<bararchy> Wait, does Hash has a `Hash#[key]?` metohd to check if the key exists without call `.has_key?` mu life was a lie
<cevarief> @bararchy That returns all hash content
<bararchy> Yeha, played around with it, amazing
<bararchy> didn't know about this method before
<cevarief> How it works?
<cevarief> isn’t that # means comment, so the rest after that char will be ignored
<codenoid> is i'm right ? `context.response.status_code = 404` (integer status code), but when i check in the web browser, the browser send `200`
<codenoid> lol, i write that after `context.response.print`
<bararchy> @cevarief Oh, the `#` symbolizes a method call on an instance of a Class. ⏎ Like here: like `String#gsub`, etc ..
<bararchy> it's not a literal `#`
<bararchy> The actual code is ofc `String.gsub`
<cevarief> Now i’m starting to like exploring crystal api 😄
<codenoid> hmm, i want make a simple proxy server, working fine in localhost, but when i deploy with public ip, my app returning bad gateway, etc ⏎ https://github.com/codenoid/kuking
codenoid, just FYI: There are scan bots out there looking for public proxy servers, for people to proxy mostly less-than-legal stuff over it
<bararchy> True, you should add user&pass auth before publishing
codenoid, really, just "publish" it in your *private* LAN, or just locally for testing.
Least things that can go wrong that way
<bararchy> when you call `file` on it, does it say "dynamicaly linked" ?
and this way people will be using their system libraries
we won't be distributing any libraries other than libgc.a
which is how it should be
@bararchy yes and that's why i'm confused
<codenoid> btw, is crystal really need other web server for resource who coming from public ip ? , I do not think so :/
well probably not
but probably isn't good enough
you put a web server in front so you can say definitely
and leave someone else to prove out crystal in production
<bararchy> I would put the Crystal server in the front
<bararchy> :)
<bararchy> But i'm brave
<bararchy> I'm the "someone else" hahah
well I need a reverse proxy regardless because I have many vhosts
also SSL termination
so yeah
<sdogruyol> nginx is just built for that kind of job
SLL termination is much easier in stuff like nginx if you use LE
<sdogruyol> so why not just use it
<bararchy> Oh, that's something else then, I built a Reverse proxy with SSL offload and rewrite based routing from scratch in Ruby, might try to do something similar in Crystal as a side project
or just use an existing one?
I don't see the point in rewriting the same thing again and again in different languages
<codenoid> then why my crystal server was not able to work with crystal own server :/
we have nginx and we have caddy and they're both fantastic web servers
<bararchy> Well, following the same logic, why should we have Crystal if we already have C, C++, Ruby, Python, Go, Rust ...
<bararchy> XD
because crystal does something different
<codenoid> like ? :shipit:
and whatever you're going to write likely does not
<bararchy> Also , the best answer if "for fun and evolution of software" , any new "rewrite" is an upgrade, even just by testing the logic again, Nginx is a re-write of Apache, but better
if you're going to write a HTTP proxy to do something special go ahead
but if you're going to write it just because it's in crystal don't bother
unless it's a learning project
<codenoid> for me "Abusing computer (crystal++) for fun and profit"
<codenoid> crystal it self is something special, and i use to build something special with something special , :D ✨
<bararchy> btw, RX14 you can also say the same thing about Kemal or Amythists, it's just a rewrite of Rails\Sinatra on Crystal
yes but that's a library
<bararchy> But I think that those things are important
it's differentiated by being written in crystal
<bararchy> Well, I can do a reverse proxy lib
<bararchy> as in a shard form
<bararchy> that can allow you to use it programiclly
sure that'd be useful
but if nginx fits the bill then i'd always use nginx
the best solution is the one which already exists
Like Boleite is just my rewriting the backend I wrote ages ago in D in Crystal
but with more Crystal idioms
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like I love working with OpenGL objects now
instead of binding and unbindng manually
I just do shader.activate { do_stuff }
<bararchy> @veelenga Nice work with the Amythist repo
<bararchy> it's nice of @Codecore to transfer hes repo to the crystal-comunity
<bew> what is this crystal-community GH organization anyway?
<krypton97> Good question
<jwaldrip> hmm, crystal doesnt currently parse timezone from 8601: Time::Format::ISO_8601_DATE_TIME.parse("2017-08-22T12:56:45-07:00")
<jwaldrip> it returns the proper time, just not with the TZ i specified
<asterite> it's because Time doesn't have a timezone, it's just UTC or Local
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<bararchy> @ary just have to say it , it's really really awsone seeing you back in the crystal tranches :)
<bararchy> @bew @krypton97 , its an open group to support big dead projects that the original maintainer left or stopped maintaining
<bararchy> In this way there is no stage where a relevant project sits idle while PRs are getting stacked up
<codenoid> greatt ✨ 👏
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<totakaro> It's useful on VSCode extension by example, I'll write some documentation about.
