
<tonikasch> hi-fi


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> [Porting ubuntu touch tablet on rk3066, ubuntu touch kernel rk3066]
<tonikasch> https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.es&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D527032%26st%3D0&usg=ALkJrhjPBmFPtFx43geq4UX09KVoipLvvQ#entry27484282


<naobsd> I thought tonikasch made linux-rockchip google groups, but it was wrong :( http://irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip/2014-03-12#6780178;


<arcade|2> tonikasch add to wiki https://github.com/C457/android_kernel_samsung_t110/blob/master/drivers/uio/uio_hantro.c "static const int dec_hw_id[] = { 0x8190, 0x8170, 0x9170, 0x9190, 0x6731 }; { 0x6280, 0x7280, 0x8270, 0x8290, 0x4831 };


<tonikasch> cu


<tonikasch> cosm ok, I'll give it a try during the weekend, _thanks_ :)
<cosm> tonikasch: you can probably cherry-pick my patches on that one, I don't know
<tonikasch> or perhaps the omegamoons 3.0.101?
<tonikasch> cosm I do feel... where could I find that? :)
<tonikasch> oh!
<tonikasch> well. I was in talk with somebody at google that promised me to get in touch to their licensing company in order to make pressure over Rockchip to publish the code but... that was more than a month ago and I have had no reply... three days ago I replied but...
<cosm> tonikasch: if you feel like running pre-alpha software, you can use my X driver with XV support and mplayer compiled with NEON support to watch pretty high resolution video
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> sorry :S
<tonikasch> oh, though we were talking about rk :p
<ncrmnt> tonikasch: The one on K1879?
<tonikasch> wow, so vpu will come to life under GNU/linux? :D
<tonikasch> wow, video decoder? that hantro thinguie?


<tonikasch> ferric meow


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> well, have to leave, cu soon
<tonikasch> mmm, I see, so perhaps code is more complete now, nearer the sources they have
<tonikasch> :D thanks
<tonikasch> naobsd ok, i'll dig into it
<tonikasch> :O
<tonikasch> well... the fact is that google produces it, verisillicon licenses it, rockchip produces the soc with this integrated, final vendors mount the soc with some other components...
<tonikasch> yes
<cosm> tonikasch: I'm not really sure what's the story, are they looking at releasing the source code for the driver?
<tonikasch> so I send the email, ok
<tonikasch> no problem
<cosm> tonikasch: I don't know, sorry
<tonikasch> I ask just in case... because I'm writing to google on this as they promised to answer when they would have more information
<tonikasch> naobsd, cosm: do you know if video encoder/decoder is yet supported under rkchrome tree?
* tonikasch mmmm, i'll contact google again regarding that hantro video decoder&encoder... let's see if this gets resolved soon


<tonikasch> :p


* tonikasch C U


<tonikasch> dunno, have just noticed 3.10 yesterday
<tonikasch> yeah...
<tonikasch> me neither...
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> I'll try it on minix neo x7 :)
<tonikasch> mmm, sounds primisng
<ncrmnt> tonikasch: I got it earlyprintk'ing and then hanging somewhere around clock init.
<tonikasch> so 3.10 is working on some hw?
<tonikasch> :p


<tonikasch> :\
<tonikasch> have you managed to get true color?
<tonikasch> Not near a rk device now, I'll check later
<tonikasch> mmm, I haven't checked that
<ncrmnt> tonikasch: Does kwin_gles work for you?
<tonikasch> i have been using rk with mali and fbturbo without problems...


<tonikasch> there are many, but overall those two and the linux-rockchip one are the most active ones


<tonikasch> good luck
<tonikasch> no idea, sorry... just thinking, but nothing yet
<Astralix1> Maybe tonikasch has another idea, but we've tried the most recent flash loaders and all fail on identification of the flash chip...
<tonikasch> and the device was bought from the manufacturer so not a clone, I suppose
<tonikasch> bdonnhue this has happened to you after rooting the device or something similar?
<tonikasch> :\
<tonikasch> mmm, perhaps a bootloader version problem?
<tonikasch> hi, btw :)
<Astralix1> hi tonikasch
<tonikasch> in short, I guess... which device and which image are you flashing?


<tonikasch> doingo=going
<tonikasch> yeah, but doingo to watch a movie


* tonikasch away: eating


* tonikasch bye


* tonikasch bye


* tonikasch bye!


