<mavu> I just noticed that I used "fun function_name" as a function declaration *outside* of a lib binding declaration block. ⏎ Does anyone know what "fun" actually means outside of the c-binding block?
<bew> @mavu make a c like function
<bew> referencable from the outside (not just crystal)
<bew> but limited to the type of args it can take iirc
<mavu> @bew ahh, thats why it works when I give that as a callback. thanks I forgot why I did it that way. :)
<straight-shoota> mps, a new shards release might not be far away. 0.9.0 will bring cool new features and is scheduled to be released soon.
<straight-shoota> But given the patch is just adding a single dot, you could as well patch it without waiting for shards release
straight-shoota: yes, I've seen few rc candidates, and had a hope we will not wait a long
and I can't wait to long for new release because Alpine is now in 'frozen' state to be released at the of the month
s/at the/at the end/
<straight-shoota> Yeah, then it's better to patch
btw, thank you all for fast response
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<pynixwang> @MrSorcus general linux also works, but you need copy static libs to a dir.
<pynixwang> 1) 28 add a env var CRYSTAL_LIBRARY_PATH
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<MrSorcus> > @MrSorcus general linux also works, but you need copy static libs to a dir. ⏎ ⏎ Compiled libs? Or headers only?
<dscottboggs_gitlab> you need the compiled object files.
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<wontruefree> is crystal's GC compacting?
wontruefree: No. It is also not generational. If you happen to know someone that is experienced at building GCs, there is an opportunity there :P
<wontruefree> I dont
<wontruefree> I didnt realize is was not generational
<asterite> it seems you can enable generational in boehm gc, maybe it's even enabled by default
<asterite> nope, it's not enabled... I wonder if something would change if we do
<asterite> well, at least in mac osx it doesn't work (I think it only works in a few systems)
they have managed generational in a conservative collector? That ain't that common.
<Blacksmoke16> is the plan for how to handle services depending on other services, where you pass it a string prepended with a `@`, where the string is the name of the service you want to inject
<Blacksmoke16> also thinking i could do like `@[Athena::DI::Register("#some_tag")]`
<Blacksmoke16> where `#` will inject all services with that tag
<Blacksmoke16> hardest part of all this is making sure the required services are registered before they are needed, if you have any ideas im open to them :)