[crystal] faustinoaq opened pull request #6387: Fix missing comment inside code block example (master...patch-1) https://git.io/fNmpw
[crystal] faustinoaq opened pull request #6388: Fix udp example for udp method on Socket::Addrinfo (master...patch-2) https://git.io/fNmp1
<talbergs> thanks Jarrod
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<sam0x17> does anyone know where I can find the source code for crystal's error printing code? want to replicate exactly
<sam0x17> found it myself: `ex.inspect_with_backtrace(STDERR)` does what I need
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<soanvig> @bew It seems, that branch from PR (fixing scry to match Crystal v0.25.0) doesn't work (with Crystal v.0.25.1 at least). But @faustinoaq said, he is busy, but he will be working on that, so I will wait :)
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<soanvig> I have a question. I've created getter of name `hash` in class. It has `String` type. ⏎ ⏎ Now, I get, that `.hash` has possible two types: `String` (which is my implementation) and `hash` (which is native implementation https://crystal-lang.org/api/0.25.1/Object.html#hash-instance-method)
<soanvig> I believe it's not correct behaviour, and because of that my code does not compile.
soanvig, ok so maybe don't do that?
it doesnt have 2 possible types, it has 1 which breaks the fundamentals of the language
<soanvig> So it is possible to overwrite native function, but typings break up then? That's huge flaw
that's ruby's heritage for ya
<soanvig> So what's the point of overwriting then? To provide custom implementation of the same return type?
if you have class A with one field @a and you create two instances `A.new(a=5)` and `A.new(a=5)` and by default they will not be equal and have a different hash
if you want to use them in context of comparison, you must override those
<soanvig> That makes better sense, since this is 'hash' method, which is quite crucial. But what another methods?
i dont understand
<soanvig> I mean, that there is method like, I don't know, Array#clear, which according to docs returns nothing. Now I overwrite it with a method, that does the same, but returns the `self` array. Now I will get errors too.
maybe, maybe not
depends on how bad the cascade is
<soanvig> Hm. So it seems, that thing is quite tricky, and it's best to avoid overwriting with changing typings
it's best to avoid overwriting
do you think a lot of good things would happen if you changed `clear` to instead double the number of items in the array while still returning nil ?
but, some methods explicitly say "please override me and return a value of this type", so you can do that
<soanvig> Yes, clear was just "random" example.
but you're supposed to override it in a subclass
if you directly modify Array's clear method, that's bad. if you subclass and modify it - whatever floats your boat, it can work just fine
<soanvig> @oprypin in case, that I still don't change return type *
it's just that the language has the assumption "hash must return int64" everywhere throughout standard library
soanvig, you can do whatever you want, because existing code doesnt already rely on it, only your new code
<soanvig> Hm
<soanvig> That makes better sense nolw
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yeah sorry, i made too much focus on reopening classes, which you probably didnt even care about
like `class Array(T); def clear; end; end;` - you could do this theoretically
<soanvig> To be honest, what I needed was sha256 hash, instead of UInt64 :P
define `sha256` method
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define `sha256` method
<soanvig> Thanks
<soanvig> So I've got another question. I have @a which has type of `CustomClass | Nil`, and I do: `@b = @a ? @a.method : ""`, and get that `NIl.method is undefined`. Isn't the compiler clever enough?
<soanvig> (I have such problems, because I come from other typing environment, and may not understand some things :/)
<soanvig> I've already found it and deleted old comments. I believe IRC didn't catch that
<BlobCodes> How can I make a self.load function that triggers all self.waitforload do |something| ⏎ end ⏎ ⏎ I thought about making a loop, but I wanted to know if there´s a method that´s more efficient [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5b4b2a7c6534bc5d2e5d51bd]
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<kingsleyh> what was IO.select and where did it go? was it removed?
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kingsleyh, it was removed cuz it's blocking. there's a toplevel nonblocking select i think
<jspillers> does shards log more verbose errors somewhere? I am trying to create a basic shard lib and have it be a dependency of another app... getting a `Error resolving...` message but no specific information about what might have gone wrong
<kingsleyh> oprypin - this does not stop for gets and it runs and does nothing visible
<kingsleyh> ok - now I get an error which is an improvement
<kingsleyh> Index out of bounds (IndexError)
<kingsleyh> something to do with this: print String.new buf[0, len]
<kingsleyh> although it still did not stop at the gets
<kingsleyh> I expected it would stop and let me type something at the gets
<jspillers> im creating a shard and for some reason when adding it as a dependency i have to specify the branch name or it throws `Error resolving ta4cr (0.1.0)` when doing a `shards install` - i have compared the shards.yml to other libs and it doesn't appear i am missing anything there...
