<Blacksmoke16> working on implementing CLI commands into athena
<Blacksmoke16> idea is you can make them to arbitrary things, like migrations of data, or adding x role to y user etc
<Blacksmoke16> so like you define a command like that
<Blacksmoke16> call `Athena.register_commands` in your main cr file
<Blacksmoke16> then when you build it you can do like `
<Blacksmoke16> `./myApp -c user --id=1 --name=Bob`
<Blacksmoke16> still WIP, but thats the general idea
<Blacksmoke16> main benefits are: allows it to still be a part of the app, access to same db connections etc, testable, easily document it, and have them optionally included in your binary for use on your server, vs maintaining a bunch of single binaries or your own option parser
<greenbigfrog> *so that one can simply do BitcoinRpc.getinfo etc isntead of having them as class methods(?), so that one can configure like
<greenbigfrog> Why do my messages keep simply sending if I return from a other app
<greenbigfrog> *kemal does
<greenbigfrog> Or is there a simpler/better way I could/should handle this? I'm thinking about making it like this since there's no state storing either way
<j8r> @greenbigfrog i noticed when we switch to another app/tab, the message in-writing is sent
<j8r> when we go back to the window
<j8r> and sometimes, the previous message in autocompleted, even if already sent :/
<j8r> gitter on android sucks :(
<staleo> @j8r what a coincidence: just like the gitter itself lol
<j8r> there is no perfect solution, each one bring its drawbacks
<j8r> there are great IRC Android clients I could use
<tonobo> I've tried rust, this performes quite well. But it's not fair to compare crystal and rust ;)
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<tonobo> It might be related to: `accept: Too many open files (Errno)`
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<greenbigfrog> Any thoughts on my question?
<bararchy> if there is not state storing you can do that, or, just add `def self.my_method` which means it can be accessed without initialization
<bararchy> @j8r , I wanted to PR a way to allow setting certificate path without needing a file (Certificate.new basiclly), but I get an error, you think you can give me your idea on it ?
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morning all :> is there repository for playground? I think I found a bug
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<girng> good morning!
<j8r> good night!
<j8r> Or good evening from UTC
<theretromaniac> Good evening
<theretromaniac> 19:04 Here
<theretromaniac> 😆
<j8r> my dream it the whole world to be in UTC
<j8r> no more hassle
<j8r> already there a some place where it's night at 15:00
<theretromaniac> we should abandon the world and move in one medirian
<girng> everything should use crystal
<girng> would be nice
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<bew> 😂
<girng> i'm about to rage. vscode is the most buggiest editor i've ever used in my life. so, remember 3 weeks ago or so i said it doesn't save my tabs (mostly crystal files). straight-shoota said there was an option for this, and he was right. the setting is "restore windows". i have it set to *all*. however, i just restarted my computer and opened vscode, and guess what all my crystal file tabs and everything is gone.
... so now, i have to re-open all my 6~ crystal files, my json file and then drag the tabs around. ⏎ ⏎ there was also an issue with the bookmarks plugin when using crystal's vscode formatter. however, it wasn't an issue with the @faustinoaq's addon, it was an issue with the editor itself, see this (https://github.com/alefragn ... [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5c37869083c7e377654ac407]
How do I get a hexadecimal string of a UInt64?
Perfect. Thanks. 😊
<fridgerator> @girng i've never had any of these issues with vscode
<fridgerator> thats strange
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hello guys i just started out using Crystal. Is there an equivalent to the base keyword of C#? If I have a Class "person" with the method "say_name" and then i have a subclass "employee" which inherits from "person" and i override the "say_name" method inside "employee" how can i then call the "say_name" method from "person"? The "prevous_def" function doesn't seem to do that
@Blacksmoke16: bless, thats exactly what I was trying to do
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
ty <3
<girng> @fridgerator i've made an issue on vscode repo finally
<drum445> @girng yeah VS code has a few issues that just made it more frustrating than it should be; I'm back with the trusty Sublime now
<girng> yeah, i was using sublime with crystal's formatter plugin. worked great, until randomly on save, it would delete half of your code
<drum445> not sure what's going on there, been using it for years and never seen anything like that
<girng> do you use the crystal plugin with it?
<drum445> I do
<j11m> I am attempting to implement a C Callback with a closure, as documented at the bottom of: https://crystal-lang.org/reference/syntax_and_semantics/c_bindings/callbacks.html. I intend to send the data from the callback to a channel, and this fails with: `BUG: Thread.current returned NULL`. `Channel.send` attempts to get the `current_fiber`, which in turn calls `Thread.current` -- but a C Callback cannot access its
... current thread inside of Crystal. Is there any way to make its `Thread.current` known?
<j8r> @fridgerator @girng is on Windows, it may be that 😁
<girng> 😆
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<sam0x17> @j8r that makes sense -- didnt realize that
<malkomalko> just finishing up Programming Crystal (Beta 3), and it's been a really good quick read to get me caught up to speed
<j11m> To follow up from my message earlier, it would appear that a C-Callback in Crystal gives no access to Fibers. As a result, a C-Callback cannot do logging, write to channels, spawn, etc from within a C-Callback. This seems like a serious limitation. Has anyone found a workaround for this?