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<berndj> kanzure, re "The original 4004 and earlier devices are within the scope of what could be accomplished in a home environment." - really?? i thought even 4004 level tech was a bit beyond home-scale fabbing
<kanzure> 2300 transistors? 10 microns? sure....
<kanzure> and 10 microns was the *minimum* feature size
<kanzure> "The Intel 4004 was designed by physically cutting sheets of Rubylith into thin strips to lay out the circuits to be printed"
<_Sync_> 10µ should be well within reach
<_Sync_> well and then scaled
<whitequark> wonderful
<_Sync_> but the problem is getting the reliability
<SpeedEvil> It depends what you mean.
<berndj> the geometry isn't what i'm wondering about, it's the yield - related to reagent purity etc
<SpeedEvil> It is within the scope of things that can reasonably be done in a garage.
<SpeedEvil> A large garage.
<kanzure> this would not be mission impossible, though
<berndj> like won't there be sodium ions *everywhere* ruining things?
<SpeedEvil> It does not require a massive industrial complex.
<kanzure> ruining things? use a clean room dude.
<berndj> or do they not ruin things badly enough at 10um
<kanzure> many people have clean rooms in their garage (or whatever)
<SpeedEvil> This is assuming you can properly build out the working space, and purchase reagents that are pure enough
<_Sync_> they do berndj
<_Sync_> SpeedEvil: the problem is not the single steps
<_Sync_> but the whole process
<_Sync_> that's the problem
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: I know.
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: the problem is possibly not actually getting it into one garage.
<berndj> _Sync_, is there just no tolerance at all for some ions? is it a case of 1 sodium ion == dead chip?
<SpeedEvil> But getting it into one lifetime.
<kanzure> berndj: what were you reading?
<_Sync_> berndj: sodium is not really the number one problem
<_Sync_> usually it is gold
<whitequark> gold?
<_Sync_> yes
<whitequark> why?
<_Sync_> because it is popular as a contact material
<whitequark> oh
<_Sync_> thus you have to be *really* careful not to spread it around your workbenches
<berndj> kanzure, your message on bitcoin-development re DIY ASIC mining chips
<_Sync_> a foreign student once forced us to buy a new spindryer
<_Sync_> because the idiot thought it was a good idea to wash off his plated samples in it
<_Sync_> even tough it says "NO GOLD IN HERE" very clearly
<_Sync_> and I'd say it is entirely possible to cram the production into a garage
<_Sync_> there actually is not that much going on
<berndj> gold is bad because it acts as a recombination site?
<kanzure> berndj: it would be more appropriate to do bitcoin wallet manufacturing, not miner manufacturing
<kanzure> however, you often don't need a wallet in hardware anyway
<kanzure> unless you want to be sure that your hardware is not compromised (but this is hard because you eventually have to leave the garage)
<berndj> kanzure, that's true almost by definition - if one could make chips in a garage, one can make better chips in a 100-garage site. more capital = better chips
<kanzure> why would it matter by which method it is true?
<whitequark> wouldn't it be easier to make artwork using FOSS, manufacture chips on a real fab, then compare them with your artwork?
<_Sync_> berndj: it has a high distance from the valence/conduction band
<kanzure> whitequark: no, decapping takes a loooong time and there's also dopant-level trojans which take an even longer time to find
<whitequark> not "easy" but "easier".
<kanzure> it would be easier to do nothing at all
<whitequark> eh?
<berndj> whitequark, what does the artwork buy you?
<kanzure> sigh
<whitequark> berndj: my point: if you can prove the fab didn't modify anything, you don't have to trust it
<berndj> whitequark, unmodified artwork proves only that the *artwork* wasn't modified
<SpeedEvil> Also, there are ways that you can work with compromised hardware.
<SpeedEvil> There are techniques to do computing on untrusted hardware.
<SpeedEvil> - at massive performance penalties often
<berndj> you're talking homomorphic computing and moon math?
<whitequark> berndj: sure. but producing trusted artwork is not a capital-intensive step
<whitequark> (and you will have to do it anyway even for your home fab)
<berndj> oooh, you mean artwork as a general term for the whole chip's layout? i thought you meant silicon doodles
<_Sync_> it is the same as pcb artwork
<whitequark> ^
<whitequark> alternative implementation: design a really small trusted base, then assemble it using 4000 series ICs and a large PCB
* whitequark hides
<SpeedEvil> Lego!
<SpeedEvil> Just do all your computing in minecraft, with redstone
<whitequark> I actually want to take some early chip and replicate it almost exactly on a PCB
<whitequark> though not enough to actually invest time in that
<whitequark> but it would be neat
<SpeedEvil> whitequark: seen the 'big 555' kit?
<whitequark> put a LED near every transistor
<whitequark> now THAT is blinkenlights
<_Sync_> dat clock rate
<whitequark> SpeedEvil: yeah, something like that, except done with SOT-416 transistors and pick&place
<whitequark> it would be on the same scale as the non-scaled maskwork, maybe even a bit smaller
<SpeedEvil> I wish I had good health.
