<j8r> I will remove thr not found handler, and just create an Exception without raising
<j8r> Thanks
<j8r> That was I thought others do
<Blacksmoke16> are deff multiple ways to handle it, depends on what your goals are i guess
<j8r> It would be ok :)
<j8r> They are both global handlers
<j8r> Hum actually not
<j8r> Not Found can't be attached to a controller, obviously
<Blacksmoke16> well to be fair, not found can be used for more than just routing
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. `GET /user/1111111` => `404 User with that ID could not be found`
<j8r> Yes, I mean when a route is not found
<j8r> That's just a code at the end
<j8r> Sure
<j8r> I think there is no way to create a new hash each time to extend a generic union :|
<j8r> No other way I meant
<Blacksmoke16> can you not make the hash like `Hash(String, Node)` or something?
<Blacksmoke16> im not following where the union is coming from, could have a parent controller type or module or something to type things as
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<j8r> I comes from the return type of the Proc
<Blacksmoke16> oh?
<Blacksmoke16> what does that have to do with routing tho?
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<Blacksmoke16> if the value is `Node(Action(T))`
<j8r> Yes, it is a generic
<j8r> For example
<Blacksmoke16> and cant just type the hash as like `String, Node`?
<j8r> I don't think so
<Blacksmoke16> fwiw my `Route` thing has a parent type `Action` that is just used for typing stuff
<j8r> `Hash(String, Node(Action(String))`, and to include `Node(Action(Bool))`
<Blacksmoke16> so my radix tree type is like `Radix::Tree(Action).new`
<Blacksmoke16> id just try that, should help
hmm pointerto is indeed not what i'm looking for. any changes to the struct wrapped in the class aren't persisting
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is there a way to define a type that's just a restricted set of numbers, but without defining an enum and having to pass around elements from that enum?
like say i have a method that should only accept 16, 32, 64. What's the simplest way to implement that?
I don't think there is
you could make a macro that validates the value before passing it on
jhass, are there examples of how to use Box?
well the API is pretty minimal, Box.box(your_struct) gives you a pointer. I guess the gotcha is that the pointer is pointing to a Box wrapping your struct rather than the struct directly. So it's only good for passing to C land if the library treats it as an opaque pointer
I guess you could hack yourself a pointer to the struct with box = Box.box(my_struct); ptr = pointerof(box.@object)
just a generic class to hold something and given it's a class, it's on the heap
just if you go with above hack you need to make sure to keep a reference to the box for the GC not to collect it
hmm that doesn't seem like what i want
need to both pass a persistent struct to C, allow it to be modified by C land, then inspect the changes, rinse & repeat
mh, I would expect it to be suitable. Maybe not the cleanest but...
so the call site to C land has to return inbetween?
well I think if you'd just wrap your C calls into a class that also holds the struct it should be fine no?
something like class Thingie; @data = LibThingie::Data.new; def pass; LibThingie.pass(pointerof(@data)); end; def inspect; @data.foo; end; end;
important bit being a class and not a struct
then just make sure to have one global, or whatever its lifetime is, reference to your instance of Thingie
if that doesn't work I'd rather double check my struct is big enough / defined correctly in general
lots of C libs I've seen do some typedef wizardy to add some padding for library internal/private data
and then the Crystal allocated struct might not account for that causing the library to access uninitialized/garbage memory
jhass, yeah it's libudis86, where you typically allocate the UD struct on the stack, pass in a pointer. you also set callbacks which passes the same pointer back to your callback. http://udis86.sourceforge.net/manual/libudis86.html
well that should be as simple as fun ud_init(out obj : UdT)
i'm using pointerof(@struct) in the class, but changes are not persisting when i check the fields of the struct
jhass, from what i can tell, __UD_STANDALONE__ is an optional -D that gets passed in. it should be off by default.
well I tried without and got 16 out of pc, with it I got 0 & 23 as expected
note that the __UD_STANDALONE__ is a compile time setting of the .so you link against
also note the difference in asm_buf_int that we have
jhass, hmm still getting 0 after wrapping everything in pointerof()
those are the two factors I see that could make your pc offset wrong
hmm good point
could be version differences, I don't know
I just installed whatever I found in the AUR
btw are you even supposed to access those fields in regular usage or is the struct meant to be opaque?
