kyak changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben/atusb 802.15.4 wireless, anelok and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
DocScrutinizer05 is now known as joerg
joerg is now known as DigitalPioneer
DigitalPioneer is now known as DocAvalanche
DocAvalanche is now known as DocScrutinizer
DocScrutinizer05 has joined #qi-hardware
DocScrutinizer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
pcercuei has joined #qi-hardware
jwhitmore_ has joined #qi-hardware
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arti has joined #qi-hardware
DocScrutinizer05 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
DocScrutinizer05 has joined #qi-hardware
pcercuei has quit [Quit: dodo]