<Blacksmoke16> better way to get the first line of a string? `string.lines.first`, or some regex, or?
<Blacksmoke16> maybe `string.each_line { |l| return l }` to avoid the array of `.lines`?
<Blacksmoke16> `.each_line.first` iterator version is prob the winner
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<Afront> @Daniel-Worrall welp, so it's not a good idea using Crystal for embedded development?
<smalls12> I think he might have meant natively, cross compiling is easier
<smalls12> it looks like the crystal compiler is good enough to get running on embedded
<smalls12> or rather, get crystal binaries running on embedded
<smalls12> I'm having difficulty getting the compiler built for ARM from my x86 machine
<smalls12> he was able to and I am curious how since crystal lacks a bootstrapping method to build
<smalls12> you need crystal to build crystal
<smalls12> I only just got cross compiling to work now actually ⏎ I was trying to cross compile the crystal compiler, but just needed libcrystal.a ⏎ and didnt realize libgc.a was a completely separate repo lol
<smalls12> I wanted to make a webserver on my rpi ⏎ but c++ has too much upfront ⏎ already did it with python somewhere else ⏎ go, despite what people keep saying, I don't find it as easy as crystal [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5e8941d09316f34b8d7ef578]
<Blacksmoke16> whoa, did error messaging get updated for JSON parsing?
<deiv> Hi, about the bootstrap script for building the compiler, is there anyway to reduce the rounds ? or using the first round (from ruby) to build an actual version?
<deiv> Im working on packaging crystal inside debian, by the way
<deiv> Another question is, I see in the omnibus package the crsytal source installed in /usr/share (i remenber), they are needed for compiling or runtime in any way
<deiv> Thanks
<stronny> given that Crystal releases often, what's the plan? unstable + backports?
i hope people won't actually use debian's stale packages 😬
<Blacksmoke16> Or use snap, also allows installing nighlies
<deiv> @stronny normal releases, if needed backports, but first need to look if its posible to boostrap it without much hustle
<deiv> @oprypin thats low blow lol
deiv, which rounds are you talking about? you just download an official crystal binary and then build your own crystal using that. basically 1 round
deiv, then to answer your question, no, there is no way to reduce the rounds.
<deiv> Maybe
you could actually try dropping those individual `stage` from the script but it's not gonna be a big win
even if a few of them are unnecessary
I'm guessing towards the end some of the releases are not necessary and are included just for completeness
oof. on arch linux i'm getting this error consistently now. `.build/all_spec: symbol lookup error: .build/all_spec: undefined symbol: __libc_start_main` for `make clean; make && make spec`
<smalls12> did the `./build/crystal` target work ?
<smalls12> I had some issues yesterday
i think it works, it's specific to spec because it's so big
<stronny> @deiv until 1.0 Crystal changes sometimes even breaking API, so maybe you could package each version into its own package? like `crystal-0-33` or something
<stronny> people are looking for older version quite often and there is an explicit version lock in shards.yml as well
<Blacksmoke16> what the `crystal: 0.33.0` thing?
<stronny> yeah
<Blacksmoke16> that doesnt do anything
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<stronny> it should
<Blacksmoke16> i agree, but it doesnt atm
<stronny> still, my point stands
<Blacksmoke16> is just a way to represent the last known version a shard works with
<Blacksmoke16> but its not enforced or anything and is up to the owner of the shard to keep up to date
<stronny> that's unhelpful model being "we only have the most recent supported version available, and if you somehow end up with broken code well good luck"
<stronny> I agree with breaking changes, at least there should be a way to roll them back if the need arises
<stronny> by the way I don't understand this universal race to 1.0
<stronny> what's gonna change? you alread have a stable API: just get the right version, it won't change on you suddenly by itself
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
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<deiv> @stronny it could go without versioning and people install the one who wants
<deiv> On other way, the source files (*.cr for compiler and std) are needed for compiling runtime?
<deiv> Compiling or runtime**
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So, how far off is Crystal from Windows support? I love what I'm seeing, but most of the development I do needs to be somewhat portable.
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Subsentient, biggest gap is networking. other than that, u can mostly use it. compiler itself doesnt run on windows but oh well
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<stronny> wsl?
