[crystal] ysbaddaden opened pull request #4236: Configurable DNS resolvers (master...std-addrinfos-dns-resolvers) https://git.io/vSRp8
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<raydf> Thanks @crisward, i solved the problem with the case statement, in reality the code i uploaded is valid but the compiler was giving me another error related to will-pg PG::Numeric type when converting to JSON::Any.
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does HTTP::Server allow persistent connections?
i just checked tcpdump on the port my test server was listening on and even though my client (a ruby app) uses HTTPClient which reuses connections i saw packets from a lot of different ports
this wasn't the case when i used a ruby rack server
pretty much the entire scope of expansion on the framework is in the utilities it provides
RX14: i don't quite understand why tcpdump shows so many different ports when running against the crystal server
i checked, that keep-alive is set
well, is keep-alive working?
well, apparently not
add a puts to the client's TCP connect() call
but it is with webrick for example
the client is ruby
...so I assume it's in C
that's something I want to achieve with crane, being able to jump into the stdlib and compiler almost seamlessly with an editor and change and debug stuff
fluidity of debugging and modifications across projects is something i'd love with shards/crane
but i kind of doubt that it's a client problem since it worked with a webrick/thin
also if i spawn 10k clients and hammer the server the server tells me too many open files
i think I know why...
but that might be alright
10k open files might be too much
oh no
it should be one socket
since HTTPClient _should_ do connection pooling
yeah I know why it's failing
you do?
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please enlighten me :)
i have no idea why the specs don't fail though
oh really a crystal problem?
obviously lol
i always assume i'm doing something wrong first ;)
<chuckremes> Nevermind… found it in the source. It looks like `spawn` calls `Fiber.new` internally and also enqueues the newly generated fiber onto the scheduler queue.
don't use Fiber yourself
it's got loads of gotchas and is an internal class
<chuckremes> But I should be able to use `Fiber.yield` and `Fiber.resume`, yes?
<chuckremes> I ask because I want to spike out a proof-of-concept `celluloid`-style library for crystal as a learning exercise.
<chuckremes> I just want to make simple `Futures`.
crystal already has futures
they're just not well advertised and actually will probably be redone
<chuckremes> Okay, I’m not privy to the secret classes. I’m looking at the online docs and the gitbook. Neither mentions futures or anything similar.
<chuckremes> presumably the “toplevel” names are the equivalent of Ruby’s `Kernel` namespace?
i would guess so?
i havent used ruby for...
<chuckremes> Well, I’m very new to crystal… just a few days. I like what I see so far.
a celuloid-style lib would be interesting to see
i'm not quite sure what celluloid brings to crystal
<chuckremes> I need to experiment to see if there is enough metaprogramming capability to pull it off.
i'd hazard a guess and say yes
and i'd be 90% sure there is
DCell would be the most interesting one to replicate
<chuckremes> I have no intention of porting all of celluloid. However, I do think it’s useful to have objects that proxy access to an actor or future. Celluloid brings nice syntax to it.
Celluloid::IO is obviated by evented IO in the stdlib
<chuckremes> Ah yes, well this would be an early experiment to verify that working on DCell or ECell is worthwhile.
yeah there have been talks of actor frameworks before
and we've generally agreed that it'd be nice for someone to take a stab at it
but nobody had the time atr the time
<chuckremes> haha, I bet.
<chuckremes> while exposing fibers and schedulers is nice for the implementer, most programmers don’t want to have to juggle fibers, channels, and all of the other primitives. A slightly higher-level lib is useful in that regard.
<chuckremes> gonna work on this today
well, fibers and channels really aren't all that primitive
they're surprisingly easy to use in most situations
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<chuckremes> sure, but they are an implementation detail. They should be tucked away where they can’t be seen (for most code).
