Does anyone here know of a nice, clean method of splitting a list (or array) of integers to consecutive runs? Taking [1;2;3;8;9;10;15;16] and returning [1;2;3] [8;9;10] [15;16]
Hopefully JoCaml will have/gain enough momentum to keep going
RobertFischer: I have not seen your post to the JoCaml list yet - perhaps the list is moderated?
"the list" being the JoCaml mailing list
RobertFischer: There is occasional noise on the list, but it is hard to tell which, if any, of JoCaml, CamlP3l, coThreads or OCamlMPI are worth following
bluestorm: Thanks, I will give the extension a try soon
actually hcarty you could do the change yourself, by just exchanging position at line 72 : "with"; mt = module_type; ":"; me = module_expr -> ... (but still i'd be interested in your opinion)
hcarty: private type interface = ... with sig ... end : struct ... end ?
That seems accurate. And I am not sure of the best syntax or if it is worth it :-)
bluestorm: Yes, definitely
hcarty: would a syntaxic extension that would *not* try to infer any signature from structure items still be useful ?
http://ocaml.pastewith.us/36 - This is a short piece of code, implemented using the method we are discussing
I would like to restrict a part of the interface (file I/O for a specific file type) so that a valid interface can only be generated by a Module.open_file function
The real module has a large number of automatically generated functions (C library binding) along with some higher level hand written functions
flux: Yes, definitely
bluestorm: Thank you very much for the offer - I would happily use it
It was copied and pasted from the toplevel, and there edited repeatedly
bluestorm: Yes, that's what I'm thinking of using now
This is where I find OCaml's objects appealing
This may be possible with camlp4, but if so it's far beyond my experience with it
With the only effect being that type t is made abstract. The rest of the module still gets exported
I would like something along the lines of sig type t ... end = struct type t = float let foo = (rest of module here) end
Which is not particularly attractive or elegant, but may be what I am stuck with. Unless there is a way to provide a partial signature which only constrains a few types and values. But that does not seem to be possible either.
module Foo = struct module Test : sig type t = private A val a : t end = struct type t = A let a = A end include Test end;;
It looks like the simplest work around is something like
The module is quite large and I am hoping to not have to maintain the interface/signature by hand
I'm just looking for the "can't create value..." outside of module functions
hcarty: private doesn't make sense inside struc...
I have a camlidl ocamlbuild plugin/rule to add to the list of examples
Oh, on the camlp4 section. I was looking through ocamlbuild.
evn: Ah, thanks... I should have checked there :-)
The "Login/Create account" page does not have an option to create one
Is it possible to create an account on the Gallium/ocamlbuild/camlp4 wiki?
pango, bluestorm, mbishop: Thank you for your help and tips. I went with pango's latest suggestion as that seems to be about as clean as I will get for now
So I'm stuck with String.* functions, unless I find a way to link Str or PCRE
ocamlbuild does not have an option (that I see) to use external libraries in its plugins
bluestorm: Ah, nice. That should do the trick. Thanks.
mbishop: I don't know how to use Str from inside ocamlbuild
So it could be anything from "" to " ..."
Sorry, I mistyped - all whitespace is what I'm looking for
How would I check for an empty string in myocamlbuild.ml? Is there a way to use the Str or Pcre libraries?
If you included the code on both ends you could use a variant or string to tell the client what to run. That would be much less flexible though.
The docs say sending a functional value with give a run-time error
Actually... that looks like what the JoCaml docs are calling "code mobility"
pango: Yes, Mosix is what I was thinking of
Under some systems, a running process can be migrated to a different node in a cluster, for instance
A process in the OS sense, I suppose. I do not know the proper terminology
Mobile process, or something similar
Whatever the proper replacement for process is then
s/being able//
I think code mobility in this case is the ability of an individual process being able to move from one system to another
bluestorm: Very nice, thank you for putting that out. The automatic use of function names would be handy for a simple version, but this is very nice as is.
