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<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> how to sort a hash by value? `puts hash.sort_by {|_key, value| value}` says no sort_by method
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @jots_twitter { :a => 1 }.to_a.sort{ |a, b| a[1] <=> b[1] }
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<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> thanks
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> there might be other ways, but I’m sure they wont be on hash
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> if you are going to ignore the keys, as you seem to be doing, you could `hash.values.sort{}`
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> yes i do need the keys, need to print out key/value in sorted order
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @jots_twitter elements in the array will be a tuple so you can do the following `to_a.sort{ |(a_key, a_val), (b_key, b_val)| a_val <=> b_val }`
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> sort_by may allow similar
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<tankfeeder> morning
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> Morning
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<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> got a crystal line count which is just about as fast as `wc -l`: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ bonus is frequency count of all other characters. ascii only. []
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<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @jots_twitter that's great
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<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> @sdogruyol : you wrote kemal right? I've just started using it, it's very nice! one question: If I put index.html file in public I still need http://myserver/index.html on the url, http://myserver/ does not render the index file. is there a setting to make that work?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> anything under `public` is treated as static and `index.html` is no exception
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> you can make a route like ⏎ ⏎ ```get "/" do |env| ⏎ env.redirect "index.html" ⏎ end``` []
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> ok, thanks. I'll go with that. might be nice to have kemal automagically serve index.html files at some point to reduce routes in the code.
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<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @jots_twitter i'd rather be as much explicit as i can :)
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> oh then i better not tell you about my idea of auto views (same idea but for views) :-)
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> :)
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> it's okay to have ideas and you can open an issue for those
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> thanks for using kemal
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> i really like it.
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> Hi Guys, im writing a lib, to try its features beyond the tests, i have to create an `` and compile it?
<FromGitter> <xdougx> and call what i want to try, or i have something else?
<RX14> @xdougx yes, just create a file and then use require to require the library
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> like ruby defined?(CONST), has this method?
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx there is no `defined?`, since that is a runtime check and Crystal is a compiled language.
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> I've compiled Crystal on master with these instructions
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> and getting an error like ⏎ undefined symbol: GC_get_push_other_roots ⏎ any ideas @asterite?
<FromGitter> <xdougx> @luislavena how can i checkup a constant?
<RX14> @sdogruyol what OS?
<RX14> you might need a newer version of libgc
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> ubuntu 14.04
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> i actually pulled from master
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @BlaXpirit cheers :+1:
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<FromGitter> <kbrock> Hi all ⏎ Trying to get crystal_ruby to compile ⏎ I came across `require "compiler/crystal/**"`, and `require "llvm"` which no longer compile. ⏎ Any pointers where I can track down moved packages for crystal? ⏎ Or packages for porting older crystal code? []
<FromGitter> <kbrock> Or if there is a better example of ruby calling crystal, that would be cool too
<FromGitter> <fridgerator> Sorry thats not something I've tried doing. I can see though that the `crystal_ruby` library hasn't been updated in a while
<FromGitter> <phoffer> @kbrock you might be interested in this
<FromGitter> <phoffer> Is there something specific you are thinking of doing?
<FromGitter> <phoffer> In reality (at least right now), there’s probably limited use case for using Crystal inside Ruby
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx I think will be better if you explain what you're trying to do more than the specific tools. As a compiled language, things can be done differently than a dynamic one.
<FromGitter> <luislavena> You can conditionally require some files, using the macro language and compile flags, you can also check if some constant is defined, however, all that is done at compile time, not runtime, which is why I ask what is the problem you want to solve to point you in the right direction.
<FromGitter> <kbrock> Thanks @phoffer and @fridgerator - I'm just looking for more of a use case to get some crystal into our rails.
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<FromGitter> <mverzilli> @kbrock may be of interest if you're down that path:
<FromGitter> <kbrock> thanks
<FromGitter> <xdougx> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ Im having this probleman, i dont know what it means, someone can give me lil help with this? []
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<FromGitter> <fridgerator> should the macro expand to `def initialize(hash : Hash(String, string))` instead?
<FromGitter> <xdougx> But in this Hash i can receive Hash(String, String|Int32|Int64|Nil|Array|JSON|.....)
<FromGitter> <xdougx> i need the most generic Hash as possible
<FromGitter> <xdougx> in crystal 0.17 i had no probleman with this macro
<FromGitter> <fridgerator> ah
<FromGitter> <phoffer> @kbrock PM me if you’re serious about getting some Crystal into your Rails app. I’ve done it but it currently has deployment issues
<FromGitter> <xdougx> @fridgerator not even setting `def initialize(hash : Hash(String, String))`, it throws the same error when it compile
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx what is the error? from the output is missing the specific error message. Most likely is because is missing the types for the instance variables.
