<j8r> Usually, a new minor release ships each 2/4 months
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<r00ster91> when I call the `initialize` method of a struct/class in the struct/class itself in some method again, will memory be allocated again etc? I actually just want to reuse the code in the `initialize` method
r00ster91, no, it's just a normal method in this case
everything that's special about initialize: 1) it is not public 2) a `self.new` will be created based on it
<vladfaust> Why postponing though? To make releases seem more solid?
vladfaust, you don't have to wait, you know
<vladfaust> I cannot release shards for Crystal master branch
why not
<vladfaust> Because no one would use a shard if it requires Crystal master
i suppose so
<aisrael> Would it be possible I overload the `|` or `>>` operators to behave like Elixir's `|>` operator (that would "pipe" the output of the previous method/function call as the first argument to the next one)?
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<asterite> No
<aisrael> Yeah thought about it too and can’t without hacking the compiler itself
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<vladfaust> I'm sorry, what's the last discussion issue # on that? ⏎ ⏎ ```[42].as(Array(Int32 | String)) ⏎ # can't cast Array(Int32) to Array(Int32 | String)``` ⏎ ⏎ I'd like to read it [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5b8bda4b1d3a5711b6d28674]
well the compiler doesn't compile itself yet, because I havent finished stubbing out Process fully yet
so it just throws notimplemented errors
<j8r> And me at the meantime I've just managed to do a POC branch about following redirects for `HTTP::Client`, we aren't playing on the same level... lol
HTTP::Client really needs to be redesigned
because it needs middleware
<j8r> I think so too, but until that I done a small implem in around 60 lines to follow redirects
<j8r> I didn't had the feel to redisign the whole HTTP::Client, and then adding a redirection middleware :/
thats needs a lot of discussion before writing code
<j8r> Hopefully this little work made me more familiar with the `HTTP::Client`. It tooks me ome time to understand how all this `exec` call each other
<j8r> Indeed, but most of the code is already lying there in halite, crest and cossack
please don't attempt to import that code
<j8r> This can't really be done anyway
<bew> Awesome RX14, that's a nice step!
<j8r> I see how they have done with status code, Host and Location headers
<bew> (the hello world compilation on windows)