I don't remember whether the typedef ud_t struct ud; hides the fields in C land
with it hardcoded enabled and disabled, i still get 0
can you gist your libudis86/types.h?
the struct is exposed via the headers so i'm assuming they are public. the author started adding _ prefixes to certain fields to denote privateness
oh my insn_offset also is a UInt64 instead of a UInt16
jhass, added types.cr
haha, I meant the actual types.h you translated from :)
ok added both types.h and extern.h
so it's the same as mine
try correcting insn_offset to UInt64 :)
did that and still getting 0
huh, with & without inp_file?
and you did correct asm_buff_int too right?
aaah getting back 16, but that's not exactly the same as 0x400000
should contain that value since pc is UInt64
16 I got when I had inp_file missing 🤔
so of by a 4 bytes I guess?
btw I had a mistake too, made asm_buf LibC::Char instead of LibC::Char*, just turned out to be alright due to same size :D
0x400000 >> 18 just so happens to be 16
do C structs have a size method i could check and compare against C's sizeof(struct ud)?
yes, just sizeof(LibUD::UD)!
there's offsetof too, so you can start to bisect
anyway, I'm unable to spot further differences :/
hmm 592 doesn't look right, considering C says 632. Also having issues with my ruby FFI implementation giving me 600 bytes... :/
i'm assuming crystal's sizeof accounts for alignment/padding?
I hope so, I think it just wraps the LLVM IR primitive
my offsetof(LibUd::UD, @pc) is 376 fwiw
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jhass, oh could I use the awesome Hexdump module in stdlib to just dump the bytes of the struct out and see if they are even getting set, or misaligned?
that ought to be possible somehow
368 offset in my env :|?
i'm doing this in a VM, so no crazy architectures or byte packing
still can do def hexdump(value : T) forall T; Bytes.new(pointerof(value).as(UInt8*), sizeof(T)).hexdump; end to dump anything I think
anyways, I'd get the offsetof of each field up to pc in Crystal and C and see where they diverge
the one before the first one that mismatches should be too short
(or even on missing there)
you're actually missing inp_peek!
I didn't search for missing fields yet
no wait, I'm confused
you have it, I don't
yet you're too short still?
well maybe you're not, just compared to me
but then if I have less something else seems to be too short
less fields I mean
haha, this is confusing
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<636f7374> Fuck, my credit card was stolen yesterday. Fortunately, that credit card didn't have much balance. Today, I want to buy a domain name and find that the balance is insufficient. The little bastard in the Philippines.
jhass, well i wrote two programs to enumate offsetof and they are exactly the same.
huh, weird
well we certainly discovered some problems there, so it definitely was part of the problem
also not seeing any difference between before and after hexdumps, which leads me to believe the writes are never happening on the original struct
still those (out @ud)'s in your real code?
try turning them back into pointerof's
jhass, fully replaced with pointerof, still the same behavior
also odd there's a bit of garbage data in the struct at BEFORE and AFTER. This seems to be as ud_init isn't actually writing back to the struct, but a copy, despite passing pointerof()
I don't know, it works in my hack script from earlier as I expect
jhass, printing 16 isn't working though, because we're assigning pc to 0x40000
jhass, can you copy/paste my gist and see if that works
not sure it's complete enough to actually run?
jhass, what does the compiler say is missing?
