😔
raz, why arent u just using systemd
cause it doesn't solve the problem. also docker
well it does solve the problem. docker doesn't though xD
neither does :) but i think i found a way to get at my pipes 🐿️
it's just so wrong to do it but sure. i think indeed this is a way to get at a filedescriptor. https://crystal-lang.org/api/0.35.1/IO.html#pipe(read_blocking=false,write_blocking=false):Tuple(IO::FileDescriptor,IO::FileDescriptor)-class-method
So printing with e.g.: ( io << "\x1b[" << row+1 << ';' << col+1 << "H" ) is better than ( io.print "\x1b[#{row+1};#{col+1}H" ) ? Is there anything even better?
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If I get the args to print via say, *args tuple, then is it ok to do args.each { |a| io << a }, or some even simpler/more efficient loop can be done?
i dont think so
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Hm why isn't IO.copy @from, @to doing the same that @to << @from is doing
hightower2, your io is presumably positioned at the end, so it copies from the end to the end
aha interesting, since the description says: "Copy all contents from src to dst."
straight-shoota, awesome tip!
<watzon> Is there a way in doc comments to make a word link to a specific namespace? I know the parser will automatically search for inline code fragments and link them if it can, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to semi-manually link to the specific type you want without using the full namespace.
straight-shoota I can use this for print, that is, when to_s is involved. Is there something similar (i.e. something other than each()) for when I need IO#write ?
oprypin, well usability isn't that great, though. You'd need proper type lookup to reference relative namespaces.
watzon, well let me know if you're interested. the migration to it is not trivial, and a proper release is still ~ a week away
straight-shoota, i have type lookup
like the same as the compiler?
i havent mentioned it anywhere, have it 😬
straight-shoota, with only tiny differences
oh, great. Never mind then
I'd still rather have that kind of stuff done by the compiler when extracting dos
that requires an interactive process
straight-shoota, otherwise u need to predict all possible combinations
combinations of what?
I mean the compiler could just interpret the link syntax and replace it with fully resolved paths in the doc comment
thats not really how it works
do you want to feed markdown to the compiler again?
doesn't need markdown, just a simple regex replace
if it works outside the compiler, maybe it isn't that bad.
So based on collected advices, this should be the most optimal way to do it, right? https://carc.in/#/r/a6h5
I just imagine the lookup algorithms could get out of sync
but, even that's probably not a big deal (and there's not going to be much change to how lookup works)
straight-shoota, oh yea btw, anything i can do to push though my pull requests?
through *
if I do io << args.join(';') , does it figure out that the output for join() is to an IO, or it constructs a string locally and then sends to io?
hightwoer2, the latter
you need to pass io explicitly
oprypin, unfortunately no
unless there's one missing waiting on my approval?
apart from that, we just someone else from the core team to do reviews
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how can I debug which overload is crystal choosing?
or rather, I am sure it is choosing a wrong overload, but can't reproduce it on carc
I call args.join(@some_io), and this gets treated as separator rather than io
which gets remedied if I prefix the argument with io: ...
straight-shoota, maniacal deletion worked in the end. check the repo now, doesn't use any dependencies. I will try to minimize further and delete even more.
(but same note applies - don't use tmux since it might confuse the results (by default it's not passing escape sequences into the underlying terminal emulator))
Can't you just print the memory io to stdout or something?
nice, oprypin
straight-shoota, yes, basically that is done in the end (there is just an optional buffer in between but... probably unrelated to the issue.. will check that specifically)
right, with STDOUT instead of that @_buf it's also reproducible
ah, that's the answer to my question how to check the overload used :)
does anything have to be done about this, or?
I'll send a bugfix
great, thank you kindly for the discussion/involvement
sure, thanks for pointing it out
<Blacksmoke16> i bet id work it the other overload was `separator : String = ""`
<Blacksmoke16> if the*
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oh, right yeah
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right, but as straight-shoota pointed out, it's not desired to limit it to String
or is it?
<Blacksmoke16> either way, id expect it to find the most specific one first
maybe for the optimized version
<Blacksmoke16> PHP added a `Stringable` interface :S
everything's stringable in Crystal
<Blacksmoke16> which is like `String | types_that_implement_to_string`
the thing is, the optimized version works differently from the non-optimized one.
<Blacksmoke16> yea but cant really tell one that does it in a more meaningful, but i suppose it'd be easy enough to have your own stringify method
optimized calls separator.to_s once, whereas non-optimized appends separator to the IO each time, essentially calling separator.to_s(io)
if separator returns different values on each to_s, the optimized version doesn't do that
so maybe it's even better to just restrict the optimized version to String