<drum445> Some confusion over the Time type (as there doens't seem to be a data) When I do a .to_json on my class that contains a attr that is of type Time it is returning "2018-06-14T00:00:00Z" how can I make it only reutrn the date?
<drum445> is there just a date type?
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<drum445> Why can't I loop through: "undefined method 'each' for JSON::Any"
<Daniel-Worrall> you need to cast it as something first
<Blacksmoke16> I feel like the to_json of that should be `"{\"latitude\":12.3,\"longitude\":34.5}"`, as the way i was thinking about it was the `@[JSON::Field(key: "lng")]` just determined the key from the JSON object to assign to that particular instance var
<bew> I don't understand what you mean @Blacksmoke16
<Blacksmoke16> see how the output is `"{\"lat\":12.3,\"lng\":34.5}"`?
<Blacksmoke16> the properties name is defined as `longitude`
<Blacksmoke16> `@[JSON::Field(key: "lng")]` should just allow you to specify a different key name (in this case `lng`) to assign to that var
<Blacksmoke16> but its actually altering the key names when doing `to_json`
<Blacksmoke16> as if i wanted to consume json `{"CamelCaseName": "value"}` and did like ⏎ ``` ⏎ @[JSON::Field(key: "CamelCaseName")]
<Blacksmoke16> to me `camel_case_name` should equal "value" and output of to_json would be `{"camel_case_name": "value"}` but oh well
[crystal] sdogruyol closed pull request #6371: Add ECR.render for rendering without setting up an IO (master...jm/feature/ecr-render) https://git.io/fNLUc
<bew> @Blacksmoke16 then how would you make a json like the original one?
[crystal] sdogruyol pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fNYW2
crystal/master 24b860e Faustino Aguilar: Fix udp example for udp method on Socket::Addrinfo (#6388)
<Blacksmoke16> custom `to_json`
<Blacksmoke16> to build out the object with the original keys
<Blacksmoke16> but i guess it works in reverse, ill have to do that to get what i want from what the JSON supplies
[crystal] sdogruyol closed pull request #6336: Improve docs of big module overloads (master...laginha87-improve-big-docs) https://git.io/fbhC8
<Blacksmoke16> `value_key` JSON::Field option would be cool, combine the parsing and transformation into one step
crystal-lang/crystal#3b3bf3f (master - Adds code samples on the big module to methods that are extending classes that are part of the standard library (#6336)): The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/crystal-lang/crystal/builds/404166174
<drum445> Hi, wondering if somebody could help me out. I have dates coming from mysql and being used in a class. ⏎ I want to return just the date via my api in JSON format.
<drum445> The problem I am having is when I do the following: https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/4isn ⏎ It returns the full Time object instead of just the date. Any way around this please?
<Blacksmoke16> if you dont need to full Time object you could also do like
<drum445> Thanks @Blacksmoke16, I had something similar to that but the object I have has a lot of attr so makes it a bit messy. Maybe it's the only way
<drum445> I take donations through paypal ;)
<straight-shoota> Apart from number types, there are not many conversions from string
drum455 try with String ;)
<straight-shoota> but when there is, `{{ type }}.new(string)` should work
your right
*you're right
but it breaks for string
which is pretty lame
<straight-shoota> Why would you convert a String to a String??
well... it's just a macro
<straight-shoota> and?
how should i know what get's passed to it
<bew> And how would you build that type from the String? There is no generic way to build any types, unless you write it yourself.. Can you give examples?
<straight-shoota> if `string` already is a `type` there is no need to convert it
i'll do it like that
i'll do it with {% if type == String %}
<drum445> @jokke what is your use case?
so it won't steal any cycles at runtime
<bew> 👍
<drum445> give us a playground example
<drum445> If you are always passing in a string, why would you ever want to convert a str object?
<rishavs> @bew the object is fairly dynamic and thats the major problem. I am trying to convert an array of hashes into a tree (for my comments system). When i did it in JS, I used this small piece of code; ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ In crystal I can't proceed beyond the first line T_T [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5b4b91041c0f906b145782eb]
<bew> Can you give examples input & output, see what we can do for it?