Well would you look at that. My project is useful 😁
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[crystal] MakeNowJust opened pull request #4871: Allow assignment to class var when fit this class var types of ancestors (master...fix/crystal/allow-assign-class-var-if-fit-ancestors-type) https://git.io/v5kTs
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<jwaldrip> @straight-shoota Made some updates the YAML PR, thank you so much for your feedback thus far.
now that's worthy of a bountysource, unlike that guy wth an empty repo xD
Atom-editor also has a memory leak which is obvious when working with large files.. So yeah, I used Kate to read those, which had none of such issues
oprypin, yeah that was hillarious
use a real editor
he used Kate, seems good
Now, this really is a TechPreview: There are things to do, but also, infrastructure questions. I want people be able to just drop in a dependency in their shard.yml, run `crystal deps`, and it just works™. I think this is the biggest hiccup that could turn people away otherwise.
what's #define fake enumerations again?
Qt has QMake, which is pretty near that for C++ .. as long you stick to Qt lul.
C-style "enums" “I didn't know there's enum in C too”
that was my main guess but what's the context on it?
does Qt use it somewhere and you want to bind it or what
When bindgen grows into a solution for C projects, it'll have to support it somehow
ah whatever
oprypin: Completely irrelevant to Qt, thankfully
well it's actually almost never usable out of the box, the defines can be random chunks of code, it's the weirdest problem to solve for sure
And the Clang API for macros is "uargh"
RX14: atom is up till now the least-worst editor I use. QtCreator is only for C++ :(
i heard vscode was pretty good
> Microsoft
i judge projects on their qualities
not who made them
but vim/emacs are the true editors anyway
RX14, this is not the time :(
it's always the time!
the most important library binding has been made
and i'm shitposting about editors, yes
Postinstall (cd clang && make) && crystal deps build -- yeah also dont like this part
Ah man, I forgot to mention in the readme that bindgen does support QFlags
Papierkorb, how would you feel about Windows support tho
oprypin: How should it be done otherwise? The clang part needs to be there, and if you run bindgen again and again while not dev'ing bindgen itself, the wait time for crystal really adds up
"A class depending on another class should follow *after* its dependency." can't you have circular dependencies in C++?
well the way I did it was to require manual intervention
RX14, you can
oprypin: Violates "just works"
RX14: Technically yes, in reality "Really?!"
class A; class B {}; class A {};
That's not circular
well no because neither class has members
`class A; class B { A* a}; class A { B* b};`
happy now
RX14: Or, mh no I don't think so
oprypin: That's not a circular dependency in terms of inheritance
Which I was playing at there. Have to improve it if that's not obvious
so that's the thing, RX14 probably didnt mean as inheritance
RX14: Well, C++ has virtual inheritance so .. erm .. maybe
oh no
circular inheritance?
that beaks my brain
that's just nonsense
virtual inheritance doesn't?
and now i get to sleep and then work all day :>
bindgen_helper.hpp -> ../lib/X - Assumption broken. Come on, I just wanted it to point at the correct version of that file for the normal use case
but the lib is at the very top level
postinstall is a huge pain
like, actually unusable
as soon as you hit c++ you need a build system to wrap it all
and you are gonna need it to support Windows anyway
There needs to be a way to build dependencies in shards. What it is I don't care. I just don't wanna do `{{ run ".." }}` hacks in some random crystal source file
cmake lul
qmake lul
Might actually work, for Qt that is
oprypin, why is is unusable?
libs being weird?
RX14, not cross-platform by design
s/libs/lib/ ?
Though w.r.t. Windows, really, that shall be the headache of the Windows maintainer, who I don't plan to be. Last thing I want to do is mess with Windows "development" environments
Papierkorb, it's fiiiine
oprypin, yeah i guess
as long as you use a cross platform build system and not makefiles
thing is in windows not everything ends up on PATH
so it forces you to break assumptions that you shouldn't have had in the first place?
and stuff is kinda designed around IDEs using the build tools
mostly the microsoft tools
uhh cmake being on the path is a pretty good assumption
how else do you find it?
you let the user find it
* Papierkorb
thinks of a file open dialog
you don't use windows
it's a terrible development platform
RX14, you dont know me
Papierkorb, that's probably what most windows users want you to do
and thats terrifying
RX14: To be honest, Qt makes it actually quite usable with their online installer setting the whole thing up. Really good.
yeah and it adds itself to path right?
more than can be said for visual C++
Not sure, long time since I had to use it
it generates like 15 random batch files which drop you into a shell with the tools in
because that's infinitely composable
i liked it :>
No idea if it's true, but it's hilarious in any case
* oprypin
one shell for each cross-compile target
it's terrible
"Visual C++ 2015 x64 Native Build Tools Command Prompt"
Oh, that shit?
and good luck getting it to work with a decent terminal emulator
RX14: But muh play button D:
ayy lmao
<sdogruyol> lol
Papierkorb, no the play button is one thing, and it used to be the only thing
play button?
