RX14 changed the topic of #crystal-lang to: The Crystal programming language | http://crystal-lang.org | Crystal 0.24.1 | Fund Crystal's development: http://is.gd/X7PRtI | GH: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal | Docs: http://crystal-lang.org/docs/ | API: http://crystal-lang.org/api/ | Gitter: https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal
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<hightower2> Is it possible to have a "case var; when some_list", and have the 'when' match if var's value is found in some_list?
<hightower2> I tried both with an array and tuple and specifying "when *list" and "when list", and it didn't work (no error, but didn't match)
<hightower2> (I mean I get error with '*list', and no error but also no match with 'list')
<FromGitter> <PlayLights_twitter> Include?
<hightower2> yes but I can't write that in a case/when syntax
<FromGitter> <PlayLights_twitter> well maybe you can save the result before the case when by the way thats dirty
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<hightower2> I am calling var1, var2, var3 = string.split 'delimiter', and am getting Index out of bounds because there are no 3 fields in string. Is there a way to default the missing ones to nil rather than raising?
<FromGitter> <bew> Don't think so
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<crystal-gh> [crystal] matiasgarciaisaia closed pull request #5727: Handle [CMD/CTRL]+S on Playground (master...feature/playground_binding_cmd_s_and_ctrl_s_to_run_code) https://git.io/vAlqY
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<travis-ci> crystal-lang/crystal#163c0cb (master - binding cmd-s and ctrl-s to runCode): The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/crystal-lang/crystal/builds/348078048
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<FromGitter> <aisrael> @hightower2 This isn’t pretty but does the job: ⏎ `var1, var2, var3 = string.split(delimiter) + [nil, nil, nil]`
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<FromGitter> <bew> this is very very bad memory wise, as I think it'll create 4 arrays: one for the split, one for the `[nil]`, one for the `[nil] * 3` and one for the concatenation of the split's array, and the `[nil] * 3`'s array...
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<FromGitter> <aisrael> That’s true. Well, maybe in the future the compiler can optimize the `[nil] * 3` and make it like, `Array.new(3, nil)` so less one array creation :)
<FromGitter> <aisrael> Is there a way to resize or add capacity to an array, filling up the new elements with some default value (or `nil`)?
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<FromGitter> <Qwerp-Derp> How do I get the maximum value an `IntXX` class can be from an instance of that class? So for example, if I have `x` which is an `Int16`, I want to get `Int16.MAX`, but if it's an `Int64` I want `Int64.max` instead.
<FromGitter> <ezrast> @Qwerp-Derp I'm not sure if there's a general way but there's this: https://carc.in/#/r/3nv6
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<FromGitter> <Qwerp-Derp> OK, now I have a really hacky solution for #5715: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a990c4ac3c5f8b90d231a79]
<DeBot> https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/5715 (`Number.round` does not handle its arguments correctly)
<FromGitter> <Qwerp-Derp> `Math.round` just rounds to whatever precision is the maximum for `base.max`, so in this case it only rounds to 9 decimal places
<FromGitter> <Qwerp-Derp> This is probably not the best solution but I'm open to ideas before I make a PR
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<jokke> are there any "helpers" for porting ruby code to crystal?
<jokke> like somekind of half-automatic programs
<jokke> that crawl through the code and at least do the obvious stuff
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<FromGitter> <spencerwi> Is there a roadmap or "crystal-devel" mailing list of some sort for Crystal? I always find it interesting to track the development of interesting languages, and Crystal is a pretty slick one.
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<RX14> @spencerwi your best bet is watching the crystal github repo
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<FromGitter> <Sija> @bew I tried different approach (https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/3nx7), yet unfortunately it doesn’t work :/
<FromGitter> <drosehn> jokke : You'll start out thinking that translating from ruby to crystal should be trivial, but the more you that you try that, the more you'll realize there are many issues to deal with. Any one issue might be trivial, but it's not trivial to solve all of them. Especially since the crystal language and stdlib are still changing.
