but I think it should be something special, sizeof, like pointerof
because imagine you have: def foo(x : T); Pointer(Void).malloc(T.size); end
and you invoke foo with a union, you want to allocate size for the union, but if size is a method it will be dispatched to each of the union types
Another thing is, like you say, sizeof would return a pointer's size if T is a class
so we'd need something like instance_sizeof (so for example you can implement "dup" by copying the memory contents)
I think implementing sizeof should be easy
What do you think?
I'm not much of a language designer to feel comfortable to make that call :-)
but a way, any way, of letting the compiler decide the size of the struct would work for me!
Good. I'll try to implement it today, it should be easy. I'm still not sure about instance_sizeof... how would you handle that case?
as a seperate issue?
Yes, like, what if you want to get the instance size of a class? A class instance is represented as a pointer to some memory, how to get the size of that memory?
I don't know how you do it in other languages... for example in D
isn't getting that size a matter of keeping accounts on the sizes of instances before hand?
what do you mean?
I think I'll start with sizeof, then worry about the other case
oh, nevermind. I understood your question incorrectly. You want to know the size of the instance of a class by providing the class. I thought you meant the size of an instance when you already had the instance
listen Ary, I really wouldn't know :-) I don't have enough knowledge of these types of things to give you an educated answer :-)
It's ok :)
hehe, I'm just one to shout "I would like this feature!" and hope someone listens
I can manage std features, but I won't be attempting too much compiler features
Got it. We will listen :)
yeah, you guys have been awesome in that regard. I also follow the back-and-forth with other people who open issues and your feedback is quite impressive
Thanks :)
We try to involve others into the project's decisions, because we don't program all kinds of programs and others may have better ideas than us
I think that works out well for crystal. That is to say, I get the feeling the interest of other people (who contribute) is growing
kostya had some nice commits lately
as did the cat guy
I don't think he's into cats if his nickname is nuisanceofcats :D
Yes, kostya is a crack
He writes super clean code, I'm a bit jealous
well, if he hated cats he would have called himself "ihatecats". I think nuisanceofcats is someone who causes nuisance with his cats
just a hypothesis, though
I have two little cats for about three months, now
Sometimes it's really nuisance :-P
well, only at 6am every morning
oh sure, I have a cat as well so I can relate. The nuisance is always secondary to the cuteness, though :-)
bcardiff has joined #crystal-lang
have you guys given the idea of DSLs in Crystal some thought?
it's probably very hard to do, considering it's a compiled language, no?
You can do some now with obj.yield
but the dynamic loading of dsl files would still be a dealbreaker
I've tried to make a mini rake-like tool (called cake, very clever of me), but it came down to making the compiler part of the tool to do dynamic loading
Yes... unless Crystal could also be run in an interpreted mode
otherwise you have to compile the cake file, I guess, and run it
but maybe this last thing is not a big deal
which it can, with --run, but if you offered a load-like command in that mode, you'd have 2 different versions of the language
Yeah... that's not something good, then incompatibilities between the two languages start to appear
right now, cake behaves like a compiler in that it requires "prelude" and "cake/cakefile", following by creating a Parser for the custom Cakefile and load that all up in a Program
I ran into some trouble with the task blocks, but this was more than a month ago and crystal changed a bit in that area, so I might give it another go
Sure! I'd love to see a tool like that
Ah, if for "task blocks" you mean converting a block into a closure, then it's probably still not working
We started working on that but haven't finished
although I did got some mixed results another way, but the details have escaped me
task(:foo) do
puts "Task foo"
didn't work
Why not?
but I managed to get this working:
task :foo, -> do
puts "Task Foo"
Ah, yes, right
a bit annoying, I know
soon we'll make the first one work
so for now I think you won't be able to continue with cake :(
I can wait :-)
I enjoy playing with crystal, even if I bump into some walls now and again
I take it you guys have day jobs, so there is only so much time in a day to spend on crystal
not to mention the kittens!
hehe, in fact right now I'm working on something else in my workplace (html, css, js, *shrugs*)
so yes, things are going slow mainly because of this... and the kittens, of course
I got a daughter 8 months ago, speaking of things that slow down development! :P
Nice :)
waj has joined #crystal-lang
asterite has joined #crystal-lang
Hey @Prep, @waj came with an idea for getting the size in Crystal
i wish to have a daughter but instead i will have to program
Hi _jumpman_ :)
ah the self.size trick is like the trick they teach you in the LLVM tutorial
i have a dayjob but i work from home ;)
and i like cats!