RX14: in IDEs
but now they're so nice to actually provide usable command line tools that you dont need visual studio project files for
i forgot
ides don't exist on linux
oh wait
They do?
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who knew you can have the best of both worlds
all it takes is sensible design
for some reason i have an undefeatable urge to get this Qt binding working on Windows
sure get it working
Papierkorb, in theory, do you think pre-generated c++ code has a chance to work unchanged?
then you write down the 200 step process
and forget all about it
Do it, and involve us in your rants about Windows "development" environments, cause that's helping the project and hilarious at once. Win win
im not ranting about anything
oprypin: It should
Oh you will
i don't know what you extrapolate that from
oprypin: The generated sources don't do anything special - Except if Qt does via #ifdef of course. QWidget might be a "candidate" for that
type WId, windowHandle() or what it was called, may break your build
Eh, just throw it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I see it only in qt5/qt.yml: WId: { ignore: true }
so how would it break anything?
See? How nice I was to already include that ignore there?
what makes QPoint deserving of its own Crystal file?
For types like QPoint, QRect, etc., I didn't think it makes much sense to do a round-trip to C++ all the time. Especially as their APIs are small.
oh ok
so basically you have everything stored by pointer but in these few instances you did "composition"
oh yeah, forgot all about C++ templates - how do they work?
They're normal classes after instantiation
yeah but you can't instantiate it for all possible parameters
I found out today that LLVM exposes triple normalization
Of course not
so maybe we'll manage to actually get a decent handling of target triples
that's what im wondering about, how do you provide bindings to template classes
But you know which possible parameters make sense, and those you can instantiate
or is it on a case by case basis because QList is useless etc
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i'm seeing a lot of Enumerable near QList
The templating feature focuses on containers (right now, only sequential ones), and even there the API is the minimum required to do something useful. If a user wants to really work with the data, just turn it into an Array
Yeah it's Enumerable, which is why you probably won't even notice it's not an Array
Enumerable() is just what the user is allowed to pass in
It then tries to upcast, else, does the #each loop.
I mean the return types. though they probably are ignored by Crystal anyway
Oh that, fair point. Indeed, they are. And that's a current shortcoming, you can only define one type on each "layer" (Wrapper, Binding, C++), and not one for in and out each
Question is, have you already tried the amazing image viewer sample program?
actually i did mere seconds ago
actually i need to try this
i'd rather the repo was named crystal-qt5 or something though
for sure
i prefer the .cr suffix actually
because it's easier to tab complete
not worth it
ls -1 /data/programming | wc -l
/home is an overloaded directory
everything shoves it's dotfiles and stuff in there
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I have control over /data
plus - /home benefits a LOT from being on a SSD
I just have ~/Projekte ("Projects"). Fixed.
whereas your programming projects are likely just wasting space
well it's too late to change now lol
Not worth thinking about
It's not like I'm using nodejs which would actually trash my ssds
> re naming: that's not even my main concern, i'm just saying it's not clear what your repository is about. is it a fork of qt?
`qt5.cr` would be acceptable. I despise the `LANGUAGE-` prefix. Plain ugly. "qt5.cr" is at least what you almost write in the require afterwards
yes i agree with you there Papierkorb
Papierkorb, sure, that applies to normal projects existing by themselves
i prefer cool names
your project is crystal qt bindings. you call it qt.
<johnjansen> likewise … there should be a standard fir that
<johnjansen> fir
but sometimes just slapping .cr on the end does
just unpack to usr/local and you're all set
.. I clicked on it, and Ark opened an embedded man-page reader with formatting. Damn this DE is amazing.
there's 56mb of html docs
which is almost as much as the compiler
probably should have gzipped it
compiler is 64MiB
As big as a large N64 game
sourcecode is like 6MiB
LLVM though
not llvm
just crystal src dir
the crystal binary
oh yeah
it does have all of llvm in
Which concerns a part of bindgen. I want it to generate a cpp per "section", probably per-class. Will help reduce resulting binary sizes a lot.
Papierkorb, wouldn't it be better to do a cpp per qt module?
No, there are only (right now) 3
i dont see the problem
The point is, the linker can leave out object files, if you never access them. It can't "split" them up though. There's reason to believe that most programs will never touch 60-80% of all wrapped classes (when the project reached near 100% coverage), so by leaving all of those out, you save a few megs
binding.a is already quite large
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-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
(was in my terminal scrollback) hint hint
but yeah it's not the real solution
the linker can only do so much. It can't throw much out, as it can't know if it's actually used even if it thinks it's not
you're saying this as if QtWidgets isn't one shared library
No it's not cutting out anything from Qt itself
But the generated code also has size
my point is why bother splitting object files if it's nothing compared to qt itself
do you think it can speed up Crystal compilation?
Sometimes I feel old, but I don't like wasting space for nothing. That's probably the C programmer in me lul.
That's pure linker related
Method overloading deduction (aka, macro code, lots of it) increased compilation times though