flux: It was on the beginners list... one moment
flux: Yep. Someone else must have then I guess?
I haven't compiled+installed the require GL module for the demo though, so I have not tested that yet
With a little editing I was able to compile it, and it looks quite nice
flux: I downloaded and built (what I think is) your Chipmunk wrapper linked from the mailing list
hcarty, guess what I'm doing.. ;-) The problem appears to be that Chipmunk returns cpShape* which can be casted to cpCirleShape* or cpSegmentShape*; I think the only reasonable way to handle that would be to view cpShape* as an abstract type and provide accessors
flux: Nevermind... I just saw your list post
It seems like it should not be too difficult though with the proper know-how
After seeing your conversation about Chipmunk the other day I tried to use camlidl to wrap that ... and it turns out that I don't know enough to make that happen quickly + easily yet
It applies some patches to add ocamlfind support. Those patches are not there (yet) in Debian or the original source code.
flux: camlidl only has ocamlfind support in the Godi version
maayhem: y would be an exception type I think?
With "let rec foo" it would be, but I /think/ something like you showed would still mask it
With "let foo = ... in", 'foo' is not visible in the ...
maayhem: correct
maayhem: "with x -> x" : those two 'x' refer to the same thing (the exception)
AxleLonghorn: You're quite welcome
thanks hcarty, it works now
let terrain = Array2.create float64 c_layout 10 10;;
AxleLonghorn: I had some confusion with that when starting with the Bigarray module
Use float64 rather than float64_elt
AxleLonghorn: What is the error you are getting?
OCaml is generally pretty quick
middayc-: Depends on your definition of efficiently :-)
But it's a style choice, and OCaml lets you have it both ways
For the velocity vector example - one way to think about it would be to have your update function return a new "bullet" rather than modifying the old one.
middayc-: I've been playing with the Objective part of OCaml recently, and it seems to integrate nicely with the rest
I could not agree more
hcarty, we had a suggestion to get professors are mentors.
The student could still keep the money, do the presentation, etc. Just someone else with a direct interest.
Smerdyakov: Encouraging outside collaboration/sponsorship may help long(er) term upkeep of OSP code
"rename" is not the correct word/terminology...
But that does not work - syntax error on "module"
ex. class c = let module L = List in object val it = [] method get = L.hd it end;;
Is there a way to do locally rename a module in a class?
Proteus: To answer your question from a day or two ago - I have not tried the JoCaml network setup, just for one system
hcarty, did you try jocaml's network capabilities?
For what that's worth
Proteus: I tested one of the example programs they have on their site on a 8 processor system, and it was ~5-6x faster (if I remember correctly) when using all 8 processors than when using just one
bluestorm: That looks quite handy
So if naming by purpose seems more appealing to you then you can start with that and change later if you choose
The code changes required to go from "by purpose" naming to "by type" naming would be similar (I think?) to those required to change the type when naming by type
But tsuyoshi's response is perhaps more generally applicable and future-safe
orbitz: I've done both in the case of Map - if I'll use it for different purposes then I use the type, otherwise the purpose
Glad to help
If that makes any sense... it's an associativity thing, but I don't remember the proper name. Unary operator perhaps?
It lets you type (foo ~-1) rather than (foo (-1))
It is also combined with - and -. for negative numbers, ex: ~-1 and ~-.1.0
foo ~arg:1 ;; calls foo with named argument arg set to the value 1
orbitz: You can mess with camlp4 to get .[] .() .{} etc to do different things. They are all defined in the OCaml sources as sugar for the matching *.get functions
Yes, pastebin.com seems to be broken here as well
munga_: pastebin.com has OCaml highlighting, several have been used here though. There does not seem to be one that is official.
orbitz: As long as the first letter is capitalized, the remaining can be written however you'd like. But the filename may have to match - I am not certain.
Jeff_123: It's all satellite data, so no physical modeling at this point
What else?
Jeff_123: Plotting rainfall!
