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[crystal] MakeNowJust opened pull request #4489: Parser: correct accept_with_maybe_begin_end to wrap control expression (master...fix/crystal/to-s-no-postfix-control)
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<bararchy> Can I use Channels between processes ?
<sdogruyol> Grab the result from the process in a channel?
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<bew> You can use a Linux pipe between processes (`IO.pipe`)
<bew> You'll have to serialize your data, a pipe only knows about bytes
<sdogruyol> why not use something like protobuf?
<bew> Yes you can, it's one serialization method!
<bew> If you want a channel, you can always have a fiber that just read from the pipe, deserialize, create an object, put it in a channel. Then you can use the other end of the channel to get the passed object where you want
<bararchy> Hmmm that's interesting , should I go for protobuff or msgpack ?
<akzhan> Btw, docker built for Golang that have other language implementations. It may be ported to Crystal.
<sdogruyol> what's that
<sdogruyol> serialization protocol?
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<akzhan> libchan declares unified API to IPC. msgpack behind the scene
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<sdogruyol> oh cool
<bew> Should be easy to port
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<bew> Hmm not sure for the easy-ness, but would be cool for sure
<sdogruyol> do you use crystal for production yet?
<akzhan> just one microservice in docker (something related to payment api).
<akzhan> learning-development-deploy took 7 days.
<bararchy> Perf boost ?
<akzhan> it’s service from scratch, so no comparison available. It simply works. one restart on service update, no cpu cosumtion/memory leaks at all.
<akzhan> Crystal looks for me like pretty alternative to Golang (same placement).
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<ixti> Hi all! Can sombody confirm successfull build of crystal lang with `llvm 3.9.1`?
<ixti> Still can't compile on my machine. And on funtoo bug tracker, they think it most likley crystal's bug (and in fact during crystal compiling it says same)
<ixti> @RX14 probably I ran it incorrectly. The thing I am not compiling it myself. I'm installing it from portages
oh well
<ixti> So I just tried to run that `bin/crystal -v` from working dir
the package build script will download a version of crystal to bootstrap from
so the problem is that version of crystal
there will be a line `make crystal release=true` or similar
before that line add `make crystal`
and it should work
you'll need to build a non-release compiler and then build a release compiler from that debug gompiler
that's so that the correct llvm version is used when compiling the release compiler
yes it's a mess, a fix is in progress
<ixti> @RX14 Thank - will try today
i hope it works
<ixti> I hope too. Will try increase swap size too if that won't work :D
no it likely won't work
it's a bug in LLVM 3.5
which crystal packages with it in the downloadable version
so you're not compiling crystal with llvm 3.9 you're using llvm 3.5 which has this bug in release mode
and it just hangs and eats memory slowly
<ixti> Oh!. Interesting. Thank you! Gonna try your solution right now in fact :D
<ixti> @RX14 Just to clarify for myself. If I'll just compile without `release=1` will it be OK?
but you can compile again with release=1 if you want
like `make crystal` then `make crystal release=true`
i'd recommend it so your compiler isn't too slow
<ixti> Got it. Thanks!
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<ixti> Oh wow! It worked... I was not able to even finish making cup of tea
yeah compiling crystal shouldn't take more than 5 mins
<bew> :sparkles:
<ixti> That's awesome! Thank you!
a cached debug compile takes 20-30s
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<ixti> Gonna now try re-emerge package with `release=true`
<bew> I get ` - 1226/1227 .o files were reused` where are thoses files?
<bew> nvm I've found them
<bew> I don't get it, before I couldn't compile crystal with 5G of RAM, now it uses only 2.7G for a full compilation (without bc/obj reuse, not a release one)
you should be able to compile crystal with 4gb ram
<bew> And I was using LLVM 4, so the issue wasn't llvm
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<bew> oh no, I think I'm not talking about the right thing.. sry
compiling all_spec DOES take 5gb ram
<bew> yes, that's the specs I wasn't able to complile
<bew> and I still can't
<bew> It's weird: I get `fork: cannot allocate memory`, followed by `Error opening file 'crystal' with mode 'r': No such file or directory (Errno)` what is he trying to do with `crystal`, and why it can't find it?
