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<arossdotme> pseudomind, the laptop electics are finished and the case too i think, along with the a20 card. i cant remember about anything else. lukes currenlty traveling sorting out china supplys and manufactorying and maybe others stuff in other countys. so soonish. progress is being made i believe cus hes now setting up the production for the crowd fund, hench to the travelling so yea i hope soon :) I want one too ;)
<arossdotme> btw best to flag luke by mentioning his name: "lkcl". looks like hes off line currently
<arossdotme> normaly he was on 24/7 i think. guess its cus hes away from home
<arossdotme> ...also thats why he needed th portable, folding 3d printer ;) heh
<arossdotme> he will post updates on the mailing list. and scribe to the crowdsupply notification too. also a bot posts wiki update notifications on this irc chan. usually theres a mailing list post that follows when luke makes an update to the wiki.
<arossdotme> so what are you looking forward too? the micro desktop, laptop or other?
<pseudomind> While I would love the laptop I'm afraid the most I could afford at this point would probably be the micro desktop.
<pseudomind> I think the whole idea in general is fantastic and needs to get some traction... so I'm planning to support the upcoming campaign even if the A20 is less powerful than my current rpi2.
<arossdotme> aww, k. we do what we can, we buy what we can within our means..., so yea no worries
<pseudomind> Oh and speaking of that portable 3d printer... did you see the video he posted of it in action?
<arossdotme> oh
<pseudomind> It looks pretty awesome
<arossdotme> rpi2 more pwr full?
<arossdotme> oww not see this vid
<arossdotme> dam
<pseudomind> lol
<pseudomind> yeah, I think the raspberry pi 2 is a quad core cortex A7 versus a dual core cortex A8
<arossdotme> oh i thought that was rpi3 idk i dont follow it
<arossdotme> theres a quad card in the pipe line already ;)
<pseudomind> no, the raspberry pi 3 has a 64bit quad core cortex a53
<pseudomind> yeah, I'm pretty excited about the concept. I would love to be able to actually update CPU and GPU within portable devices however, as lkcl points out. It isn't really good business practice to do so, so it just isn't done.
<arossdotme> same here :)
<pseudomind> The other thing that is really cool about standardizing the interface like he has done is it allows people to use novel architectures in a piece of equipment that they would never be used in otherwise.
<arossdotme> yea like icubecorp sounds great
<pseudomind> yeah, that a33 is probably going to be on par with the cpu of the rpi2
<arossdotme> or mips yum yum
<arossdotme> k
<pseudomind> actually... this is going to be the ultimate arch in my opinion:
<arossdotme> oh
<arossdotme> so risc is still going? (idk anything about it btw)
<pseudomind> and I think that the way that Luke has design set up, he will be able to make a lowrisc riscV cpu card without much trouble.
<arossdotme> rpi sstill has the non-free blob to boot right?
<pseudomind> yeah, rpi still has a blob for videocore
<arossdotme> yea, just lcd and usb pinds thats all
<arossdotme> urrg
<pseudomind> but yeah, this risc-v thing is going to be huge.
<arossdotme> had hoped they would go 100% free in future ones maybe. i give up, well i had already given up anyway, hench i put my love into rhombustech
<pseudomind> its a totally open architecture that basically learns from the mistakes experienced by the or1k design
<arossdotme> for a user, pros and cons vs mips,icubecorp,arm?
<arossdotme> educate me please
<arossdotme> :)
<pseudomind> well, the mips architecture is heralded by Imagination tech, arm is owned by arm holdings
<arossdotme> k
<pseudomind> for a company to be able to design a new arm compatible proc, they have to spend millions of dollars just for the rights to do so
<arossdotme> yea
<arossdotme> lowrisc is copyleft hardware?
<pseudomind> so while there are quite a few companies that make said designs, there are far less than their might be if the barrrier to entry was lower.
<arossdotme> k
<pseudomind> no, i think it is more the equivalent of the MIT license
<arossdotme> k
<pseudomind> so, one of the issues with the x86 arch in my opinion is that intel owns the rights and does not issue any further licenses
<pseudomind> they basically have a monopoly on who else can compete with them and as such, they don't get much competition.
<arossdotme> yea
<arossdotme> yep
<pseudomind> that means that if neither AMD or Intel see the importance of supporting blob free designs that work with something like coreboot... it just wont exist
<arossdotme> yea i know
<pseudomind> actually... take a look at this post and the associated article:
<arossdotme> aww
<pseudomind> and here is main point the author was making:
<arossdotme> heh a #zipit but with a lowrisc soc would be cool. even better if its in a eoma-cf :D
<pseudomind> yeah... and I think that from a practical standpoint. A laptop with a eoma68 lowrisc card will be the first risc-v laptop in existence...
<arossdotme> retro cpu speed like the zipit z2 as it is but with a floshw soc
<pseudomind> I think that is such a cool concept.
<pseudomind> well, they are working on it at a pretty rapid pace... I think they will reach cortex A7 performance in the next 2 years or so.
<arossdotme> woop!
<arossdotme> cool
<pseudomind> anyhow, I've got to go now. Thanks for sharing info with me.
<arossdotme> aww, well see ya, nice to chat thx
<arossdotme> most techy people have an negative reaction of the project :( good to chat with someone who gets it :)
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