<drum445> @vladfaust @sdogruyol , where I work we use flask, which is similar to flask regarding it's lightweight and we have scaled fairly big without issue
<drum445> Kemal seems like it would be able to scale just as well from what I can see anyway
<vlazar> @drum445 There is this site where you can compare many frameworks. Here is flask vs Kemal for example https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r17&hw=ph&test=json&l=zdk6pr-3&f=8-jz6rk-4ftog0-0-efew00-1ekg-ljdoi-hrlfcw-s40
<pitosalas> What does "all previous -o files were reused" mean? I have a situation where I modified the source file but crystal xxx.cr seems to not be seeing the changes.
<pitosalas> Ok. Its my bug. The code I was testing was doing an exit which stopped execution of the spec file. But it wasn't clear because the test runner still said "finished in x seconds, 0 examples, etc." I think it ought to say "SOT exited" or something.
<Blacksmoke16> then ofc for an instance var you would just do `def my_method`
<pitosalas> And is there a way for a case "when" clause to decide that it wants to "break" and go to the "else" clause? (I think not, but just checking)
Blacksmoke16: bew: thank you, will try
<mamantoha> @j8r one day I will rewrite this :)
<j8r> @pitosalas no
<bew> @pitosalas you can dimply use simple if/elseif/else if you need special behavior
<j8r> you can also have a method called in the `else` and in the `when`
<j8r> they will share the same code
works :) <3
<pitosalas> @j8r, @bew: thanks
<bew> *gets back to work*
<mamantoha> what is wrong with `def foo(*, x, y = 2)`?
<j8r> nothing, I didn't know this syntax
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<j8r> the only thing you can add is type annotations
<mamantoha> what do you mean?
<Blacksmoke16> `def foo(*, x : String, y : Int32 = 2)`
<mamantoha> Well, yes
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<kinxer> @Blacksmoke16 I just took a look at the spec; I'm sure that generations to come will appreciate your regex efforts.
<Blacksmoke16> i cant take the credit, just adapted Symfony's regex to work with crystal
<Blacksmoke16> but thanks, id say it turned out well
<StephenStrickland> Is there anyway that I can manually manipulate the AST from a macro? I want to modify the body of the calling method and add some additional statements.
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<bew> @StephenStrickland not really, or at least not as easily as you (and I) would like.. You have to recreate the method, paste its name, parameters (that's the tricky part), and the body, and you can add the lines you want in there
<ArchaicLord> Hi, just came across this project . Not sure how. I littlerly just got roped into Rust without knowing about it . Am currently on Chapter 2 of the book and just read thats it is one of the hardest languages to learn. I came across which says its easier but it looks very new. I am in the mids of an IT support role. I am learning and use Linux. I am trying to get into vim and want to position myself to get a
... role in dev/ops development. how would this sit in those goals? and how the hell would i be able to convicen my boss/developers to give it a go? They are so JavaScript orientated its sickining
<ArchaicLord> sorry i know I asked a lost of questions
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<Blacksmoke16> welcome
<diegogub_gitlab> Hello! Anyone with experience running Crystal into Docker? I'm planning to deploy using nomad crystal app on docker. But I'm having issues with DNS resolver
<StephenStrickland> @bew coolio, that's what I was fearing.
<Blacksmoke16> @diegogub_gitlab how are you running it? just adding in your binary?