What does $ do? I use (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b fairly often, but I don't know if they are similar - I'm an OCaml consumer, not a pure CS person
Though that conflicts with JoCaml
I saw & recommended on the mailing list as another option for a $ replacement
flux: Sure thing. Feel free to ask if any of it is unclear
hcarty, thanks
The "Source" tab has the SVN repo if you don't want to download the .tar.gz
It's on Google Code, and it's fairly short overall
I do that with the PLplot code if you want to take a look
They more or less have to be wrapped manually, I think
The biggest issue I've had has been with void* types
I used camlidl to create bindings for the PLplot and HDF C libraries
flux: Aside from SWIG, there is camlidl which takes a (slightly) modified .h and generates OCaml bindings
hcarty: convert... how to convert expression into string?
f and g would not be strings, so they still have to be converted
montoya: I think you'd want something like ... | Sum (f, g) -> "(" ^ string_of_expression f ^ ... and so on
But yes, there is apparently some sort of similar support in emacs
rlwrap does have the benefit of being /slightly/ lighter
context: If you're looking for readline support for the OCaml toplevel, try rlwrap
Then my apologies - I don't know enough about the OCaml build process or internals to help. Hopefully someone else can.
And then make world?
hcarty i used ./configure --prefix ~/config -no-shared-libs
Ah, ok
That bit me when I first tried to build from source directly
Not to sound condescending, but have you followed each of the steps in the INSTALL file? There are a few items beyond the normal ./configure && make && make install
I haven't worked under BeOS before, and I don't know what the OCaml support is like
hcarty : BeOS
Anarchos: What OS?
Then ask the author
jcpiza: Not really too much paranoia
I think rwnjones said this at some point in the past
I think Gc and Unix are two of the blocked modules on xavierbot
jcpiza: Please read the documentation, or ask, rather than flooding
And the function still is not tail recursive
Jeff_123: A cruel fate for such a noble bot
mbishop: Exactly :-)
jcpiza: We get the point
jcpiza: Anything recursive function which is not tail recursive can cause problems with large enough values
hcarty, iterative succ is not valid, i want recursive succ
Yeah, just one more would do it
- : int = 1073741823
# max_int;;
# succ(1000000000);;
- : int = 1000000001
The toplevel still says it is type int
On 32bit OCaml 3.10.0
That one works for me as well
hcarty: and succ(1000000000) ; ?
Same + 1
hcarty: and succ(10000000) ; ?
- : int = 100001
# succ(100000);;
hcarty: what says this command succ(100000) ; ?
jcpiza: I run OCaml programs quite regularly which us 600-700megabytes of RAM
OCaml uses 31bit integers on 32bit systems, or 63 for 64 bit systems
Then doubly nice :-)
Do ranges and comprehensions work together?
Yoric[DT]: Looks very nice
It takes care of many of the details
madroach: I've found using OCamlMakefile with C library bindings very helpful
hcarty: actually, I guess I'm going to make use of SdFlow.
hcarty: Work is progressing well on stream comprehension.
It all seems to work now. Thanks very much for the help.
The values are always used as floats in the C function. But as long as it's safe to treat an unboxed float tuple in the same way as a boxed othertype tuple I'll just leave the code as is
Yoric[DT]: I'm working on a C library wrapper which needs callbacks in a few places
hcarty: what do you mean ?
"it" being the function passed to set_callback
If I create a set_callback callback function which takes a (float -> float -> (float * float)) argument and sets that up as the callback - is it still treated like a polymorphic function here?
Using Double_field() on a return value from a polymorphic function seems to cause a segfault
Is there any harm in using Double_val(Field(foo, n)) for tuples of doubles?
I get the following error on the second #use: "I/O error: Bad file descriptor"
Is there a way to #use "foo.ml" multiple times in the toplevel when using a syntax extension?
Yoric[DT]: Very cool!
But I think that will have to wait until the documentation is a little more complete
I'd like to learn enough Camlp4 to eventually override the .{} syntax for Bigarrays so that the .{} is always used with Bigarray.Genarray.t, rather than the type being determined by the number of dimensions used
Yoric[DT]: I think that would be pretty ideal
And being able to use something like [1 .. 100] as proper syntax would be quite nice
Yoric[DT]: I'd be interested in such an extension. I'm using Sdflow at the moment for ~similar purposes
Array.init dim1 (Array.make_matrix dim2 dim3 0.0) did the trick - any suggestions for a wiki where this information might be useful?
The docs explain it
Ah, nevermind
Any ideas on why this odd (to my eyes) result comes from this array manipulation? http://pastebin.com/m1fb248db
Yoric[DT]: Thanks. I was unclear on that after reading the docs.
Do you need to use the ; in revised syntax in .ml files, or only the toplevel?
I'm not completely happy with vim+omlet, emacs+tuareg or eclipse+ocaide. But emacs+tuareg seems to work the best for my uses for the time being.