<chuckremes> that’s IMO, of course.
not at all
<sdogruyol> They are simple enough
<sdogruyol> Just like go
they're high-level constructs that people use all the time to build applications
you can go higher level but fibers and channels are really not hard or need a lot of boilerplate to use
actors and futures would complement them
<chuckremes> All right… don’t want to argue. IMO, I prefer to not use fibers & channels directly. I want my objects to run things asynchronously for me and return the results when I ask for it. I like straight up, no frills imperative programming. But I’m old fashioned.
buffered fibers are essentially queues...
the future wrapper makes code smaller in a few usecases
but I find mysel almost never using them actually
you might not want to argue but it's a fact that the concurrency boilerplate for using raw channels and fibers is almost non-existant in most cases
<chuckremes> Sure, but I don’t want to see it AT ALL.
but you have to replace it with something
and if that something is essentially the same or offers little to no improvement why use it?
thats what i'm saying
you can have a go but "I don't want to see it" is just closing your mind
finding a better solution starts with understanding the current one
and it seems to be that you don't
<chuckremes> I don’t understand you. Why so argumentative?
<chuckremes> And no need to be insulting either.
because I want to help you, and dismissing fibers and channels as "primitives to be hidden away" in't a good starting point
<chuckremes> I haven’t dismissed anything.
<chuckremes> I, meaning ME, don’t want to see the concurrency “gears” at work. I want a library to do it for me.
i didn't mean to sound insulting, sorry
<chuckremes> And I’ll write that library (or try to spike one)
<chuckremes> Ok
<chuckremes> Listen, I’m not trying to impose my view of the world on crystal.
but what i'm trying to say is that they're not gears
<chuckremes> I want to learn about it and spike a project or two to get to know it better.
and that just like go, most programs will use fibers and channels directly instead of delegating to a library
<chuckremes> I fwhat I create is useful, then great. If not, it will sink like a million other hobby projects.
<chuckremes> That’s cool. It isn’t a style that I like. Doesn’t make it wrong or right… it just is how I like it.
<chuckremes> Ok, we’ve taken enough time on this topic. I’ll be back with questions later.
<chuckremes> Thanks for your pointers so far. Very helpful.
no problem
creating a library is a good way to learn about fibers and channels
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RX14: sorry, had to run. Sure it's the commit?
jokke, i'm not sure at all
i can try finding out
bisect from 0.17.0
but building takes ages :P
you don't been to build
it's a stdlib change
well you need to build
actually you do need to build the compiler
but not for every revision
i'll try checking out the parent commit
and actually not if you use crenv
because you just need to do this
checkout commit, find latest tag, install that crystal version, compile test executable, run tests
if you can automate that in a bash script you can bisect super fast
mhm worth a try
plus, compiling the compiler takes 37s
but as you narrown down into the exact crystal version the regression happened in
you don't need to recompile
because it's only a stdlib change
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also time should not be a worry because you can just leave it running?
i can't find a good way to repeat strings in bash
would xargs help?
well depending on what you want to do
<drosehn> repeat strings in what sense?
it's definately crystal
different port every time
don't check the port
curl -v will tell you whether it reconencted or not
* Connection #0 to host google.com left intact
* Found bundle for host google.com: 0x137f730 [can pipeline]
* Connected to google.com ( port 443 (#0)
* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host google.com
* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host localhost
so not an issue there
thats weird
weird that tcpdump shows different ports each time
that doesn't make sense
maybe some kernel-internal multiplexing shizzle
i don't think so...
well in tcpdump you should be able to see whether a new TCP connection was made
it should show TCP handshakes
waaah never mind
<drosehn> repeating strings in bash: `STR=. CNT=0 ; while test $CNT -lt 10 ; do printf "%s" "$STR"; CNT=$((CNT+1)) ; done ; printf "\n"`
the line broke and i misread
it's the same source port
so it's ruby
not crystal
and not curl :)
jokke, but...
ruby works with a ruby server right
or what?
yeah that's the weird part
lol ok
so something is still broken
ah jeez fucking linebreaks
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* jhass
steals all of jokke's linebreaks
there, tell me if it's better now
i should mention that i'm using HTTPClient in combination with Celluloid
which is a scary combo
ah good old messy celluloid
but i need to find out if the combo is in fact able to reuse connections
what if the answer is no?
jhass: then we have to drop ruby
are you searching for something that is able to do a lot of requests?
