Camarade_Tux: Could your generator handle Cairo bindings? I know they already exist, but I'm curious to see what your generator would produce.
Yoric[DT]: Will do, thanks. Probably tomorrow though, as I am off for the evening.
Yoric[DT]: Do you think the myocamlbuild.ml change is worth adding to Batteries? Or would you prefer that I send it to the mailing list for comments?
And my mistake... I wrote "ocaml -i" rather than "ocamlc -i" for most of the examples above
mrvn: I agree that such a tool would be useful. automli may do something along those lines
mrvn: I think that's what "ocamlbuild foo.inferred.mli" uses to create the .mli
mrvn: Does "ocamlc -i foo.ml" reuse foo.mli?
hcarty: But if someone does create inferred.mli and there happens to be an .mli then it should reuse that.
mrvn: No special processing is done beyond the inferred interface. So I don't know that it would make sense to create a .inferred.mli from a .mli since there is nothing to infer
Both with Batteries and with non-Batteries myocamlbuild.ml files
Yoric[DT]: Yes, I've tried
where "ocamlbuild foo.inferred.mli" = "ocaml -i foo.ml"
hcarty: not foo.inferred.mli from foo.mli or foo.ml?
foo.inferred.mli from foo.ml
Sorry, that was a mistype
mrvn: Oops!
hcarty: you said foo.inferred.mli from foo.mli from foo.ml?
mrvn: I don't understand the question?
But without the above changes, the findlib and camlp4 goodies will not be applied. So if any non-stdlib packages or syntax is used then it won't work.
hcarty: why go through foo.mli?
It's ocamlbuild's support for "ocaml -i"
Yoric[DT]: ocamlbuild foo.inferred.mli
hcarty: can you declare types rivatesomehow so the infered.mli shows them abstract or not at all?
Yoric[DT]: Thoughts? Do you think that this is a worthwhile addition?
Yoric[DT]: A Batteries example myocamlbuild.ml patch to allow creating foo.inferred.mli from foo.mli from foo.ml using ocamlbuild : http://ocaml.pastebin.com/m7feb8fd5
The diff comes from a different repository, but the myocamlbuild.ml come directly from Batteries
thelema: It adds support for creating foo.inferred.mli from foo.ml (ocamlbuild foo.inferred.mli)
kaustuv: I am still waiting for an account to be created for something other than read-only access, and hopefully a stand-alone project for the OCaml bindings.
Alpounet: And I agree that maintaining the original version scheme is best, unless there is some specific reason to do otherwise
Alpounet: Thank you for putting the FAQ up
hcarty, palomer, kaustuv, gildor ?
hcarty: I'm going to install gnu utils
Ariens_Hyperion: I have not tried, but it is probably worth submitting a bug report. I think most if not all of the Batteries devs are developing on some form of Linux
aij: Then something else in the full example probably breaks it
hcarty: yes, I know, my point is that the '_a was't being a problem there
This question and workaround/fix is listed in the FAQ I linked to earlier
That gives you a fully polymorphic version without the : T
aij: My guess is that some code in the rest of your module is breaking the simple example case
aij: Was the type still '_a?
aij: It isn't. Doesn't '_a mean that the type is undetermined (or whatever the proper CS-speak is)?
gildor: Certainly
hcarty: if you decide to ask him, could you cc:newhope-devel@lists.forge.ocamlcore.org ?
gildor: Fair enough :-)
hcarty: just ask him
hcarty: well if it is separate and "He is not maintaining the bindings any longer", you can reasonably ask him if he don't mind rehosting it in newhope
gildor: It is separate
gildor: It could link to projects such as the Cairo bindings, bitstring, ocamlgsl, etc which are hosted elsewhere
hcarty: is cairo-ocaml a separate package from cairo ?
gildor: Perhaps there should be an "outside programs and modules" section on the forge?
gildor: I agree. But I don't want to step on the toes of the code's original author
hcarty: well as for everything that touch OCaml, I think you'll have more chance to find interested maintainer with newhope (hosted on OCaml forge) than to stay on freedesktop which is mostly about C/python
kaustuv: Your thoughts?
Though it would be nice to move it from their CVS to their git repository
gildor: I'm not sure. It may be less disruptive to continue maintaining the project at fd.o
hcarty, kaustuv: you want a git repo for cairo-ocaml in newhope project ?
hcarty: cool!
kaustuv: He is not maintaining the bindings any longer, but suggested getting an freedesktop.org account and maintaining it there
kaustuv: I heard from the Cairo-OCaml dev
ok hcarty
If there are problems then development can be moved over
I'd prefer not to start the project with a hostile takeover of a project :-)
I'll discuss it with kaustav, and try to get a fd.o account some time soon
hcarty, hmm
He did say that he is not actively maintaining the bindings
So it looks like that may be a better approach than bringing it in to New Hope
Alpounet: He said the best way to contribute would be to request an account on fd.o and join the project that way
Alpounet: I heard back from Olivier Andrieu, the Cairo-OCaml developer
palomer: camlp4 may not be "prettier", but it will/can do what you are asking
palomer: Emacs+tuareg or camlp4?
munga_: Thanks for the cmxs rule
I'm off for now. Take care all.
Camarade_Tux: Yes, the only reason I made the ocamlbuild transition is because the default build system produceds broken binaries on my system
Once things have settled out a bit I will ping the Cairo-OCaml dev again. If we don't hear from them reasonably soon then I think it's reasonable to start up a git repo for it, particularly with kaustuv's updates
Alpounet: I do have a changed build system here (autoconf -> ocamlbuild), but I'm not sure if that is a good idea
hcarty, by the way, you just can do anything more than waiting until you get an answer from the old Cairo-OCaml devs
Alpounet: Thank you for keeping me in the loop :-) I hope to be able to put together a reasoned reply some time soon.
My adviser just got back in town though, and it looks like I can set a date for my topic defense. So I likely won't be able to do much with NH over the next few weeks.
Alpounet: Sorry, yes your response as well
Alpounet: I saw the one from Sylvain
hcarty, have you seen the post on the ML ?
I find Haskell rather ugly... though I think that has a lot to do withTheNamingConventions_
Though I'm not sure if that is needed, since I imagine (and hope) the New Hope will be more a loose collection of developers than a strictly run project
If there is an author you would like to contact then I'd be happy to work with you on a "standard" email template for New Hope use
If so, then I asked for the best way to submit patches
In the email I asked if they are still interested in maintaining the Cairo bindings. I said that if not, another OCaml user and I are interested in continuing their development.
If they reply I will send a follow-up mentioning the project though
Alpounet: I'm not sure if it would serve as a good template. I don't mention New Hope because I sent it before the project idea was set in stone.
hcarty, can you fwd me the email you sent ?
hcarty, you should rather thank gildor who spent some hours on this mailman problem.
It will still likely be a little while before I can spend much time on it. And I have not heard back yet from the Cairo OCaml dev
Alpounet: Thanks for getting it setup :-)
hcarty, the ML is up and waiting for messages: )
Fine, thanks hcarty !
That is pulled out of a function with "file" being the filename of the XML file to process. It somewhat obviously uses pa_openin.
Alpounet: http://ocaml.pastebin.com/d3d109bde -- this the short, and probably horribly inefficient and dirty, way I use PXP for some simple data extraction
s/was/is/ I suppose, since I'm still using the code
Alpounet: Mine was similar. I have XML files with some basic information on other (binary) data files. I extract a few pieces of information (times and dates) from each.
I don't think I tried xmlm... I tried xml-light and then PXP. PXP did what I wanted in just a couple lines of code - but as I said, my needs were quite simple
I'm working with very simple files though, and for what I'm doing regexps would work almost as well, with a little preprocessing
Alpounet: For the very limited XML handling I've had to do in OCaml, I've been reasonably happy with PXP.
palomer: If you're drawing graphics using put_pixel, I'm not sure why you'd be unhappy with a few extra text rendering steps :-)
hcarty, I'm just using put_pixel
palomer: SDL would require much more care on the drawing end, I would think, than using Cairo
palomer: Then you could update to SDL 1.3. Or Clutter looks like a promising base as well.
hcarty, but sdl gives me both!
palomer: If you want low-level GUI control, you're going to have to sacrifice a little bit of API simplicity
hcarty, I wanted to use my actual windows installation in virtualbox on linux, and my actual linux installation in vbox on windows and therefore needed 64bit emulation
hcarty: it doesn't have such a distinction
Camarade_Tux: Is it not something you could test on a 32bit VM?
Camarade_Tux: I didn't realize such a distinction exists in their chips
Camarade_Tux: That's ... quite awful re: no 64bit emulation
hcarty, I'm running on 64bit and my crappy intel cpu won't emulate 64bit !
Or whatever the latest and greatest Linux kernel virtualization method is
Camarade_Tux: qemu or VirtualBox perhaps?
palomer: It may be best to do some basic tests first :-)
palomer: I imagine Pango and/or Cairo would do something like that
palomer: If you use Cairo + Gtk, you could use Gtk's signals, as you mentioned earlier
palomer: If SDL doesn't work for you, you could try Cairo + X or Cairo + Gtk for window management
hcarty, err, I needed to draw directly to the framebuffer
palomer: What complaints do you have regarding Gtk that SDL fixed for you?
Camarade_Tux: Please let us know how it goes
The code is there in Subversion so anyone can grab it and give it a try
Tux__: I've trusted the authors on the front of utility. There are a lot of tools in the source tree though, so there may be something useful there.
hcarty, yeah, it's big, the idea was that qtcaml would probably benefit from some manpower since its original authors are currently busy
I don't remember which list though
Tux__: The authors posted that it will likely be ~1 year before qtcaml is useful for projects
Tux__: I think qtcaml is a little too large scale for newhope, unless several folks were involved in its upkeep
And DrScheme + DrOCaml seem to play nicely together again
A friend is attempting to try out OCaml, but he's working on a Mac and I am unfamiliar with the landscape
Any official-INRIA-binary-using OSX users here?
I suppose that's a more logical source :-)
Camarade_Tux: Oh, very nice
hcarty, it is a binding generator for any gtk-based app
An OCaml version of Zim's robot
Camarade_Tux: ocaml-gir?
Thanks again for working on that
kaustuv: Sounds reasonable
(for the normal variant case)
kaustuv: Maybe not. How would you provide compile-time checks?
kaustuv: Sounds reasonable
kaustuv: Then would it be better to change [> `Any ] to Cairo.surface_type?
kaustuv: Ah, of course
Alpounet: As soon as something comes up, will do
Ah, right
kaustuv: Would it be better to define a type such as "type surface_kind_t = [ `Image | `Pdf | ... ]" and make those functions take a surface_kind_t surface?
hcarty: also, for example, representing rectangles as a float record instead of a tuple.
kaustuv: But I'd still like to hear from the original author
kaustuv: It shouldn't break my code, so I'd be ok with that :-)
Alpounet: Since GSL seems to be maintained (I've submitted a patch for it already), my main interest in is Cairo
hcarty: mainly functions of type such as [> `Any ] surface -> ... when they really want to be 'a surface -> ...
kaustuv: What are you interested in breaking?
kaustuv: Perhaps the tagged 1.0 release in CVS counts as an official release
kaustuv: For the Cairo bindings, I'd say backwards compatibility is mildly important - there was never an official release from what I can tell
No tagged releases though
Alpounet: Their SVN is populated
hcarty: no release on googlecode... for now
hcarty: how important is backwards compatibility?
I use both the Cairo and GSL bindings, so I've been doing my best to follow them wherever they end up...
gildor, yeah, waiting for hcarty and palomer to subscribe to the ML
hcarty hasn't sent it to me yet
I don't remember having trouble with the Debian or Fedora packages. But it's been a while since I've used either.
kaustuv: Makes sense
hcarty: (delayed) I haven't tried building cairo-ocaml myself. I was testing with the Debian package.
mrvn: Fair point
mrvn: It's nice when you find a bug/change unrelated to what you are working on
Coming from Subversion and others tools which would only allow file-at-a-time checkins
It worked much too well for me to want to give it up
psnively: "darcs record" is what spoiled me
After seeing to darcs' chunk-by-chunking method of checking in changes I became horribly spoiled
And the addition of "git add -p" brought back the thing I missed the most from darcs
Alpounet: git-svn is what allowed my (relatively) easy transition to git
hcarty: Yeah, often that's how it goes... external influences. :-)
This was a few years ago though so I'm not certain
psnively: It may have been a hosting issue... I was able to get easy access to Subversion hosting, so SVN + SVK became compelling
hcarty: It could happen with surprisingly small repos, but honestly, I never hit it either.
