dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.3.1 | You're being logged at
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<noAKA> I'm trying to send a formated table to the user in a privmsg. I can get the format I need using printf but I'm not sure how to get that into the user.send
<noAKA> anyone have a way to do that? I'm fairly new to ruby
<dominikh> user.send("my %s message" % ["awesome"])
<noAKA> does that have the same padding format as printf?
<dominikh> yes.
<dominikh> it's a shorthand for sprintf
<noAKA> ty
<noAKA> I'll give it a shot. Are you the developer of Cinch?
<dominikh> yes.
<noAKA> cool, ty for the framework
<dominikh> you're welcome
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<noAKA> dominikh, that worked like a charm. Thanks for the help
noAKA has quit [Quit: Leaving]