and use something shitty like node
typhoeus surely does reuse connections
jhass: background: we have a tcp server that's maintaining a few thousand seperate tcp connections, receives some data from them and forwards them to a rest api. It would be very bad if we would have to spawn a new socket for each http request to the api since it's https
celluloid would be nice since we could spawn one actor per tcp connection
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mh, so you want to reuse + multiple connections to the same origin nonetheless I guess
but all actors should reuse the same http(s) connection to the rest api
<domgetter> Is monkeypatching as "frowned upon" here as it is in Rubyland?
same levels I'd say, you should have a strong reason but if you can provide it it's totally fine
<domgetter> jhass: thanks, Ill pull these out into library calls then
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I like to stub out missing stdlib features while working a project and then working on upstreaming them once I know they're what I need
<zatherz> is there any project that I could look at?
zatherz, maybe Cinch, a irc bot lib in ruby
don't use cinch as a base please
i think it's pretty terrible API
but for a list of features it's nice
because it's bloated lol
<drosehn> Hmm. What's the way to have `crystal` reformat a source file?
<zatherz> `crystal tool format file`
<drosehn> Ah, under `tool`. of course.
<zatherz> I like the sublime 3 crystal plugin because it does that automatically on save
<ltran> omg so cool =D
<ltran> was wondering if there was something similar to Go’s fmt :D
<zatherz> but yeah, I don't know how to keep it type safe but at the same time have a nice API for plugins that depend on other plugins' functionality
I guess you could have some macro voodo that spits out a named tuple in the form of {plugin_name: PluginType, ...}
zatherz, hard to tell without more input. However, the gist is to have a module which defines the interface for the host program to the plugin. Like `received_message(sender, message)`. If you need dependencies, I'd have the providing plugin offer an interface (module, abstract class, ...) for other plugins. Then you have a PluginManager class, which can be asked to give all plugins implementing that interface. The plugin then gets a list
(or just the first match), and has a type safe way of communicating with the other plugin
zatherz, as shameless self promotion, you can also use the `cute` shard for program-local notifications, like receiving a message
<zatherz> the dependency part is the only thing that gives me problems
<zatherz> commands in my bot are implemented by a plugin
zatherz, more specific to chat bots, it's great to have a Message class which has a #reply method. a plugin can then simply do `message.reply "Okay!"`
<zatherz> all plugins that want to use commands have to `include CorePlugin::CommandPlugin`, the thing is I want to separate some commands (like the plugin list or an `eval`) into a CoreCommandsPlugin
<zatherz> `eval` specifically needs to use the parsing functionality of the core plugin
<zatherz> maybe I should separate that part of the plugin
<zatherz> into a CommandExecutor class or something like that
<zatherz> then both CorePlugin and CoreCommandsPlugin would have an instance of that
<zatherz> removing the need to refer to the loaded core plugin
<jwoertink> I'm trying to create a simple matrix, but I keep getting Index out of bounds
<zatherz> I thought you wanted a general purpose mutable matrix that automatically grows lol
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<drosehn> Okay, I need a sanity check before I post an issue: if `low_value` and `high_value` start out as `nil`, then the loop construct of `until low_value && high_value` should have the exact same behavior as `while low_value.nil? || high_value.nil?`. True?
<zatherz> well, the second is multitudes more readable
<zatherz> but it doesn't matter in terms of the issue
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<drosehn> This is cut down from a larger program. The larger program had one of those `printf`s. I changed it, and then duplicated the line to show the difference between the start and the end of the loop.
<drosehn> Er, the larger program had one `printf` in the loop, although the `printf` was printing something else for unrelated reasons. It didn't have *this* `printf`!
<drosehn> huh. I didn't think to try that!
<zatherz> the less expanded form `while !(low_value && high_value)`
<zatherz> can also be used to reproduce this
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<zatherz> so, basically, `while !(low_value && high_value)` produces a different result than `while !low_value || !high_value`
<zatherz> you can reproduce this issue here without an infinite loop - the `a` at the end of the first loop is 2, but at the beginning of the first loop is nil
<drosehn> Yeah, I just tried your code in a playground, and realized it was an infinite loop. :smile: