devinus_: There are arbitrary precision number modules around
dark: They are
devinus_: Large precision?
I think!
It does
adrien: Ah, ok. Sorry for the noise then :-)
hcarty: afaict, no, it doesn't: what it seems to provide is a way to run cooperatively the computations as in "React.E.fold (fun a b -> ...) a0 bl": the anonymous function would run cooperatively each time
I haven't used it, but that may be part of why it's provided
adrien: Does Lwt's React wrapper handle this?
orbitz: That's a horrible thing to say.
I haven't tested this, but I've read in a few places that keeping the "external" form in a .mli leaves some extra options available to the compiler
adrien: It apparently affects some optimizations
_y_: Are you putting "external ..." in the .mli and the .ml?
gildor: Thank you again!
hcarty: Sys.command should do in most case and is probably more simple to use
Any suggestions for a "mkdir -p" equivalent in OCaml, or am I better off using a Sys.command call for now?
gildor: Ok, thank you
hcarty: not yet, but probably for 0.5.0
Does ocaml-fileutils' mkdir permission/mode setting work in the latest version?
Very nice
hcarty: it handles prepared statement caching, param binding, data extraction, error checking (including automatic stmt reset to avoid BUSY/LOCKED errors in subsequent queries), stmt finalization on db close, etc.
s/to the/beyond/
mfp: Sqlexpr looks interesting. Does it add anything to the to Batteries Print.* functions' special syntax?
That makes sense
It sounds like the class definition may be extraneous
dark: Could you use the "object method foo = x method bar = y end" syntax?
hcarty, thanks for the pointer! I've copy/pasted/modified my very own inventory-app already ;-). (well, it almost works)
hcarty: could you watch some videos and made constructive criticism about them, so I can improve the remaining video I have to do
hcarty: can I give you some homework?
gildor: Yes, indeed
hcarty: you told me that you want to see video from CUG 2010?
With completion on "A.init"
For example: module A = Array let a = A.init 10 0
Is there a way to have the Lwt toplevel perform automatic completion on aliased and open modules, in addition to the full, original value's path?
ski: There are a number of toplevel patches floating around - one of them may support printing type defintions
hcarty: thanks that works
Or returns the original string if no modifications are needed
In this case, it escapes the string
orbitz: Indeed.
And the function is String.escaped, not String.escape in the OCaml stdlib
melwtech35: I think there is a String.escape or similar in the standard library, if that's what you're looking for
adrien: Thanks for the link - that looks quite cool
I think they both support compilation, but I don't know how either of these are done
Both emacs and vim have support for (at least) calling make with various targets
That may have been luck more library capability
I've only used it once, but for that one project it worked where xml-light did not.
And PXP is somewhere in between, from what I understand
orbitz: You could use CDuce if the whole project is XML-based
orbitz: I'm not sure if it's any more useful in this case than the generic printf, but Batteries has Print.printf which allows you to write custom printers for your types.
Not to mention JoCaml and Camlp3l
Between ocamlnet and ocamlmpi there should be decent support for cluster computing in OCaml
That's good to hear - better cross platform support is always nice
gildor: I've never used it, just heard complaints. But that was a while ago, and I've never attempted it myself.
hcarty: just consider that OCaml can compile with msvc/cygwin/mingw
hcarty: well Windows support for OCaml is not that bad
grettke: There does some to be some mix between users. However, F# is rather weak in its Linux support, and OCaml is (from what I understand) similarly weak in its Windows support
roconnor: I'm very not familiar with Haskell, but the signatures look similar
roconnor: List.for_all?