<naqvis> quick question: what is the right way to pass primitives to FFI expecting input as `void*`? Tried `pointerof` but seems FF is receiving invalid value.
<asterite> are exceptions already working in Windows?
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asterite, yes. well actually not sure, stack traces didnt look so good last i checked. @RX14's work, of course
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exceptions work pretty well
backtraces are different
backtraces require debug info and a library to decode it
remember we literally implement a DWARF parser on linux and macos for this
windows, of course, uses something special and unique
actually i dont think we even have libunwind working
oh wow
libunwind doesnt use libunwind at all
i give up
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How do other languages solve that?
requires research
<stronny> golang solves that by not having exceptions
<stronny> does it unwinds panics?
it can
there's an env var iirc
or maybe thats rust
hmm. when i have: def foo(klass : Bar.class). can i somehow make it accept also any sub-type of Bar? (e.g. it should accept Batz.class, when Batz is defined as "class Batz < Bar")
<stronny> yeah, it should
<stronny> have an example where it doesn't?
ah gtk that it should. hmm gonna try to create a minimal example then. perhaps my problem stems from something else and i just got lost in the type magic
<perfecto25> hello everyone, quick question, how do i pretty print a JSON object?
<perfecto25> i have a function that returns a JSON, 1 liner, wanted to pretty print it out
<stronny> all the method defs are macros
<stronny> yes
<stronny> ask ary
well if thats what you understood from ary then you don't understand what he said
defs are very different to macros and you know it
<stronny> maybe I didn't
defs are instantiated for every set of argument *types*
macros are instantiated always
<stronny> why does it matter?
because people overuse macros in persuit of "maximum DSL beauty" and end up with brittle DSLs which shatter when you hold them slightly wrong
<stronny> ```def foo(*args); end```
or end up not being able to handle unusual usecases
okay, after i rewrote the entire optionparser
oprypin, how do you mean?
Stephie, well if one wants Process support on Windows, they could choose either of those two as the starting point, and your seems more idiomatic
it's been so long
i remember looking at both and going like
"well they're not so far off the difference is mostly style"
damn the windows process file is like twice the size on the new PR
oprypin, if you have the will to bring that commit up to date, please,,
it's better than that PR, but
i just dont have the energy to care any more
welp, yes, that's the current plan
it's really appreciated
yay, more people to add to the "burnt out over adding windows support" pile of bodies
it's cursed :3
definitely :3
at least i trust you to have a sense of style
aw, thanks.
...did macos CI fail in your PR because circleci tried to run it in the context of your fork oprypin??
thats so broken
<deiv> @RX14 stupid question hehe should the bootstrap-script works without touching anything ?
Stephie, yea i think so
@deiv which bootstrap script? For windows?
what do you mean by "touching anything"?
it's certified working on my machine a year ago
<deiv> without change any line of code ... mostly from bash
which means... approximately nothing
@deiv try it...
it *should* be fairly robust
<deiv> im having linking problems
that sounds, about right
can you show me?
<deiv> lots ot them xD
<deiv> for example /usr/bin/ld: /home/deiv/dev-dinamic/debian/pkgs/crystal/bootstrap-script/buildroot/llvm33/lib/libLLVMSupport.a(Errno.o): en la función `llvm::sys::StrErrorabi:cxx11 (int)': ⏎ Errno.cpp:(.text+0x6b): referencia a `std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace(unsigned long, unsigned long, char const*, unsigned long)' sin definir
<deiv> in round 3
oh god
if llvm33 doesnt build thats pretty cursed
<deiv> if I add "sed -i 's/\`llvm-config --libs --ldflags\`/LLVM-3.3/' src/compiler/crystal/llvm.cr"
<deiv> to it
<deiv> I get some ld problems asking for lpthread
could you send me a pastebin/gist/whatever of the build log?
<smalls12> probably cuz it reached eol
everything rots, nothing is free from decay and death
<deiv> :D
anyway, im glad you found a good workaround for some of those linking errors
i'd rather that, you know, LLVM actually worked out of the box
without being cursed
<smalls12> llvm-3.3, could you use a newer version ? ⏎ ( just observing in the background here ;p )
<kingsleyh> Evening
@smalls12 nope, that crystal version supports only that old LLVM version
LLVM versions have breaking changes
so it's difficult to upgrade
using something with a sane toolchain like arch linux might still build
<deiv> @RX14 so... this thing will never be updated, I guess ...