<tonikasch> you have to subscribe, as usual :)
<tonikasch> my fault
<tonikasch> oops
<tonikasch> np
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> you have the link in the main page of the wiki: http://linux.rockchip.info which is set on the topic
<tonikasch> why don't post to mailing list?
<tonikasch> I'm not familiar with it, sorry
<tonikasch> mmmm


<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> mmm, wiki is giving timeout :(
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> now let's get libraries somehow
<tonikasch> 8270 encoder driver
<tonikasch> http://git.stlinux.com/?p=spear/linux-2.6.git;a=blob_plain;f=drivers/media/video/spear/hx280enc/hx280enc.c;hb=74d0ec5c6d44c1a8d9782c446afcaf9f33c44660


<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> I leave the link to the page here again for anybody who could be interested in it


<tonikasch> I guess could be adapted with HermanChen libstagefright/libvpu/ header files
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> anybody interested in testing this? https://github.com/alexandrebelloni/on2-8170-modules
<tonikasch> mmm, afaik not
<tonikasch> no idea
<tonikasch> mmmm, select Device Drivers > Graphics Support > Frame buffer support for Rockchip > Dual display ploy select (one lcdc only one output display for hdmi support) <----- if you have only one display, like in rk3188, you have to select this and NOT "NO dual display needed"
<tonikasch> it should work
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> that's a good file to start with
<tonikasch> don't you have arch/arm/configs/rk3066_mk808b_defconfig ?
<tonikasch> o=or
<tonikasch> o yes, make it
<tonikasch> find a suitable defconfig in arch/arm/configs/ that contains rk3066 (not rk3066b) and copy it to .config
<tonikasch> Rockchip RK30xx/RK3108/RK3168
<tonikasch> that one
<tonikasch> Rockchip RK30xx/RK3108/RK3168
<tonikasch> yes
<tonikasch> oh
<tonikasch> in arm system type you must select rk3188
<tonikasch> mmmm one sec
<tonikasch> so where are you seeing this arm versatile thing? I have no menuconfig in front of me right now
<tonikasch> have you done the export ARCH=arm before doing make menuconfig?
<tonikasch> sorry, I'm now trying to make video acceleration work on my minix neo x7, have asked google for SoC VPU drivers and trying the ubuntu touch way also
<tonikasch> aha, so... don't really know, what you'll really have to know is what display driver it uses in your 3.0.8 kernel and port it, if not present, to 3.0.101 kernel
<tonikasch> sorry, don't find any reference to that driver, are you sure that's the correct spelling? :)
<tonikasch> display driver?
<tonikasch> that's what we have for now, so you copy defconfig and then do make menuconfig to suit to your needs
<tonikasch> ups, defoconfig = defconfig
<tonikasch> strontium90 make a defoconfig from arch/arm/config/ and don't miss doing "export ARCH=arm" before doing make menuconfig


<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> Rockchip-GPL-Kernel
<tonikasch> if not, at least have something to play with
<tonikasch> in that way, perhaps even debugging vpu, rga and ipp calls will be easier
<tonikasch> mmm, going to try ubuntu touch approach... linux with android in a lxc container, providing all the basic services needed for linux to run fully accelerated


<tonikasch> ahmm
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> well, don't worry ;) I'll ask on #libhybris
<tonikasch> what to do, once done?
<tonikasch> honx I have both android with hybris support and patch built, the generated libraries copied to target device and libhybris built against android headers extracted from android source but... once done
<tonikasch> I know, I don't know what I'm doing but... desperate try
<tonikasch> :\ yes, trying to patchelf it so it loads what might be needed
<tonikasch> yes, of course, it's an android-based library, but...
<tonikasch> any ideas?
<tonikasch> I cannot rebuild the library as it is a binary blob given by manufacturer...
<tonikasch> hey, do you know how to fix a library complaining when being loaded that "undefined symbol: __sF"?
<tonikasch> np :)
<tonikasch> tools
<tonikasch> even in linux loots
<tonikasch> mmm, in windows utils a change of code was needed to make them work from rk3066 to rk3188 so...
<tonikasch> honx, http://wiki.radxa.com/Rock/flash_the_image#Using_RKBatchTool_to_flash_update.img <-- perhaps could be of some help for you
<tonikasch> sorry, I don't remember now
<tonikasch> to create update.img from files
<tonikasch> but I read somewhere else of such an script
<tonikasch> it has an utility to create such images, if I recall well
<tonikasch> rkflashkit, for linux, honx
<tonikasch> sorry, no guess, but... waita second I search something on my machine!
<tonikasch> no...
<m1r> tonikasch: have you tried gstreamer for 8170 ?
<tonikasch> in fact, I have also found a message from olegk0 from some time ago confirming this
<m1r> tonikasch: thats a nice find !
<tonikasch> m1r ^
<tonikasch> VPU_DEC_ID_9190 = 0x6731,
<tonikasch> VPU_ID_8270 = 0x8270,
<tonikasch> VPU_ID_4831 = 0x4831,
<tonikasch> I have found it is on2 by searching for the hardware ids contained in Rockchip_4.2_release_libstagefright/4.2_jb_release/libstagefright/libvpu/common/vpu_drv.c
<tonikasch> a gstreamer plugin for x170 (8170)
<tonikasch> what I have found so far is this
<tonikasch> I have tried to find a lot of things on this using hardware ids (9190, 8270 and 4831)
<tonikasch> it could be the case :)
<tonikasch> On2 was bought by Google in... 2008? 2010? well, the fact is that on2 page pertains to webmproject, so I have asked them for the code :p
<tonikasch> mmm, some documentation progress, how it is clear that RK3X VPU is in fact a On2 Hantro G1 (decoder) + H1(encoder)
<m1r> hi tonikasch
<tonikasch> hi m1r
<tonikasch> bye


