ok so, I'm trying to compile shards (the tool) now. I run `make`, but it tells me: "require "./config": can't find file "prelude"". Any hints?
hightower2, CRYSTAL_PATH not set up
try `echo $CRYSTAL_PATH` or `(source bin/crystal; echo $CRYSTAL_PATH)` (not sure if the latter makses sense)
<Dan-Do> so I cannot use IO.copy(src,dest)
<Blacksmoke16> i guess what im proposing is you can just use a regex or something for this
<Dan-Do> actually I want to remove the tagged template literal, for example: ⏎ `<span class="form-clear d-none" onclick=${e=>{e.currentTarget.previousSibling.value="";getData();}}><i class="fas fa-times"></i></span>`
<Blacksmoke16> and what should the desired output be?
<Dan-Do> I am not familiar with regex :(
<Blacksmoke16> is what you want to remove always going to be in the format of `onclick=${e=>{e.currentTarget.previousSibling.value="";getData();}}`?
<3n-k1> you might just have an easier time writing a basic parser
If I want to get involved in the Crystal project more than just backing it through Open Collective, where do I start? I'd love to become a regular contributor, helping out in any way I can. 🙂
<3n-k1> that's very bad pseudocode, but i am tired
oprypin: first time I saw source bin/crystal :D
hightower2: to use your locally compiled compiler, just put bin/crystal into your path first, the wrapper script will take care to set all the env vars correctly :)
When I'm defining a module, lets name it CelestiteSpec, in two files, /spec/celestite_spec.cr and /spec/celestite_spec/cases/func.cr, crystal complains that it can't find the function myfun() that I defined in the func.cr which is directly required in the celestite_spec.cr even though it's in the same namepsace in both files
I'm not sure how to fix this, I thought I can just put my module definition across multiple files, require them and I can use all of the definitions of the module in every file?
What am I doing wrong?
for which file does it complains ?
ok forget this question :p
in celestite_spec.cr you have require "./cases/func" ?
f1reflyylmao, that should really work
maybe try a small reproducible example?
lemme guess: wildcards are involved 😑
this is probably a circular dependency
erdnaxeli: I've required the whole of ./cases/*
oprypin: yes ^^'
well theres your problem
not sure if its circular though, I don't think so
hm, but wildecard requires usually only cause issues with namespaces, not methods
I didn't require anything in my func.cr
well, no files at least
f1reflyylmao, you required all alphabetically preceding files :D
theres currently only one file in that directory, so I'm afraid I didnt
if you could reduce the code to share a reproducible example
I' working on this during breaks and after work, so my progress since my last question isn't too much
Yeah ill try
I'll first try to get it to run like it's now
I might just put everything in different namespaces, would probably look cleaner anyways..
f1reflyylmao, it's not about namespaced, purely about files and circular dependencies
I could also try re-adding all my requires
to make sure
Step by step
if a requires b and b requires a, then b will not be able to rely on what's in a
but hm maybe i shouldn't be so sure about it
anyway if u have all the code and the ability to post it, should be no problem for someone to find whats wrong
> if a requires b and b requires a, then b will not be able to rely on what's in a
that's not true
not in general
there can be issues, but AFAIK only with namespaces
thing is
It's bad and I dont really want to make it public
I'll post a broken example should this continue to be a problem after restructuring
then reduce it to the minimal code that reproduces the issue
chances are, you'll notice what's wrong on the way
<vladfaust> Could you please tell me where shards cache is stored? (to be used with `--local` flag)
default is $HOME/.cache/shards
you can configure it with SHARDS_CACHE_PATH env var
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heyo /
is there a way to configure the name, email and github account for crystal init templates?
repo, copy the file from a previous project. easier & better.
it's not better
literally every file containing that information is project specific
everything you enter into crystal init is also project specific
exactly, so no advantage to crystal init
right.. maybe i'll just write something myself then
or should I submit PR to fix the current markdown implementation ?
(which I am not sure I want to do or I even am capable of doing ^^)
I don't think there's any point in fixing the markdown parser
it would need a complete rewrite
and there's a complete implementation in markd shard
yep but this solution already has been refused :p
so it's a dead end ?
until we can agree on how to proceed
the best short term (and maybe also longterm) solution is to use the compiler to extract docs (via --format json) and use a separte tool for generating the html