darn we are quite a way off compiling the compiler for crystal
<crisward> Any progress on updating the binaries to use newer llvm? I've been checking this occasionally - but not sure I understand the hold-up. I'm using the heroku buildpack and it's fairly unusable with --release.
yes i don't understand either
i don't understand why they don't just statically link the whole compiler binary
instead of this half-static half dynamic linking that's going on currently
i'm sure it would reequire some work
but it seems to me that a statically linked compiler is the best bet to solve similar problems for good
<bew> @RX14 it fails on `codegen (Crystal)` when doing `./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/all_spec spec/` so no, it's not trying to compile the compiler... but the specs
<bew> or did I mis-understood your comment?
thats what I said
all_spec needs a lot more ram than the compiler to build
<bew> I understand that
<bew> but is that `Error opening file 'crystal' with mode 'r': No such file or directory (Errno)` error?
<bew> what* is that
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<bew> during codegen crystal phase
no idea
[crystal] spalladino closed pull request #4489: Parser: correct accept_with_maybe_begin_end to wrap control expression (master...fix/crystal/to-s-no-postfix-control)
<sdogruyol> well, make it work is the first rule :P
<sdogruyol> let me see
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<sdogruyol> is cltk using a state machine?
the benchmarks only test the parser (aka ast creation), not the whole execution
yes it does
<sdogruyol> i'm curious why it's slow then
using a state machine doesn't magically make it fast if the state transition checks aren't implemented efficiently
<sdogruyol> right
sdogruyol: I'm not sure either, I just ported the code from ruby and cleaned up the structure step by step. I think the whole thing can boosted If the algorithms get checked ..
@RX14 exactly
honestly I didn't bother to really understand until now, Error driven development. at least I striped out the parser callback execution for every state transition to do the actual ast resolution at the end and only for state-trees that terminate ..
and I included msg-pack recently to cache finalized parsers
graphql-parser takes 8 seconds to initialize on my machine ...
the only big thing that's missing from graphql atm. is directives
I try to create an API for users to easily define directives and hook them into the execution process, but the whole thing is pretty abstract
<akzhan> @ zipR4ND no way to know is previous_def possible. it always throw compile error
<bew> a macro method `{% previous_def? %}` would be cool though
<bew> well more `{% if previous_def? %}`
<akzhan> monkey patcher should know what is behind the defnition or should not call previous_def at all.
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trying @type.methods.any? atm..
i think txe broke ensure on his windows fork
<sdogruyol> txe?
yup he did
If several overloads for a method exist, can I address the one specified by a specific module or smth?
<fridgerator> does anyone know who runs the crystalshards site?
<fridgerator> the .org version is down
<sdogruyol> org is from @jwaldrip
<akzhan> there is chain of def/previous_def.
<fridgerator> ty @sdogruyol
<jwaldrip> Looking at it now
<sdogruyol> np
<fridgerator> thanks @jwaldrip
<bew> `previous_def` doesn't work with `fun`s ?
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ok I got it to work with finding the method on @type and reusing it's body
my situation is a bit complicated as I have to hook up into the finished macro to define a method for Fields that get defined on the class via a field :name macro ... because the final method is created only on finished I cannot overload it, so the macro that creates the method has to look it up for itself on the TypeNode and inline its body ...
<sdogruyol> that sounds...really complicated
Is it possible to duplicate an object for e.g. I do not want to open another connection to same redis but then duplicated would be awesome
<sdogruyol> `dup`?
<sdogruyol> in case of redis
<sdogruyol> guess you need to use a connection pool
<bew> zipR4ND, could you share a minimal use case code?
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[crystal] ysbaddaden closed pull request #4487: raise(Exception): Setup callstack on raise only if not already set. (master...setup-callstack-on-raise-only-if-not-already-set)
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well looks like I can't compile the compiler for windows yet but i can try and make it emit the correct linker command
<bew> zipR4ND and what do you want to happen to the previous def of all_values?
but I my situation I cant, because I need to track the VALUES constant as a distinct variable (in macro context it acts as a variable) in every materialization of this module (aka. classes that include and classes that inherit from the one that included)
In my real situation I'm also calling super from the maunally method-overload ...