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> @luislavena above i've all the error output
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<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx can you provide the entire `` source for testing? It feels is missing something about the error message. Says an error but I cannot see the error in the output you pasted.
<FromGitter> <kbrock> @phoffer thanks so much for the offer. it will take time. 50 person team...
<FromGitter> <xdougx> @also you can dig the code if you want
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx this is the error I receive when running against 0.19.4:
<FromGitter> <luislavena> ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <luislavena> and got the message you shared when using latest master
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> @remove the id
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx the is `set_property` macro. You need to declare the types of all instance variables
<FromGitter> <xdougx> @luislavena how can i do those declarations? Can i have an example?
<FromGitter> <luislavena> I added the following to the class and it worked:
<FromGitter> <luislavena> ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <luislavena> ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <xdougx> is this new on crystal?
<FromGitter> <luislavena> In recent versions, not sure which one, but look at CHANGELOG for the list of breaking changes:
<FromGitter> <luislavena> there is a section in the docs that covers type inference and instance variables:
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<FromGitter> <luislavena> (0.16.0 is the version that introduced the change)
<FromGitter> <xdougx> Haven't see this changelog, so i started to think that i've done this live before 0.15, i think the version was 0.14
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> @luislavena not it works, i hope have no problemans futher with type inference
<FromGitter> <luislavena> @xdougx there is a blog post that mentioned this, it might cover a bit of the reasoning:
<FromGitter> <xdougx> thanks :D
<FromGitter> <luislavena> My upgrades from old versions to 0.16+ were only painful in relation to types on the variables, after that was smooth.
<FromGitter> <xdougx> i was reading the blog, but didnt read this one
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<FromGitter> <johnjansen> hey @sdogruyol i was trying to mess with a request within a handler (i.e. changing the path), should that work in your opinion
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> redirect?
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> nah, just change the path and call_next
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> i can redirect, but its not the ideal behaviour
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> in theory it should work
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> thats what i thought … ill take another look
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> havent tried though
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> let me check
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> ;-)
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> it needs to wind up at a static address
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> static content i should say
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> for my use case
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen this works
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> However be aware that the actualy route you sent doesnt matter
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> http://localhost:3000/asd http://localhost:3000/ all matches
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> you get the idea
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> ok cool, i must have got something slightly wrong… ⏎ yeah i was intercepting everything, and mapping queries into paths (for my purposes), i must have messed something up as i was getting blank pages back
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> and be sure to use Kemal master for now
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> now that i know it should work, i will persist a litlle more
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> sure am dude, i got that message loud and clear ;-)
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> :smile:
<FromGitter> <xdougx> is this possible to this router instead of call an block, call a class method?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @xdougx it is possible to do whatever you want
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> oh BTW i got another site up too its only tiny, but its all kemal
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> for example i do this
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> I think i need to write a cookbook for these patterns :P
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen awesome :+1:
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen can i shamelessly advertise this :P
<FromGitter> <xdougx> will be rendered” “Index Action”?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @xdougx yes
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> you can define your controller in seperate files and use them in just like Rails if you want
<FromGitter> <xdougx> MainController could extend render methods from kemal, and be more funny :D
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @xdougx it already has everything within `env`
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> like i said this is just a way of doing things
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<FromGitter> <johnjansen> sure @sdogruyol, and so you know, this is the one i was talking about the other day … i had a handler intercept the requests and download missing resources from wayback machine, caching them in public ...
<FromGitter> <xdougx> :thumbsup:
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen oh i see
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> it was easier than trying to get an old wordpress installation working again, and / or migrating the data
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> i need to take a look in this kemal soon
<FromGitter> <phoffer> @sdogruyol I was just starting to put together some examples/snippets actually, I think it is a good idea. At least in my experience, a lot of time I end up thinking “how do I do this one little thing?” —things that don’t necessarily fit in docs but are nice to have example somewhere
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @phoffer yeah you are right
<FromGitter> <xdougx> whats the best way to perform a configuration, is using yams file and loading, or doing a initializer with the configuration params in a block, o use both?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> depends
<FromGitter> <xdougx> building up a database configuration
<FromGitter> <xdougx> port, host, user, password
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> well KISS make a block at first
<FromGitter> <xdougx> you can play with something like this: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> imho that's simple enough
<FromGitter> <xdougx> but thinking about security, i cant sent this initializer to my repository, so ill need in my deploy to setup this file
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> yeah, @xdougx keep your creds out of the code
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> and out of the repo
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> consider ENV vars as one option, thats the Docker way
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> and AWS
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> i use this
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> for env variables
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> thats very nice @sdogruyol
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> yeah and it works
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> simple enough
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> actually i've created a really good flow with dotenv, micrate and tren
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> need to write it down :/
<FromGitter> <xdougx> So it could become something like ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` []
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @xdougx yes
<FromGitter> <xdougx> better then yams configuration
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> yeah one thing though ...