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<jokke> DeBot: i know it's not trivial
<jokke> äh
<jokke> drosehn
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<FromGitter> <cserb> guys, I'm trying to access a value from a parsed json (`peer["ident"].as_s`) but I'm getting a weird error (which I can't reproduce in any other example)
<FromGitter> <cserb> Unhandled exception in spawn: ⏎ Expected Hash for # (key : String), not String (Exception) ⏎ from /usr/lib/crystal/json/any.cr:0:7 in '[]' ⏎ from src/avram.cr:108:15 in 'handle_new_peers' ⏎ from src/avram.cr:94:7 in 'handle_peer_response' ... [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a99667c35dd17022e12034c]
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<RX14> @cserb it means that `peer` is a JSON string
<RX14> since obviously "foo"["ident"] doesn't make sense you get an exception
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<FromGitter> <cserb> @RX14 why would that be the case: `puts "+++++ #{typeof(peer["ident"].as_s)}"`
<FromGitter> <cserb> this works
<FromGitter> <cserb> if I remove `typeof()` I get the error
<RX14> because typeof doesn't actually do anything
<RX14> typeof asks the compiler "what is the type of this expression"
<RX14> the expression is never compiled
<RX14> or run
<RX14> or done anything with
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<RX14> typeof can never raise an exception because it's basically a constant
<FromGitter> <cserb> I'm super confused :) So you are saying `peer` is not a `JSON::any`
<RX14> no
<RX14> this is a runtime error
<RX14> typeof operates at compile-time
<RX14> the compiler has no idea what's in a JSON::Any
<FromGitter> <cserb> yeah sure. Let's forget about typeof. I just tried different things to find out what the problem is
<RX14> it could be a hash, a string, an array, the compiler has no idea
<RX14> when you do typeof(peer["ident"].as_s) you're asking the compiler what's the type of that expression
<RX14> the expression always compiles so the compiler replies "it's a string of course"
<RX14> but at runtime, if peer is not an object, then `peer["ident"]` will raise an exception
<RX14> and if `peer["ident"]` is not a string, `peer["ident"].as_s` will raise an exception
<RX14> the compiler has no idea what data is in the `peer` variable so it has no clue that those exceptions will be raised
<RX14> that's why it works
<RX14> the root cause is that `peer` is a JSON::Any containing a string
<RX14> but you're using `peer["ident"]` as if `peer` is a JSON::Any containing a Hash
<RX14> and it's not
<RX14> which is probably because you made a mistake further up your code
<RX14> or you read the structure of your JSON wrong
<RX14> or something
<FromGitter> <cserb> so assuming what you this should work: foo = JSON.parse(peer.as_s); foo["ident"].as_s
<RX14> I doubt it
<RX14> that would imply there's JSON inside a string inside json
<RX14> which I doubt there is
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<FromGitter> <cserb> but it did work
<RX14> then there's JSON in your JSON
<RX14> which is super weird
<RX14> can you show me what you're trying to parse?
<FromGitter> <cserb> ```code paste, see link```
<FromGitter> <cserb> This string I take and do a JSON.parse
<RX14> where are you getting this JSON from?
<RX14> because that JSON is super weird
<RX14> that's JSON encoded inside a string inside a json array
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<FromGitter> <cserb> Yes I realised this now as well...
<FromGitter> <cserb> Oh now I think I found my mistake
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<FromGitter> <cserb> I'm creating it via to_json from a Hash
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<RX14> so you must be calling to_json twice
<RX14> on the hash and on the array of strings
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<FromGitter> <cserb> nope
<RX14> well somehwere there's JSON encoding going on twice
<RX14> or you wouldn't get that output
<FromGitter> <cserb> ok so this is the line: ` a = "response|#{@avram_peer_repo.map {|peer| {ident: peer.ident, port: peer.port}}}"`
<FromGitter> <cserb> and I had ` a = "response|#{request}|#{@avram_peer_repo.map {|peer| {ident: peer.ident, port: peer.port}}.to_json}"`
<FromGitter> <cserb> it turns out I don't need the to_json...
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<FromGitter> <cserb> hm ok so the correct way to do it is: `a = "response|#{@avram_peer_repo.map {|peer| {"ident" => peer.ident, "port" => peer.port}}.to_json}"`
<FromGitter> <cserb> this works now
<FromGitter> <cserb> many thanks @RX14
<RX14> you do need the to_json
<RX14> and the first and the last ones should be equivalent
<FromGitter> <cserb> with hash rocket I get `"[{\"ident\":\"2b781707-0d0f-428d-8867-17b2b0a5c740\",\"port\":12346}]"`
<FromGitter> <cserb> without: `"[{ident: \"d83a5cca-5961-48cb-8d82-cf7ceb8778de\", port: 12346}]"`
<RX14> "response|#{@avram_peer_repo.map {|peer| {ident: peer.ident, port: peer.port}}.to_json}"
<RX14> not for me
<FromGitter> <cserb> you are right
<RX14> oops
<FromGitter> <cserb> there is record support in crystal? I couldn't find this in the docs or api
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<RX14> @cserb https://crystal-lang.org/api/master/toplevel.html#record(name,*properties)-macro
<RX14> it's in the "top level namespace" in the docs
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<FromGitter> <bew> @Qwerp-Derp you can do `Int32::MAX` for the max value of an Int32
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<FromGitter> <Willamin> Anyone know why Crystal is wonky with unicode? ⏎ ⏎ ```"\xff".chars.first.bytes ⏎ => [255]``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a9997430202dc012ea4ce40]
<pabs> my recollection is that it sasumes strings are valid unicode, and that's not a valid unicode string
<pabs> s/it sasumes/crystal assumes/
<FromGitter> <Willamin> oh I guess FF is a bad example
<FromGitter> <Willamin> same thing happens with EE
<FromGitter> <Willamin> is that also invalid unicode?
<FromGitter> <Willamin> hang on ... FF is valid: https://unicode-table.com/en/#00FF
<FromGitter> <Willamin> ```"\u{00ff}".chars.first.bytes ⏎ => [195_u8, 191_u8] ⏎ "\u{00ff}" ⏎ => "ÿ"``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a999a63f3f6d24c682c6591]
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<FromGitter> <watzon> If I were to add `Enumerable#take` to the stdlib do you think it would get merged? Or is there already a method like that?
<FromGitter> <watzon> It would basically just need to wrap `Enumerable#take_while` by taking a number and returning everything up to that index.
<FromGitter> <watzon> Hmm never mind, I thought `take_while` returned an index
<FromGitter> <watzon> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a99a1e56fba1a703abec46d]
<FromGitter> <bew> You can do that with an iterator
<FromGitter> <bew> @watzon `ary.each.take 3` iirc
<FromGitter> <watzon> If so it's undocumented
<FromGitter> <watzon> Because `Iterator` seems to be lacking `take` as well. Both have `skip` but are missing `take`
<FromGitter> <bew> Right it's called `Iterator#first`
<FromGitter> <bew> Maybe it should be renamed? I don't know
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<FromGitter> <jwaldrip> How can I tell where this is happening? ⏎ ⏎ `````` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a99b1098f1c77ef3a763eda]
<FromGitter> <jwaldrip> It looks like its happening in: Psykube::V2::Manifest::new<YAML::ParseContext, YAML::Nodes::Node+>
<FromGitter> <jwaldrip> But hard to find where
<FromGitter> <bew> which crystal ersion are you using?
<FromGitter> <bew> with 0.24.1 you should have a better trace iirc
<FromGitter> <watzon> Yeah feel like `Iterator#first` is kinda counterintuitive
<FromGitter> <watzon> I'd expect that to just return the first value
<FromGitter> <jwaldrip> I am using 0.24.1
<FromGitter> <bew> @watzon it is documented that it returns an iterator that would return the first or first N elements
<FromGitter> <bew> @jwaldrip hmm you're on macos maybe?
<FromGitter> <watzon> Yeah I see it now. I just feel like take makes more sense, especially in conjunction with skip. Or it could be both since skip and last seem to do the same thing.
<FromGitter> <bew> you can open an issue about that if you think there is room for discussion
<FromGitter> <jwaldrip> I am on macos
<FromGitter> <bew> I don't know it well, but iirc there is a way to have file & line number in traces, do you see what I'm taking about?
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<FromGitter> <watzon> #5761
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<FromGitter> <watzon> If you look at my github profile I think you can tell that Crystal is my favorite language
<FromGitter> <bew> Ahahah me too I think
<FromGitter> <watzon> @bew I think it's funny that you have Astral pinned and haven't done anything with it
<FromGitter> <watzon> Are you still planning on writing a PEG parser generator?
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<FromGitter> <bew> Yeah I know, it's not even written, just ideas & wish ˆˆ I don't know I have other projects in the work that have higher priority than astral for now
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