<bew> it's nice, I love that kind of tricks & challenges x)
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bew: yeah me too, but it's kind of hard to predict sometimes
I don't know whether the goal should be to invent a consistent and powerfull macro design for crystal or just try to thourougly document and finish/fix what's already possible
I think I prefer the later atm
working on something a little more complex shows me that it's not features I'm missing, but more consistent & predictable behaviour and smarter error messages ...
I´m finding some strange things but like with the problem we discussed here now, it's really hard to reproduce sometimes outside of my complex macro created type hierarchy
<bew> hmm not sure, the current macro system is already really powerful, consistency should be improved maybe, and missing features added (ex: methods on ProcLiteral nodes)
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bew I think so too. but I'm also dreaming about somthing like the nim macro system :) but stability is the most important thing atm I think ..
<bew> Building everything at compile-time (type hierarchy, methods, etc..) wasn't the original goal in asterite mind, he says we should do the most at runtime and only syntax sugar at compile-time..
<bew> (macro sugar)
bew: I agree and also try to keep the macro usage low ...
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<bew> I can understand his wish, but sometimes, to make perfect macro sugar (like you are trying to do), it can be frustrating, and a complete macro DSL (with good compile-time errors, during dsl development & during user usage) isn't an easy task
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<jwaldrip> its updates lazily. it make take a few loads to populate
<jwaldrip> Since its all in memory, it populates in the background after a first request. The old method was slow and would block while all repos were loaded
<jwaldrip> Im working on a better distributed caching model
<emilebosch_twitter> I was thinking of doing some evengalism for crystal-lang, any of the core contributors interest in talking with me?
<fridgerator> yo
<fridgerator> I haven't seen any of the core members chatting this morning, you might want to message @mverzilli or @asterite (there are others too)
<bararchy> You can also ping @sdogruyol who has crystal weekly
<bigDaddyS1oth> Ooh nice. Also it just seems like there's a trend to create JavaScript code without using JavaScript: Elm, Scala.js, ClojureScript, Dart, Haxe seem to becoming a bigger trend.
<bigDaddyS1oth> -is more if a deeper discussion, but what allows Crystal to be so concurrent while not taking up so much resources?
<straight-shoota> But I don't really get it. Javascript does not get any better just because you're using a different language to write it... and transcompile and transcompile and transcompile...
<bararchy> @ysbaddaden Do you have package for Alpine Linux ? normal Linux tar.gz wont work
<bew> @bigDaddyS1oth because Crystal uses Fibers, which are simply a coroutines system
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[crystal] RX14 opened pull request #4491: Support windows linker (master...feature/link-win)
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<mgarciaisaia> Hi everyone! Just passing by to remind you we're doing the CodeCamp's Q&A session (my) tonight - in 5 hours, do your timezone's math :P
<mgarciaisaia> We're tweeting and sharing the stream's URL as soon as we have it - stay tunned
<bew> will be 2am ><
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<bigDaddyS1oth> @bew So Fibers break up the code into smaller pieces then use multi-threading to run those smaller pieces all at the same time?
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<bew> currently, fibers doesn't run at the same time, there is no multi-threading involved (but it's being worked on)
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<bew> A fiber is just some code, when a function involve a system I/O operation (ex: read/write from/to a file, a socket, ...) that could take some time, this fiber is paused (waiting for the file/socket to become writable/readable), and another fiber is started (or resumed if it was already running and has been stopped)
<bew> and this goes over and over.... and over...
<bew> well not exactly: Fibers are managed by a Scheduler, when a fiber is paused, the scheduler check if another fiber needs to run and run it, if not the scheduler will wait for any I/O operation from all paused fibers, and as soon as an I/O can be used, the fiber who wanted this I/O is resumed..
<bew> @bigDaddyS1oth that's the big picture, there are of course other things going on!
<bew> at least it's how I understood it, if anyone think I'm wrong, please correct me :)
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is there a reason why there is no random_bytes API on Random and SecureRandom