bluestorm: I would be interested in a let foo x = TODO kind of camlp4 extension if you decide to write it
Oh yes, will do
hcarty, yes I think just install F8 and them use the SRPMs directly. They may just need to have the BuildRequires adjusting
F8 may be safer regardless
rwmjones: Thanks for the tip. I am at a conference now, hence the lack of testing so far. I'll see what the state of F9 is when I get home and pick an install method from there.
hcarty, I don't think F9 installs at the moment, at least people on fedora-devel-list were talking about that. You can always install F8 and upgrade through enabling the development repo though.
flux: That link is the only English-language description I've seen, though there was at least one other post on it in French
rwmjones: Ok. I think I am going to put the latest Fedora 9 pre-release on a test partition to do so
hcarty: yeah, def. looks interesting.
jstanley: You are welcome - it looks like a nice wrapper, but I have not used it beyond compiling the example
rwmjones: And I will be testing several of those Fedora/RHEL OCaml packages in the next 7-10 days. Thank you for putting them together
rwmjones: Working with legacy code/data libraries/gui seems to be sadly C-entrenched
hcarty: i'd be interested in taking a look, anything that might clean up this mess would be a good thing.
They seem to be very simple, but may be helpful for your binding generation
jstanley: I don't know if it will help, but I saw a few recent posts on one of the OCaml feed aggregators on inline-C in OCaml
And it may break if you added D of 'a or similar to type t ... I'm not sure
Perhaps not ideal for long term, but for testing or prototype purposes it may help
external t_to_int : t -> int = "%identity";;
type t = A | B | C
Snrrrub: For a variant -> int, you could use some "%identity" trickery
Yes, this an empty array would definitely be an exception here
hcarty: don't you check the [| |] case ?
hcarty: good.
thelema: I settled on http://ocaml.pastewith.us/34 - In this case it's for an array. I would go with fold_left for a list though
hcarty: one semi-solution - List.fold_left min max_int l
I second the recommendation for Jason Hickey's book - it's quite nice
tuareg generally catches that sort of thing for me, but that would be a very useful debugging aid
Ok, I see
So using ;; at a given point would report some cascading error there, rather than further along in the source?
hcarty: using ;; at the end of my top-level phrases. It makes sure that I've completed the phrase at the point I think I've completed it. (it helps me localize phrasing errors in what I've written.)
I have found that using ;; ends up hiding small typing issues which turn up as errors later on
thelema: using ;; or not using it?
hcarty: I find that using it makes the compiler (slightly) more strict on what I write
coucou747: That's what I use, or a value from a library
AxleLonghorn: My understanding is that it is the compiler finding the end of each expression. Using ";;" in compiled code can hide errors at times
hcarty, yeah I figured something like that was up, it's just that the text on that page made it appear as if there WAS a binary, and they just forgot to link to it or something
_W_: Windows binary packages are something the OCaml team recently asked for help on
Array.reduce_left min [|1;2;0;5|];;
Oh my, I'm very sorry about that
module Array = struct include Array let reduce_left f a = fold_left f a.(0) (sub a 1 (length a - 1)) end;;
hcarty: just giving credit where it's due.
thelema: Thanks, I think I will use those names
Oh no! I can't use them then... :-)
hcarty: that's the python name
I like "reduce"...
jderque: Thanks
hcarty: it's called foldl1 in haskell : "foldl1 is a variant of foldl that has no starting value argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty lists."
s/is/it is/
Thank you for both of the examples, but is the naming convention that I am wondering about
coucou747: That works, I am just wondering if there is a standard name
hcarty: one semi-solution - List.fold_left min max_int l
hcarty> es geht ?
And find doesn't really apply for all uses...
"find" is the first thing that comes to my mind, but it has a different meaning in the stdlib
Then foo min [1;2;3] to find the smallest item in the list
Is there a standard name for a fold using only the contents of the given list/array? Something like: let foo f l = List.fold_left f (List.hd l) (List.tl l)
orbitz: Not really, except in mapping to a filename
"they" being name clashes
Or, at least, they are a different issue
And, when speed is less of an issue, the name clashes that come with structures are not such an issue
But anonymous object creation can be useful
bluestorm: They probably can in some cases. And they seem to require more manual type annotations than other OCaml code
LordMetroid: The OO parts of OCaml are fairly nice and easy to use in OCaml as well - they mix well with OO or non-OO code
The Sdflow library has let (|>) x f = f x, so I use that operator
thelema: I use xf, as I find it saves a lot of typing
hcarty, I still place the probability at close to 0.
Which Microsoft is
Smerdyakov: They would be much more likely to from someone who is part of the consortium
hcarty: yeah there's lots of stuff to go C -> OCaml
camlidl goes the other way...
Sorry, misread the question
jstanley: camlidl
Oops, sorry
Or a default value, like bluestorm's example
Oops... gone
You are more likely to get a good answer in #sml
hcarty: that's a good tip
Since you will get a warning/error if the type doesn't end up being ()
kig: Using let () = ... rather than let _ = ... can help catch errors
Some base grades only on exams, others only on HW
bluestorm: It varies from school to school and department to departmnet
cheatersrealm: Ugly code is ok... it's (often) part of learning a language
I think my link is to the latest version of what hcarty linked.
With several projects just using custom Makefiles
Snrrrub: I think it's split between OCamlMakefile, omake and ocamlbuild
flux: Thanks for the tip :-)
hcarty: alrighty, thanks.
jstanley: You may want to ask on the list - there is generally a better chance one of the INRIA folks will pipe in with help
It makes it much easier to get up and running
letrec: I would recommend godi as well for a source install of OCaml
Thanks for putting it out
I am enjoy the pieces of your comprehension library I have used so far
I am well thank you! And you?
Hello Yoric[DT]
olegfink: What editor/environment are you using?
hcarty: yeah, the reasonable approach with CAMLparam0/CAMLlocal1 to hold a resulting object ref value, and CAMLreturn isn't cutting it -- let me know if you feel like peeking at my code and seeing if you can see anything amiss.
I think it's a precedence issue
Or let () = object#function in
That too
You are welcome
You need () around the stuff between "then" and "else"
Good luck!
Since the CAMLparam, CAMLlocal and CAMLreturn macros are (from what I understand) what keep an OCaml value alive
Then (perhaps?) the GC should Do The Right Thing
If you handle the return value of new_solver() with CAMLlocal it should be ok
I do not know how you would signal the GC to say "I'm done with this one" though
Since the object should have a C type of value
CAMLreturn may do the magic for you
But I don't know if there is an equivalent to the CAMLlocal macros for this
I think if you declare it as a value type, and return it as such, then it should work?
That makes sense
Ah, ok
hcarty: yeah, because the main() in the C program invokes the caml runtime which just uses Callback.register on a lot of caml functions.
jstanley: Do you have the OCaml GC running in your program? I haven't used an OCaml lib from a pure-C program, so I don't know the details of how that works.
in C
The function ml_plotter is used as a callback
hcarty: awesome, thanks much. most examples i've seen just demonstrate how to make an ocaml binding for a C lib. I want to do the opposite and need to make sure that there's nothing funky going on with heap mgmt.
jstanley: Someone posted a tutorial link on one of the lists recently... I'm trying to find the link
kbidd: You can also do let foo = ... and blah = ...
It makes testing camlp4 extensions much more difficult
bluestorm: Ok, thanks. I'll check Mantis to see if it's been reported
hcarty: looks like a bug
Any following give that error
The first will load without issue
Sorry, I didn't explain - the error comes up when "#use"ing more than one .ml file
Is there a way to get around the "I/O error: Bad file descriptor" error when using a camlp4 extension in the toplevel?
Yoric[DT]: Do you know which is faster, an option type or an exception?
That does not stop everyone's informed opinion from being different...