<SpeedEvil> One of the projects on my stack is an automated 'wirebonder'
<SpeedEvil> Which automatically point-point wires with enamelled copper wire and LASER and solder SMD components.
<SpeedEvil> Possibly in a reducing atmosphere, maybe just inert.
<whitequark> SOT416 transistors go up to like 300mA
<_Sync_> what's the point SpeedEvil
<whitequark> assuming a 1mA per LED, it's reasonable even in the worst case
<SpeedEvil> Not nearly so much if dead-bugged with no PCB. But still quite usable
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: very dense, rapid production.
<whitequark> LASER?
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: Is it going to be comparable with mass-production pick and place - no
<_Sync_> if there would be a need for that it'd be a already on the market
<_Sync_> if I can get a board turned in under 24h inhouse, that's usually fine
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: That's not quite true.
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: If you can get it down to a price point below where any of the vendors that might have considered doing it have gone - through advances in technology, or accepting more crapness, it may be at least saleable.
<SpeedEvil> There is nothing that stopped 3d printers being sold in the 80s.
<whitequark> they were, actually
<SpeedEvil> Also, because I want to do it.
<whitequark> 3D printing is not a novel invention
<SpeedEvil> whitequark: I know.
<bofh__> I am suddenly reminded of the various PCB remakes of old HP custom chips to fix, say, old signal generators:
<_Sync_> we have had a dual litho 3d printer since the early 90s
<whitequark> bofh__: yeah, I remember when that hit hackaday
<whitequark> was about to find and post the link
<_Sync_> if there would *really* a point in doing so there'd be someone buying it
<_Sync_> but as I said, I can get a board spun in under 24h and then pop it into my production like
<_Sync_> there is no big point
<_Sync_> and usually you only need that for involved designs where the pcb is of more concern than the rest
<SpeedEvil> I think it would be a fun thing to do, with at least niche applications, and possibly saleable in small volumes for more than I could make it at. That's pretty much all.
<SpeedEvil> I'm not arguing that it's better in any way than a nice PCB and assembly facility.
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<bofh__> whitequark: personally I found the most fascinating part of that is reading a bit more and realising just how much more popular ECL used to be
<_Sync_> my point is, if you are trying to make a rapid prototyping tool it has to meet certain parameters
<_Sync_> and you are not going to hit them with copper wire
<_Sync_> bofh__: not suprising, as it was fast
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<bofh__> _Sync_: more surprised that it's relatively uncommon nowdays
<whitequark> the USSR ECL families were quite convenient for some tasks
<whitequark> for example, boiling water
<_Sync_> negative voltages and current
<_Sync_> they LOVE power
<bofh__> _Sync_: heck, they used to use it in CPU designs... the alpha ev6 / Tsunami chipset was almost entirely ECL... only way to get 833MHz back in 1997
<whitequark> how many kW did it dissipate?
<bofh__> whitequark: the manual rated it for ~940 BTU of heat
<bofh__> no joke
<bofh__> iirc the exact number was 939BTU
<whitequark> BTU per what?
<whitequark> 940 BTU is approximately 1 MJ
<bofh__> oh, per hr
<whitequark> 275W?
<_Sync_> I don't think so bofh__
<bofh__> 130W / cpu * 2 is what they were rated for
<_Sync_> iirc IBM had a SOI chipset running at 850
<bofh__> so that number falls right in line
<_Sync_> which was completely cmos
<bofh__> I just found it hilarious that the CPU document gave an actual heat output value
<_Sync_> very important number
<bofh__> _Sync_: what year was that from? cool, did not know about that
<_Sync_> 96 or something
<bofh__> whitequark: fun thing about ECL is that the power draw doesn't vary much based on CPU load (or really at all)
<_Sync_> In September 1998, Samsung announced they would fabricate a variant of the Alpha 21264B in a 0.18 µm fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) process with copper interconnects that was capable of achieving a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz. This version never materialized.
<_Sync_> ah
<_Sync_> that was the time
<_Sync_> yeah
<_Sync_> iirc IBM had some power cpu at 8xxMHz in the same timeframe
<_Sync_> I'd have to dig through my notes
<_Sync_> they basically took a gen2 POWER, put it through an SOI process and it ran faster
<bofh__> not surprised
<_Sync_> they also tried strained silicon and Si-C back then but apparently they all died because they did not understand how it worked
<SpeedEvil> SOI is coming back!
<SpeedEvil> At least allegedly
<_Sync_> lots of back and forth on that
<_Sync_> I think it's not gonna happen soon
<_Sync_> because of dat cooling
<whitequark> use a diamond substrate? :D
<whitequark> I've heard that's investigated for LEDs
<_Sync_> I have one of the first blue leds here in a block of plexi
<_Sync_> well
<_Sync_> point is, stuff needs to be cheap
<_Sync_> cpus get optimized quite a few digits right of the decimal point
<_Sync_> yeah I can see FD-SOI for low power
<_Sync_> but not for HPC
<_Sync_> but if samsung pushes 28nm SOI things might get interesting
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<_Sync_> oh wow, semiconductor parameter analyzers sure are spendy
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