I didn't have time to try yet, sorry
meanwhile I'm curious if https://p.jhass.eu/7l.cr does work for you (after adding the insp_peek that I don't have)
with that I do see fefefe at 178
<wout> Hi all, is there a way for HTTP::Client to use verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER with a ca_file, just as Ruby's Net::HTTP?
jhass, inp_peek is in my code as well at 187
yes but not in mine!
jhass, er ud_struct.cr:20
for some reason my headder doesn't have it, I suspect different versions
jhass, i'm using fedora's udis86-devel 1.7.2
mh, AUR package is at 1.7.2 too
<j8r> @Blacksmoke16 The `abstract struct Action`didn't work (because of `abstract def` inside), but with a module it did :)
jhass, i can try running it against upstream udis86 linked locally. however i strongly suspect the problem is that the C library isn't writing back to the original struct.
well I got your code to run and it's not writing either for me apparently
<j8r> @tenebrousedge but then the struct has to old the return type has a generic
<j8r> like `Action(T)`, with `Proc(T)` inside
<tenebrousedge> whaaaaaaat
<tenebrousedge> o______o
postmodern: I hope the journey was insightful anyways :D
still no clue what's up with that inp_peek but ok
<Daniel-Worrall> Couldn't you set it as a class method so you don't need to instantiate
<Daniel-Worrall> Or even as a module? Hmm
<Daniel-Worrall> Can you have a generic module
jhass, i mean it's technically allowed to call the getter method from within the setter method, and without parenthesis. preventing such an edge case would likely add a ton of annoying rules to the language.
jhass, i'm just happy i can continue working on this library and get it released soon
and you learned about offsetof, sizeof, out and Box on the way!
<Blacksmoke16> @j8r yea are some bugs around that. Sometimes inheritance works others a module works
<Blacksmoke16> i originally used class methods for the actions, then you dont have to worry about newing up the controller, but ofc DI doesnt work then; which if you dont care about could be a solution
<wout> @tenebrousedge Great, thanks! Works liek a charm. :)
<Blacksmoke16> trying to reduce it further
<Blacksmoke16> something within the `#resolve` method the compiler doesnt like
<Blacksmoke16> but i dont know why its complaining since there isnt any type restrictions for it to complain about
<asterite> compiler bug related to caching, probably generics
<Blacksmoke16> ill make an issue
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<Blacksmoke16> actually this is interesting, it compiles when using a module, but then `Int32?` param type is used twice https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/8kjb
<Blacksmoke16> so it doesn't go thru the correct `from_parameter` method
<Blacksmoke16> i imagine those are two separate issues?
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<asterite> I think it's a bug related to subclasses of modules or generic types affecting methods that were already typed
<asterite> reporting it as two issues or one is similar
<Blacksmoke16> I'll put them in one then for now. can always split one out if a fix fixes one but not the other
<Blacksmoke16> which prob *should* work since the parent is abstract?
<asterite> abstract types must have everything initialized in their constructors
<asterite> regardless of their subtypes
<Blacksmoke16> ah right, makes sense
<636f7374> 1) 33 has been released? I haven't even noticed that I am now testing.
<j8r> Alpine will drop aarch64 to bump to Crystal 0.33
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<tenebrousedge> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ The error in the second case is that @a is used before it is defined, rendering it nilable. Is there a particularly good reason for that being an error? [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5e4989bdb3023d5025f3e327]
<j8r> The `@` inside the constructors are a shortcut, it works when done inside the block
<j8r> Basically, it's reweitten to `@a = a` and `@b = b`
<tenebrousedge> that's fine, but I think that it should work the way I wrote it
<j8r> there was a talk for maybe removing the `@` syntax
<j8r> because there are some corner cases like taht
* FromGitter
* tenebrousedge sighs
<tenebrousedge> of course there was
<tenebrousedge> ah! now this is a good reason
<tenebrousedge> > This is because any method call could potentially affect that instance variable, rendering it nil. Another reason is that another thread could change that instance variable after checking the condition.
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<watzon> What would be an alternative to the `@` syntax?