<tonikasch> i don't have either but... mk902 or mk802?
* tonikasch doesn't actually know
<tonikasch> well, i also have a radxa but currently working on minix neo x7 (it seems i love to work without serial console :P)
<tonikasch> hehe :p
<markvandenborre> tonikasch: it's nice of you to inquire, but I don't actually own such a tablet
<tonikasch> markvandenborre how does it go?
<tonikasch> np :)
<tonikasch> mmm, I think the code is prepared for lcd, just have to find the correct menuconfig
<tonikasch> possible
<tonikasch> but, however, it's possibñe
<tonikasch> and even more, i don't know the exact .config directives to get touchscreen running
<tonikasch> however, defconfigs are not included
<tonikasch> github.com/omegamoon/Rockchip-GPL-Kernel
<tonikasch> mmm, somebody has managed to get a touchscreen running on top of Rockchip-GPL-Kernel with either radxa rock board or minix neo x7


<tonikasch> does somebody know if a libhybris patch for android 4.4 bionic is available? i don't find it anywhere although libhybris is being/has been adapted for this release of android


<tonikasch> well, switching to armel


<tonikasch> ssvb ping


<tonikasch> bye


<tonikasch> hi, has anybody managed to build "Rockchip-GPL-Kernel" and get something else in HDMI output than the monitor informing about the video mode? No console nor bootlog here :(
<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> sorry, no idea :(
<tonikasch> hello!
<tonikasch> mmmm, only getting blank output from omegamoon just-released kernel tree compiled with different options


<tonikasch> just testing if I can manage to make it run on minix neo x7 (:
<tonikasch> hey, Omegamoon has just (this afternoon) released new 3.0.101+ kernel tree for rockchips devices with many new things


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> well, falling asleep, exiting now
<tonikasch> thx :)
<tonikasch> spain...
<tonikasch> hehe, thx :p
<mac-> tonikasch: so do I :p
<tonikasch> well, going to bed, late here, cu
<tonikasch> ...
<tonikasch> created by Rockchip, that's what I wonder :p
<tonikasch> well, still wondering about the existence of that Rockchip Open Libvpu Project
<tonikasch> *advances
<tonikasch> more advanced on neon vpu research
<tonikasch> hi!
<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> have just updated 3d2dacceleration and videoacceleration pages


<tonikasch> and also give another try to olegk0's xf86-video-fbdev xorg driver
<tonikasch> just reading September logs referenced in the wiki... interesting... will try xv when at home
<tonikasch> i also want to link to the adequate repo (&branch if appliable) in the linux-rockchip mailing list as the recommended branch to use (maybe there is one for use and other(s) for development?), so some help would be much appreciated
<tonikasch> hi! I'm just exploring github.com/linux-rockchip "user" profile and trying to figure out what means each repo and each of the different current branches in order to document all this on wiki, could somebody pls lend me a hand with this?


<tonikasch> contributions will be prettily considered
<tonikasch> have to link it from the MainPage
<tonikasch> have just created it
<tonikasch> mmm


