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<buZz> man
<buZz> it might not be a netbook
<buZz> but i totally want one
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<jn__> buZz: btw, the Talos II workstation (with pretty much entirely owner-controllable firmware) has been shipping for a few weeks now. It's POWER9 instead of something that implements arm64, though
<buZz> yeah powerpc isnt sexy
<buZz> by a long shot
<buZz> :)
<buZz> also, just the motherboard of a talos already costs more than that entire desktop
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<jn__> avantek certainly has a price advantage here
<buZz> and they are just a reseller of that board even
<buZz> so you can get it for less, probably
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<jn__> but yeah, pretty cool to see a non-x86 desktop machine at all
<buZz> uhuh
<buZz> i feel kinda forced to now get one, to make sure those companies making them will stay around
<buZz> sucks :)
<jn__> if i got one, i'd probably want to port OpenBMC to it, and that's a looong project, that realistically depends on having schematics
<buZz> that old facebook project?
<jn__> it has outgrown facebook
<buZz> i hope it outgrows yocto soon aswell :P
<jn__> at least IBM and google are also onboard
<buZz> for your sake
<jn__> yeah… i never really used yocto myself, but it looks complicated from afar
<buZz> i dont think you can find a single openembedded dev that now says moving to yocto was a good idea :D
<jn__> oh wait… there is actually a difference between "desktop" and "workstation"
<jn__> the workstation is a lot more expensive and has a BMC. the desktop doesn't have one
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<buZz> i highly doubt general workstation usage requires a BMC :)
<buZz> or even desktop usage
<jn__> i guess a "workstation" is at the boudary of desktop and server, so a BMC and remote management kind of make sense
<buZz> i wouldnt get any work done on a system knowing there could be a remote admin looking over my shoulder at any time :P
<jn__> that's why i wouldn't want a closed-source bmc firmware
<buZz> i dno how a open-source bmc would save me from a spying administrator
<buZz> cant he still just do that
<buZz> isnt that the whole idea of a BMC's existance
<jn__> it doesn't help when you distrust your admin
<jn__> but it helps when you are or when you trust the admin
<buZz> i dno why i would want to remote admin the machine i'm sitting at
<jn__> it makes more sense for server use
<buZz> :)
<buZz> i gather, i like using ILO stuff on server
<jn__> i.e. you're travelling but your workstation at home is powered off, so you power it on to run some big computations
<buZz> so i dont need to move to the ice cold server room (who ever thought cpus should use LESS power was a idiot, we're all freezing in DCs now)
<buZz> WakeOnLan isnt rocketscience
<jn__> another usecase: run your irc bouncer on the BMC ;)
<buZz> rofl
<buZz> does it cost more than a raspberry pi zero?
<buZz> if so, i dont see it as a win to use it to replace that ;)
<jn__> just a few orders of magnitude more ;)
<jn__> i wish avantek would provide more information about the ThunderX desktop… at least they list the SoC's model number, which they don't list for the workstation
<jn__> that photo is nice, but doesn't say anything about the machine :/
<buZz> :P
<buZz> yeah but you do realize avantek doesnt produce these?
<buZz> gigabyte and asus both make Cavium ATX boards
<buZz> bit sad that cavium doesnt make some themselves
<buZz> maybe just overexpensive reference implementation or something
<buZz> some more info? maybe enough for you
<buZz> AMI MegaRAC BMC that says
<jn__> that's sounds like the workstation sold by avantek
<jn__> the thing is: even if i find some information about a mainboard, i can't be sure that it's the one that avantek uses, so avantek's information policy(?) is still crap
<buZz> well, they probably have email addresses
<buZz> you could just ask ;)
<buZz> or just buy a board directly
<jn__> yes, you're right :/
<lkcl> cavium networks are pretty cool
<jn__> cavium also has a BSD-licensed BDK (BIOS dev kit?) for at least CN81xx, but i'm not sure how to obtain it
<buZz> cute :)
<buZz> jn__: walk in with a assaultchair
<buZz> they wont know how to react so have no choice but to hand it over
<jn__> heh :>
<jn__> ( here's a copy, but i don't know how to get it *from cavium*. it probably requires signing an NDA)
<buZz> licenses on those files says they can be redistributed freely
<buZz> so doubt it requires a NDA
<buZz> if it does, good luck getting me to sign it cavium!
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<lkcl> jn__, there's nothing to say. it's a chip, with bare PCIe, bare RAM socket, and SATA connections.
<lkcl> that's it. oh and 10GE.
<lkcl> anything you want you plug in as PCIe cards.
<lkcl> there's really not a lot to say.
<buZz> i think jn__'s specifically talking about the BMC
<jn__> i talked about a lot, so what was the context?
<jn__> cavium doesn't make BMCs. Aspeed and Nuvoton do. and the "AMI MegaRAC™ BMC" firmware is from AMI, i guess
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