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> make your env vars app specific … since this may have to co-exist with other apps using the same approach
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> i.e. MY_APP_PORT
<FromGitter> <xdougx> :thumbsup: nice
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> another option would be to pass these things on the command line, but IMO that would be a fallback
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<FromGitter> <xdougx> i dont know if its a good option
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @xdougx its not really IMO, but its an option
<FromGitter> <xdougx> rsrsrsrs
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> FYI @/all i just found a very good container host that you might be interested in
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen i've seen that like a week ago, it's awesome
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> have you used it?
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> thats what the site is running on @sdogruyol
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> looks good so far, and docker-cloud is beyond crap, so this might work out well for some stuff
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> wow that's good
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> what about put config in yaml file and add that file to .gitignore ? ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ downsides vs ENV? []
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> how are you going to run your app @jots_twitter
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> like, what platform?
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> linux
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> standalone, or inside a container?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> BTW guys
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> i need a bare metal server
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @sdogruyol try ``
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> probably in an lxc container
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> and i need a sponsor soon :P
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> oh haha
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> I've started building CrystalBench
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> much like
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @jots_twitter so how will you get that config into the container from the outside?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @johnjansen packet seems interesting
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> @johnjansen either scp or from host just cp to /var/lib/lxc/$hostname/rootfs/home/$user
<FromGitter> <xdougx> all cloud server consider a month with 732 hours or 720?
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> @sdogruyol for baremetal I like
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> If it were me I'd pass env vars in
<FromGitter> <spalladino> @jots_twitter env vars is typically the easiest way if you're running containers, though you should avoid using them for passing secrets into the container, such as the db pass (see If you're using an external yaml file for settings, and you have control over which host the container will be running, I'd mount the file it as a volume rather than `docker cp`-ing it.
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<FromGitter> <paulcsmith> Is it possible to get the current method inside of a macro?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @paulcsmith it's on master
<FromGitter> <paulcsmith> Hah that's awesome! What great timing :D
<FromGitter> <paulcsmith> Thanks @sdogruyol
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> @paulcsmith you're welcome :smile:
<FromGitter> <xdougx> each_with_index has changed its signature?
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<FromGitter> <cjgajard> @sdogruyol I was playing with patterns for kemal some time ago.. and I think this one nice ⏎ ⏎ what do you think?
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> looks clean
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> :+1:
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> It's just Crystal so :)
<FromGitter> <cjgajard> yes, 0 macros
<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> yeah
<FromGitter> <samueleaton> Is there a projection when the language will move from "alpha" stage to "beta"?
<RX14> we're pretty much beta right now honestly
<RX14> i don't think there's really a real distinction
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<FromGitter> <sdogruyol> i agree with @RX14
<RX14> "alpha" and "beta" mean different things to different people
<RX14> 1.0 will be a clear milestone
<RX14> but there's no clear alpha or beta
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<FromGitter> <johnjansen> @RX14 if i redefine a method for some lib, can i call the original method code ala ⏎ ⏎ ```module X``` []
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<RX14> you mean `lib` as in C bindings?
<RX14> or what?
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> assuming that the original is in a shard that i want to “reopen"
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> some `super` equivalent
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> kindof
<RX14> sorry not quite sure you you mean
<FromGitter> <cjgajard> @johnjansen this?
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> thanks @cjgajard that is exactly what i was looking for
<FromGitter> <johnjansen> so much to try and remember ;-)
<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> `previous_def` neat! AOP building block :-)
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<FromGitter> <jots_twitter> I need to connect to mysql database from kemal app. what is best? crystal-lang/crystal-mysql or crystal-lang/crystal-db or something else? I'm used to using "Sequel" gem on ruby.
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<FromGitter> <PandaWhisperer> Just noticed that Crystal has builtin OAuth2 support in the standard library. Very cool. Does anyone have usage example?
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<tilpner> PandaWhisperer - This repo seems to use it
<tilpner> And there are more hits on GitHub search
<FromGitter> <PandaWhisperer> thx @tilpner
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