<drum445> sounds like you might be best creating classes that have attributes of other classes if it's a nested json blob
<drum445> How is that not cleaner than a macro
<drum445> You know port is always an int
because let's say it's a config i use a lot
<drum445> So what's the issue
<drum445> ok, go on
i pass it the key as string all over the place
then i misspell it somewhere
i only know about this at runtime
this wont _ever_ happen with a macro like that
<drum445> I feel like you're in a mindset where you are making something more complex than it needs. I often have this too
<drum445> But if you just pass ```ENV["PORT"].to_i``` to w/e needs it
<drum445> you're sorted
<drum445> just don't spell PORT wrong, but that's the same as all Hash types
also i don't have to spread around multiple to_something calls just because the value i'm using isn't a string
<drum445> But you do have to call a macro
that's why hash types are so inferior to actual classes with attributes
or structs
what's wrong with calling a macro??
you do it all the time
<drum445> well not inferior, just a different approach, they have their uses
<drum445> Nothing is wrong with it mate, but there is also nothing wrong with to_i32
<drum445> and I'd argue that to_i32 is a lot easier for a new dev to understand than having to decrypt a custom macro
<drum445> Let me know what you settle on though
1. it's not DRY if you need it in many places in your application, 2. it's not typesafe since it's up to you to do the to_something, 3. it's very easy to misspell the key
<drum445> I wouldn't say a cast is WET
<drum445> I also would say that if you are that concerned with spelling your key wrong (for some reason) just to do a .includes?(key) before anything else
sure is if you do it multiple times for the exact same value
<drum445> write a helper method then
<drum445> most useless helper I've ever seen though
and you said the macro was too much? :D
<drum445> exactly
<drum445> also why are you passing the ENV vars around?
have you ever worked with docker?
<drum445> yer
<drum445> Why do so many palces need the port
dude... :D
are you just trolling?
<drum445> Ok I'm out, I still feel you're massively over complicating things. But I have better things to be doing
<Blacksmoke16> couldn't you just make a class tha you pass all these ENV vars to, then assign an instance of that class to like `ENV_HELPER` variable in global namespace then reference that everywhere, where you only have to do the case once in the initialize method of the class?
<drum445> indeed, but he is worried about misspelling the hash key...
<Blacksmoke16> spell check?
<drum445> tell me about it
<Blacksmoke16> i get his point but i feel like that isnt a valid enough reason to make this more complex than a class and pass all env vars to
<drum445> Agreed
<Blacksmoke16> then can cast and assign each ENV value to its own instance variable
<drum445> Just don't look at JS @jokke ;)
<straight-shoota> jokke, you probably shouldn't have multiple places reading the same value from `ENV`
<straight-shoota> abstracting that in a helper method, config class or whatever is better
which is exactly what i'm doing
<drum445> You said I was trolling when I suggested something similar
<straight-shoota> yeah, but you're likely overcomplicating it
<drum445> So if ENV is just a hash, just have ⏎ ENV["PORT_INT"] = 5000
it's hard for me to understand how a 4 line macro is overcomplicating things :D
<drum445> if you really have to
<drum445> compared to a 4 character cast it really is
<straight-shoota> you don't need the macro at all :D
<drum445> to_i
<straight-shoota> `setting bind_port, Int32, 3000` can just be `getter bind_port { ENV.fetch("BIND_PORT", "3000").to_i }
<rishavs> Any ideas how should I proceed ahead? :(
straight-shoota: i will need macros if i want to be able to check at compile time if my accessing and passing settings to methods is typesafe and correct
<drum445> Just have a helper, or a common class that holds the int
<straight-shoota> I don't follow
straight-shoota: of course, that's what i was going with before, until i realized that i have 15 of such lines
<straight-shoota> so be it =)
<straight-shoota> abstracting this in a macro adds a lot of constraints
<straight-shoota> you can't easily use custom string conversions
<Daniel-Worrall> I could also do `string[0,1]`
<bew> what is it for?
<Daniel-Worrall> I found out they have Crystal support
<Daniel-Worrall> so I've been giving it a go
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<Daniel-Worrall> How can I group elements in an Array given that they're next to each other and satisfy a condition. ⏎ For example Array of Ints `[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 4]`, how could I group even numbers together to produce `[[1], [2, 2], [3], [3], [2, 4]]` or similar