dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.3.1 | You're being logged at
<dominikh> I'd need to see both your code as well as the full IRC log
Mackerel has quit [Quit: That shouldn't have happened..]
<Chew> How can I make the bot run commands? I want it to run oper commands like /kill and /kline
<dominikh> use Bot#irc to get the IRC connection, then use IRC#send to send a raw IRC message to the server, for example @bot.irc.send("KLINE #{username}") (assuming KLINE is the actual raw IRC command)
<dominikh> that is after you've used Bot#oper to oper up. oddly enough we have a method for becoming ircop, but apparently none for the actual commands
<Chew> Yeah, I got bot.oper to work
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<RougeR> heya
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RubyTester00 has joined #cinch
Mackerel has quit [Quit: That shouldn't have happened..]
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