<tonikasch> bye!
* tonikasch lunch time
<tonikasch> Well, I'll try only bcmdhd, rkwifi etc related changes and see if they work alone, then I commit
<tonikasch> the way I did was by restoring drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig and Makefile related code, perhaps it is not the best solution
<tonikasch> (I think)
<tonikasch> well, I tried bcmdhd for ap6330 without enabling those ugly WIFI_CONTROL_etc variables or so but got timeout. I think it is sdio based and so all the drivers/net/wireless/wifi_sys/ and drivers/net/wireless/rkwifi/ and related functions are needed :S
<tonikasch> ok
<tonikasch> it = wifi (bcmdhd, exactly ap6330, but on minix neo x7, and as I recall your branch is radxa orientated)
<tonikasch> apxii i have a doubt... there are gpio related changes with respect to your branch that will make it work in minix neo x7 but i guess will drop support for radxa... should i include them in a separate commit? should i leave them apart? or should i include them in the same commit for bcmdhd support?
<tonikasch> (image)
<tonikasch> I used ubuntu from linaro, think latest
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> well, I haven't found a way to fork only that rr-3.0-dev, perhaps I'm a bit sleepy today
<tonikasch> apxii so now have forked your github repo and will begin bit by bit commiting changes
<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> feel free to join
<tonikasch> Well, I'll post to linux-rockchip mailing list and see what happens
<tonikasch> well... I've got this (https://github.com/HermanChen/Rockchip_4.2_release_libstagefright) but now I don't see how I could make vpu acceleration work... there are some .so interesting files (libOMX_Core.so libomxvpu_enc.so libomxvpu.so librk_demux.so librk_on2.so)... what should I do with them?
<tonikasch> mmmm, let's see now if vpu_service works hehehe
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> c ya and thanks apxii and ssvb
<tonikasch> now looking at libstagefright...
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> well, have to go now, will post later and afterwards will begin with the repo stuff
<tonikasch> in lightdm greeter
<tonikasch> which should be good, but still have a gradient of colours
<tonikasch> [ 822.663] (==) FBTURBO(0): Depth 16, (==) framebuffer bpp 16
<tonikasch> "Default Screen Section" for depth/fbbpp 16/16
<tonikasch> [ 822.663] (==) FBTURBO(0): RGB weight 565
<tonikasch> [ 822.663] (==) FBTURBO(0): Default visual is TrueColor
<tonikasch> [ 822.663] (II) FBTURBO(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
<tonikasch> the case, now I have...
<tonikasch> but... just guessing
<tonikasch> in rk_fb.c
<tonikasch> because... they all are powers of 4... 16bpp, 24bpp, 32bpp
<tonikasch> I think it's four
<tonikasch> don't really know :s
<tonikasch> because I have enabled that depth in framebuffer driver (that was one of the line patches made by olegk0)
<tonikasch> wow! Just wondering how would be fbset for depth 24
<tonikasch> ssvb ping
<tonikasch> Your subscription to linux-rockchip was not approved. <--- O_o
<tonikasch> ;) np
<theskilledworker> tonikasch, thanks. I'll let you know
<tonikasch> though it's not mine
<tonikasch> it's the one i'm working with :)
<tonikasch> theskilledworker test this: git clone -b rr-3.0-dev https://github.com/apxii/linux-work.git
<theskilledworker> tonikasch: do you have any kernel I can try on my radxa?
<tonikasch> brb
<tonikasch> I know, but I tend to leave it for later learning...
<tonikasch> I'm not used to version control systems :(((((
<tonikasch> well, not .patch files but comparing files with meld and applying differences from the Rockchip-GPU-kernel (omegamoon's) to yours line by line
<tonikasch> I'll try to apply now only some of them
<tonikasch> hdmi output is blank from the beginning with patches applied
<tonikasch> mmm, they won't work for minix neo x7
<tonikasch> I guess they weren't on rr-3.0_dev
<tonikasch> I've applied rk_fb.c patched made by Galland and olegk0 to your kernel's rk_fb.c to see if that works out something
<tonikasch> ok
<apxii> tonikasch, I am not an expert, I just wanted Mali worked on RR
<tonikasch> apxii ask me whatever change shall be done
<tonikasch> so it's a kernel driver problem, ok, I'll continue comparing drivers/video/rockchip directories with meld
<tonikasch> [ 22.880] (==) FBTURBO(0): RGB weight 565
<tonikasch> [ 22.880] (==) FBTURBO(0): Default visual is TrueColor
<tonikasch> [ 22.880] (==) FBTURBO(0): Depth 16, (==) framebuffer bpp 16
<tonikasch> now with both fbset uin /etc/rc.local X won't show up anything though Xorg.0.log seems correct...
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> not yet...
<tonikasch> lima are mature enough now?
<tonikasch> yes
<tonikasch> i also found handy sunxi-mali doc and that repo containing all userspace libraries and makefiles, and also xf86-video-fbturbo
<tonikasch> then I copied from a rk3x kernel, and at last I found apxii kernel branch with them included in... r3p2-1_rel1? r3p2-1_rel2? which was a strike of luck
<tonikasch> in the beginning I tried placing r4p0 in kernel tree but I wasn't aware of ump ioctls and all that sort of things :p
<tonikasch> I see
<tonikasch> and there's also that r4p0... :p
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> s/whu/why/g