i have a little cat called catfriend
@_jumpman_ yeah, it generates a similar code when you ask for a type's size in llvm
i like it at night when you're asleep and they wake you up by pushing their little heads into your hand
yes, they want you to caress them
*bump bump wake up mr sleepy i want to be cuddled until you enjoy it then i don't want to be cuddled
aaah... i just realized you are also jumpan
what gave you the hint :P
hey are all methods virtual, so if i call def(p : Parent) ; p.virtual() ; end I'll get potentially Child#virtual being called?
like in D
D has some de-virtualising capabilities but they're almost useless, recently there's been talk about it being a big performance hit
especially on CPUs that can't cache indirect function calls
so anything pre-nehelem/phenom
Yes, the "final by default" discussion
I'm on that list too
Surprisingly, right now Crystal has no virtual methods
waj has joined #crystal-lang
it's always done by multiple dispatch
Remember the Foo+? If you call a method on that, it will check at runtime the type of the object and dispatch to the correct "foo"... we could do that with a lookup table, but right now it's just a big switch
(because the dispatch is triggered for the self argument, but also for any other argument)
Another thing that's in our optimization list
(surprisingly, the compiler code uses this "slow" dispatch, but it's quite fast, I think)
I feel like I'm not using the word "surprisingly" very well :s
i see
that's not bad i guess
when i was messing about trying to implement a fast discriminated union type using llvm...
a giant switch was best up until 4 types
then it was faster using some type of table
at least on this crappy old linux pc
in your language nyah?
i abandoned it until i'm able to retire, not possible with a day job and wife
do you store your discriminated unions on the heap.. like say if it's a variant of "float | largStruct"
or say int | largStruct | classObject
so classObject will always be a pointer anyway
but would the largeStruct also be put on the heap, or would the variant type be large enough to hold the largest type
@waj's idea is that eventually all unions will be just a type id and a pointer, so we'd box primitive types and structs on the heap
but right now it's a type id and a value that's the largest value of all types
so it's like a c union, I guess (except c unions don't store the type id)
i woulda thought the current system is best
avoiding the heap when possible
guess it depends on the use case though
Sure... it'll probably stay like this for a long time
in c++ people use boost::variant which stores on the stack, but it uses the heap for temporaries for types when the copy constructor can throw
when i told it that my types were all no-throw copy constructible i got a fairly significant performance boost on this financial app i was writing
avoiding the heap in tight loops can great for performance
but i suppose with waj's idea, you could still optimise for types <= sizeof pointer by storing them directly in the pointer space
Yes, exactly
i guess to me though when someone chooses struct over class, it's a statement they probably want to use the stack at all costs (except maybe for parameter passing)
so to override that choice for a variant, i'd have to think hard about it
someone's going to complain no matter what you do :P
hehehe, sure
D's Algebraic type is like your discriminated union
that also uses the stack, and if anything stored is a value type, the GC will incorrectly think it's a pointer to memory and avoid reaping it
in fact, D tells the GC the whole memory is an array of pointers, just in case
so a large struct could stop sizeof(bytes) from being reclaimed
i have a thing for Variant/Algebrianc/DiscriminatedUnion types :P
Well, it's good then that Crystal supports them natively
i think so
it drew me to the language probably more than any other feature
i wanted the variant type to be built into nyah also
and with the same type of type-inference, although not quite as ambitious
but at least on like "a := if { some_type } else { other_type }"
"@assert(typeof a == some_type | other_type)
kinda thing
but i like the way it works in crystal, probably even more
especially when i found out the type inference for the compiler only takes 4 seconds
Do you think that's good? Maybe the compiler is not that big... we don't know yet how fast it'll be with a real big app
but since the compiler is the biggest app we have, we don't know
if there's some separate compiliatino ability
so you could create libraries and say... assignments to members of that type would cause an error rather than adding a new type to the union
then you can split any large project up into smaller libraries
and hopefully only have to recompile each one on ABI changes
handled by your lovely package manager
that doesn't exist yet
yes, there's an idea of typing like the interface to a package to avoid recompiling it, but maybe that'll make things harder to interact... we are not sure