For some of us, it's the only thing we have a chance to voice a somewhat informed opinion on :-)
hcarty: to what i personally understood, Xavier Leroy didn't say they would include anything inside the inria-provided packages
08.01.26 - has the meeting transcription as well as a link to the Cal Tech book. Seems worth keeping around.
Excellent, thank you
for the record, I use flux hcarty pango :)
Sadly, I only have ~1 day in by buffer currently :-)
Where are the IRC logs for #ocaml? Someone provided a link a few days ago, but I can't find it...
mbishop: Thanks for the pointer to the updated book
The development of OCaml is (from what I understand) more closed than Haskell - at least GHC
Probably... but that does not make it less confusing when it first happens
bluestorm: except in (fun (x,y) -> ...) which ends up biting me now and then
I've found it to be both, but OCaml was my first trip in to FP as well
hcarty: hum, i think it's more useful than fun
asmanur: But part of the fun/utility of OCaml is the ability to use whichever style fits
flux: Perhaps godi is worth a try? Or a manual backport of Debian 3.10.x packages
jonafan: My guess is so that it can be set at the start of a program, rather than needing to link a separate Sys library for toplevel vs compiled
I worked for a web app place for a while who ran some very large sites with Perl. I personally really like the language, but it definitely has its weak points
hcarty, nothing beats use CGI for simple stuff :)
There are always Perl and Python low(er)-level CGI libraries as well
middayc: There are a few examples using the ocamlnet CGI library in the ocamlnet svn repository
flux: Yes, I tried adding another two wheels on top of the buggy, so it could roll and still move. It took a lot of tinkering to make it work
hcarty, hm, it's not that simple that physics stuff after all, I fail add adding a spring between wheels :) (I think I'd need to apply a torque to wheel2 too)
I added the #use "topfind";; line
I believe so
Rear vs front wheel spinning I think
Yes, you're right - I forgot to add that
~/.ocamlinit that is
Put whatever commands you'd like to use automatically in there
Mouse buttons can make it go forward (left button), backward (right) or flip the buggy (middle)
hcarty ... you made the chipmunk and allegro bindings?
hcarty, maybe a bit, but I think it makes it more consistent
flux: re: my moonbuggy edits - it definitely makes it less tutorial-like
middayc_: I think that can be done from vim and/or emacs
hcarty> flux: http://0ok.org/code/ocaml/moon_buggy.ml -- I "updated" the demo, making it a bit cleaner and hopefully easier to add pieces to -- any thoughts?
what moon_buggy (I came late .. the first thing I see is "<flux> hcarty, btw, if the idea ..." )
hcarty, btw, if the idea of moon_buggy is to demonstrate the capabilities of the library, perhaps such a released version should have multiple versions: from simple to complex. sort of like a tutorial..
I haven't compiled it. I've been #use-ing it from the toplevel
flux: http://0ok.org/code/ocaml/moon_buggy.ml -- I "updated" the demo, making it a bit cleaner and hopefully easier to add pieces to -- any thoughts?
Impressed overall though as well
"impressed with Chipmunk's performance" that is
I'm really impressed with Chipmunk... the CPU use is impressively low for each of the 7 included demos
Though I imagine it would still be decent in bytecode given the the physics stuff is still compiled C
The native toplevel is in a CVS OCaml branch I think... with some playing around with that and OpenGL you could make quite a nifty playground
I have a research project I'm working which does the same thing, but for 3D concave shape -> set of convex shapes
The video game world has come up with and/or applied a lot of cool tricks which have interesting applications in physical problems
It's just a lot easier to ask "is this point inside?" with a convex shape than with a concave one
It's been solved, I think - the research is on ice crystals, so the concave -> convex is a step along the way
It's fun stuff to think about
Or a set of convex polygons
Have you watched the videos on the main Chipmunk page? Particularly the sketches and machine videos
It looks promising for something like gears
Definitely. If you don't, I probably will when I have time
If only :-)
And it seems to be very CPU efficient - I'm looking forward to getting a chance to play with the OCaml bindings
The demos are some of the coolest toys I've seen in a while