I used indentation based folding for a short while
If I tried to autoindent a section of code, it would take ~30+ seconds per 50 lines of code, if not more
I was using omlet
kmeyer: I think the folding was what slowed things down so much, but I could be wrong
tuareg is the only reason I started using emacs - the vim OCaml mode was really slow
As I said, I'm far from an expert... it's pieced together over time
I just added those lines to the end of my .emacs
There is a file in the tuareg .tar.gz...
cygnus_: I've only used it with emacs22 and CVS, but have you modified your .emacs file?
bluestorm: Thanks
What are "private abbreviation types"? They are listed in the OCaml CVS changelog as a new feature
I hope JoCaml sticks around as it seems quite useful
Is metaocaml still alive?
But I haven't gone through the process of compiling and testing it
Smerdyakov: According to the website it does
hcarty, if not, then you can't really call it another implementation, since 'ocamlc' defines the language.
hcarty, but do they yet cover all features of the regular ocaml compiler?
hcarty, my page certainly has it.
hcarty: right
You could list/link the ocamljava project as another implementation
bluestorm: True, but to a non-CS person that's quite opaque :-)
hcarty: "-no ad-hoc polymorphism" seems the right place to say that
bluestorm: As a specific, the + vs +. is a common complaint
Feel free to write it and submit the patch :-) I'm sure others would find use for it.
JohnnyL: The ocaml repl state is not saved between runs
jburd: There's a thread on the beginner's list where someone asked for library bindings requests... I don't have a link, but you could put in a request there
al___: I'll second the Pcre over Str recommendation. It's a much nicer module to work with.
hcarty: Using autotools for the building would have helped with distributed compiles as well. The current build system doesn't respect CC shell variables.
As long as $PATH has the correct order it should work properly
jburd: I have the same setup here using godi - I just set the install prefix to a directory under ~
hcarty: My Linux distribution's package management system already has a package for Ocaml in place. However, I wanted to check whether I can use an updated version from another directory so it doesn't conflict with the system package.
jburd: I'm not sure, but if you want to build from source, have you tried godi?
The functions map more or less directly to their C counterparts though
And with the exception of one or two functions, if a function takes a "sometype option" parameter it probably isn't wrapped properly yet
A lot of the type definitions are rather ugly, and likely not needed. I haven't made much effort to clean that up yet
hcarty, not really, but I'd like to see the .mli-files, are they online?
It is in a reasonably usable state for 2D and 3D plots. The only external dependencies are camlidl and plplot 5.7.3 or newer
Anyone here interested in using/testing a plplot OCaml binding?
But it may make life a little easier for a toy project
I may be assaulted for suggesting such a thing...
mbishop: Would it be too much of a problem to (locally) redefine (+) etc?
There may be something in there indicating where it comes from
chris2: I think there is some 3.10.0 metaocaml stuff in the Debian subversion repository
Thank you again
rwmjones: I just gave it a quick test, and it works beautifully for what I currently need
The header file I'm working with at the moment is 812 lines, so I think non-tailrecursive is ok for the time being
rwmjones: Yes, I've seen perl4caml. I may end up using that if something is too hairy in OCaml.
hcarty, also did you know about perl4caml?
hcarty, that input_all_lines function will probably blow the stack if you call it on a large file
Some slightly-automated camlidl binding generation. The code is currently in quickly-hacked Perl.
I just want to catch output from cpp at the moment
That should work for what I need now though, so thank you very much
rwmjones: Excellent, thanks!
hcarty, but also try this ...
hcarty, Unix.open_process_in
What is the equivalent of the Perl $output = `some_program` in OCaml? The Unix module seems to have functions which run some_program in parallel, but I just want to wait for the output
rwmjones: libunbin looks very useful. Thanks for putting it out.
tristram: ocaml-gsl may have something you can use
salierix: It's somewhat of a personal choice. The original syntax is used more often, but there are tools to automatically convert the syntaxes back and forth
Which makes testing things in the toplevel a pain
A first #use works ok, but a second gives "I/O error: Bad file descriptor"
Is there a way to #use multiple files in the toplevel after loading a camlp4 extension?
ex. ocaml and friends installed under /usr/... and some libraries installed in $HOME/...
Is there a way to tell findlib to install to and look for packages in a specific location?
loufoque: Functors might do what you want as well
Just use ./bootstrap --section 3.10 (+ whatever other options you want)
Yes, I don't think the site has been updated, but the installer does support it
DT: Godi does have 3.10 support, you just have to specify that you want it during the bootstrap process