ImAHopelessDev_gitlab: I’m not native english, what is the difference in the order websocket <-> shell?, and how would you describe it in a short description for github
absolutejam_github: socket is really different than websocket no?
we lost something in the name nan?
<absolutejam_gitlab> eh, you gotta take some liberties when naming things
<absolutejam_gitlab> shlskt.io
<absolutejam_gitlab> remove vowels, make it hipster
btw is it the same absolutejam than kakoune? ;o
and for the 'short description'?
<absolutejam_gitlab> in IRC?
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I know an absolutejam in the kakoune community
<absolutejam_gitlab> yeah but I haven't opened IRC in a while, oops
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> @alex, dunno. rolls better off the tongue for me. plus, `websocket` being the first word implies that's the essential part of your app maybe? which is a core thing, without websocket it wouldn't work. i don't know lol
makes sense
I have a question about websocket to execute shell commands
the idea is to have surf to execute from javascript ~/.surf/script.js externals commands on my system
but if a webpage have a js code connecting on localhost, port, it will be able to execute external commands on my machine no?
how can I secure the thing?
to only me be able to exchange messaging through websocket
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> yeah not sure about internals but could be a security issue if the commands are not cleaned/parsed. i guess, maybe an option to create a whitelist instead. only allow certain commads
<absolutejam_gitlab> I know very little about how websockets actually work, but can't you have a standardised format - eg. accept JSON - and a router/validator that parses them?
<absolutejam_gitlab> I'd be wanting some hardcore security around this though, otherwise it's just wide-open RCE
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> yea lol ^^^
ImAHopelessDev_gitlab: I want to execute any shell commands
but want to be secure
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> hmmm
if I navigate on a page, and it use javascript localhost connection + port, it will be able to execute commands on my system
I don't have this problem on chrome and firefox because they have their own api
@jwoertink: no, on latest SFML :D
but on surf browser, there is no way to execute shell commands from javascript with an api
so I thought about websocket
but could be a terrible idea
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<j8r> alex: depends, abbreviations are everywhere on the CLI
<j8r> in code, it doesn't hurt to have longer names
<Blacksmoke16> elliotize: you can share variables within the same macro "scope", but there isn't a way to break out logic into reusable functions atm
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<ilanpillemer> ```code paste, see link```
<Blacksmoke16> whats the error
<tenebrousedge> D: you broke it!
<ilanpillemer> This is just from trying to build it from master
<ilanpillemer> I did nothing. I just pulled from master and tried
<Blacksmoke16> it would be towards the top above the `??`
<ilanpillemer> I wrote a crystal formatter for the acme editor so that crystal files get reformatted on save. Is there someone I should add this so others can know about it?
<kinxer> Maybe the forum?
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<ilanpillemer> the wiki?
<ilanpillemer> I added a link to it in the wiki section for editors
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<ilanpillemer> how do you convert an array of chars to a string?
<Blacksmoke16> arr.map &.to_s?
<Blacksmoke16> or like join them into a string?
<ilanpillemer> yes
<ilanpillemer> turn a string into chars.. do some stuff.. convert back to a string
<Blacksmoke16> @ImAHopelessDev_gitlab mostly my serialization shard and some other stuff here and there
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> @Blacksmoke16 nice you work on that a lot huh
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> kinda like my game ;p
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> you prob got more proper code in serialization shard than my entire gameserver 😆
<Blacksmoke16> is taking a while yea, serialization side of it is done for the most part. doing deserialization now
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> that i've been working on for year+ (well, 2 if you count nodejs years). and you only been doing serialization shard for 6 months or so right
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> oh god
<Blacksmoke16> more like just 2 months for the refactor
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> ic
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> wait, what did you have to refactor?
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> conform code to new crystal updates?
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> or api overhaul or something
... regarding pointers was really well-written and much better than any stackoverflow answer i've ever read. i want to buy/read a book by brian/asterite or people who are well versed in crystal. i think it would be very insightful.
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> cya you tomorrow @Blacksmoke16