psnively: I was only using it at the time for personal projects which were never large enough to hit the super-long-merge issue
hcarty: darcs 1 had two really major flaws, IMHO: the superexponential merge issue, and identically-changed lines coming from different repos were considered conflicting.
psnively: Yes, I don't remember what broke that made me look for alternatives.
hcarty, indeed! When using mercurial, I rely on hg record, hg fetch... to get as close to darcs' operational model as I can.
git's lightweight branches, or whatever their proper name is, tipped the scale for me over other options
I really liked the darcs interface
Alpounet: I don't use darcs for personal projects, and I'm not currently tracking any upstream darcs repositories
hcarty, "used" darcs ?
They all had their strengths
palomer: I used darcs for a while as well, as well as Subversion and SVK
Alpounet: Except the OCaml devs :-)
gildor: Thanks!
hcarty, Alpounet: git repository created
gildor: Thank you for setting up the account
gildor: Git please
hcarty, Alpounet: what SCM do you want ?
hcarty, thanks
Alpounet: And you should now be added as an admin
Alpounet: I just got the email
Alpounet: Definitely. I'll bring it up on here and/or send an email when I have the confirmation email
But I think a gutted version of the compiler embedded in another source tree is less likely to work
kaustuv: I would think so... it seems quite commonly used here and on the mailing lists
Still waiting on the project approval
Alpounet: Nothing yet
hcarty, no news for new hope ?
It looks like they (snowflake) have cut out chunks of the OCaml source tree
hcarty: Thanks :)
awilcox: Not a problem. Best of luck if you continue with it
Your best bet is really going to be to start with an official OCaml release and go forward from there
Lots of folks here use OSX, so I suppose it's ok
It's a programming language
And you aren't using an "official" OCaml release so the configuration is likely quite different
You already said that the snowflake folks don't support OSX
awilcox: It is probably not configured properly for running under OSX
Or posting to one of the mailing lists
awilcox: You could try compiling OCaml separately
I don't know what version they have or what modifications they have made though, so you may have a bit of a hard time with it
awilcox: OCaml has OSX support, though I have not used it
hcarty: They don't support OS X and said to ask here.
awilcox: You might want to ask the snowflake devs. It looks like they have their own copy of OCaml in their source tree
awilcox: What are you trying to compile?
"Qualification: The Best" and "Grade Expected: Also the best"
palomer, not yet. hcarty has just registered it on ocamlcore, so it's waiting for approval.
Cairo-OCaml : hcarty & kaustuv
It's at the top of my list, as long as the author is not going to maintain it further
Alpounet: I agree :-)
Alpounet: It looks like the C pieces are not all linked in properly
This is with godi + OCaml 3.11
Alpounet: Linking native binaries spits out a large number of linking errors
I have a version of cairo-ocaml locally which uses ocamlbuild. It has fewer linking issues, but there are still problems with the toplevel
kaustuv: Have you used Cairo-OCaml much? Its default build system seems to have a number of linking problems on my system.
I can add you as an admin/developer for New Hope as well if you'd like
kaustuv: Very nice. Do you have a forge account?
palomer: If you would like to volunteer to contact the ocamlsdl author to see if the library has been abandoned and then maintain it, please join! :-)
Alpounet: Quite...
Alpounet: In the mean time, we should probably contact the authors of libraries we are considering for New Hope to see if the libraries really are abandoned
hcarty, "alp"
Alpounet: What is your forge account? I'll add you as an admin once the project is added
Alpounet: Submitted
Thank you, my French is ... nonexistant beyond what I can connect to the Spanish I studied :-)
Alpounet: I agree that git is quite nice
Hopefully gildor will have some idea of what is happening there
It's giving an error when I try to create the project: ERROR: Could not create group: ERREUR: valeur trop longue pour le type character varying(255)
Alpounet: That sounds reasonable
hcarty, we can create master/<some lib> branches on the origin
gildor: ping
I still prefer git though... hopefully this won't end up with more than a small number of libraries
Although one benefit to Subversion here is that one could avoid checking out the whole source tree to work on one module
Alpounet: I'd prefer git - are you ok with that choice?