I could try it again
<smalls12> would it be better in the long run to make it work with newer llvm ? what kind of estimate would you think it would take ?
<deiv> Im looging for a way to build crystal without crystal ... but the build depends are very outdated for what I need it
what's the usecase?
smalls12, would it be better in the long run to port every past version of Crystal every time a new version of LLVM comes out? no, probably not
<deiv> @RX14 packaging into debian without uploading a previous binary build of crystal
you're part of debian packaging team?
<smalls12> I understand, but its several major revisions behind, not worth it everytime I agree
<deiv> @RX14 what team ? Im on my own, atm ...
so this isn't an effort to get it into debian as an official package?
<deiv> yes yes, official would be :)
<deiv> and the other user case is to use the bootstrapped binaries rather than the prebuilt ones (if I built crystal from source uploading previously a binary package)
<deiv> so, getting a bootstrap script with using only actual libraries (llvm8, ruby2-x, etc) is something "imposible" ? I guess ...
it's impossible
the only other avenue for a clean bootstrap is to write another crystal compiler
or interpreter
it wouldn't be *terrible*, just pretty hard
it'd be terrible
and pretty hard
<deiv> lol
<deiv> and getting the current one working ? :)
<deiv> that way could build a crystal compiler without use a precompiled one
i'll see if it works on arch linux
<deiv> thanks !
if it does, then i can solidly blame debian's build environment
<deiv> ok :)
<deiv> hehe
or maybe my non-portable script
if you can figure out what's the root cause of the link errors i can know who to blame :P
<deiv> If I add "sed -i 's/\`llvm-config --libs --ldflags\`/LLVM-3.3/' src/compiler/crystal/llvm.cr" I get: /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: error al añadir símbolos: DSO faltante desde línea de orden
what's that in english >_<
<deiv> in round3
<smalls12> would there ever be a need to update that compiler? ⏎ or in its current state, should be more than sufficient for the some time to come
<deiv> maybe it needs -lpthread.
<deiv> ?
is this with *debian's* llvm-3.3??
<deiv> not
yeah it probably does need -lpthread
<deiv> the downloaded onw
<deiv> one
are you sure there's no /usr/lib<whatever debian shit uses>/libLLVM-3.3.{so,a}??
<deiv> no, I have llvm{8,9}
i wouldnt have expected it to work
since the script simply tells the compiler where llvm-config is
<deiv> stage3 without "sed -i 's/\`llvm-config --libs --ldflags\`/LLVM-3.3/' src/compiler/crystal/llvm.cr" can't find nothing I guess
this is somewhat disturbing
<deiv> remember the gist :D
i'll figure out wtf i was thinking 2 years ago tomorrow :)
I'll probably boot a debian container and try it
is this debian stable or debian unstable @deiv ?
<deiv> dont blame much then
<deiv> testing/unstable/experimental
i'll try it in a sid container tomorrow i guess
<deiv> testing having pirority (so i thiun testing woud be the guess)
<deiv> I will ask you again tomorrow I guess :D
<smalls12> out of curiosity, what are you doing with buildroot ?
<smalls12> are you trying to cross compile crystal ?
this isnt actually buildroot
this is a folder called buildroot
which i use as a prefix for building stuff in
<smalls12> ah ok
<deiv> @smalls12 blame @RX14 for her dirs-shit ;)
completely unrelated to the buildroot project which i was probably unaware of at the time
yeah please do :P
<smalls12> : )
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@deiv well i'm up to crystal stage 17 so it seems to only appear on debian
i'll work out why tomorrow
<deiv> @RX14 thanks (the only thing that comes to mind is that here we have multiarch "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" <- all arch specific libs go there)
llvm-config from LLVM 3.3 sucks
it just always prints the static library names
i dont want this, print the .so name please
i dunno why static linking isnt working either way but
probably because it's trying to use the system LLVM*.a libs, actually
cause they have preference over the -L/whatever that llvm-config adds