It sounds like OASIS-DB may be able to do something like that
Provided in a generic manner, so the logic doesn't need to be duplicated for every packages
adrien: That would be excellent - a "godi-foo-vcs" package which always pulls and rebuilds from a given repo branch
Yes, GODI's patch management could use some help. It's been easier to create new packages of the patched code at times.
adrien: Submitted upstream, I hope :-)
You're welcome - glad to help
The type errors are clear as mud until you understand what they're telling you :-)
Not a string
Ok, then you need to give it a char
What is codage?
code string codage
"val code : 'a -> 'a codage -> string"
You have it backwards
code foo codage
hurrycane: You have it backwards
Well, that's how it would be called :-) What's the error?
code foo codage
hurrycane: I think you have a bit of a mixup in terminology - Codage is a module, while codage is a value
hurrycane: Go ahead and ask - if someone is able to help, they will.
ocamlscript can be installed from GODI. I'm not sure if it's available for Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora.
thelema: Would it be worth adding an ocamlscript example to the Batteries documentation/examples? That may provide a slightly easier way to get up an running with Batteries, at least for people with ocamlscript available
hcarty: great, thanks a lot, even if saffire is old and unmaintained it's good to know it
adrien: If it's useful for your FRP GUI code you're more than welcome to use it
adrien: My original intent with Gtk-light was to lift some of the ideas from the Jane St. FrpGui. I never got to the FRP portion, but I managed to steal some function names and a bit of the calling convention...
thankyou hcarty
albacker: lablgtk2 is probably your best bet. I started a Gtk-light library, but it's far from complete and I haven't had time to develop it further: http://0ok.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/gtk-light/
ezyang: Yes, the tutorial has a lot you won't need :-) But it has a lot of pointers to other material as well
hcarty: no prob, didn't take me much time since I had already dug in ocamlbuild a bit :-)
adrien: Thanks again for the extra testing and feedback. With luck, fixes will make it in to 3.12.1 myocamlbuild.ml files will become needed a little less
hcarty: ok :-)
adrien: I added a note to the report stating that it appears to be missing for (at least) linking and inferring a module's interface
hcarty: did you mention what I said about link-time vs. compile-time in the mantis bug report ?
Is there anyone here with Batteries and OCaml 3.12 who can confirm?
when entered in the toplevel
thelema: It prints a (seemingly) infinite series of (
thelema: One of the Batteries syntax extensions seems to have a problem with this function definition: let f (type s) m = let module M = (val m : S with type t = s) in let f (x : s) = x in f;;
You're welcome
thank you hcarty
junis: Double
hcarty: yeah i was just tryign to get a testcase, i see where i mssed up though
It does seem to be possible using first class modules if a bit of extra annotation is used
rossberg: Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure if there was a way to pull it off using first class modules.
hcarty: no, when there are type dependencies between argument and result like that you need to use a functor
I think I remember seeing a blog post or article about using 3.12's first class modules for this, but I haven't been able to find it
Is it possible to make a function like : val make : (module M) -> (M.t -> unit) * (unit -> M.t)
hcarty: take your time, I am preparing OASIS v0.2 release, so I am pretty busy
gildor: Yes, will do - it may take me a little while to get a chance to do so, but I will as soon as possible.
hcarty: not in the toplevel, I am not surprised
gildor: The GODI package currently uses a patched snapshot of the code
ocamlmpi in its current state doesn't seem to work in the toplevel from what I can tell.
gildor: The to (somewhat) large changes I propose are (1) convert comments in mpi.mli to ocamldoc comments and (2) update the build system
gildor: Yes, with a few patches. I think it would worth making a few extra changes before a release
hcarty: with patches, I suppose
gildor: ocamlmpi is in GODI now, and hopefully working properly.
hcarty: I've started using it with lablgtk (and more generallly, APIs with side-effect) pretty successfuly but now I need to "blend" several signals/events into a single one: react provides that for {1,6}-uplets but I need it for arbitrary records
FRP seems like it could be interesting as a way to express message passing.
adrien: Agreed re: FRP
As far as I know, Batteries does not have an equivalent to Core's Shell module
orbitz: I don't think that there is any C in Batteries, so it should be fairly portable.
orbitz: I'm not sure - I spend all of my time on Linux. I think that some of the developers use other OSs.
hcarty: how is batteries for other OS's?
IIRC, somewhere in their blog posts/documentation/source comments, the authors mention that Core is only heavily tested on Linux
orbitz: I've toyed with it a bit, but I use Batteries primarily
The documentation is sparse, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrectly.
It does not seem to support building with threads
Has anyone here tried ocamlbuild 3.12.x's support for ocamlfind?
orbitz: Announcements/other information on the forge would be handy as well, if they are generally useful
Yoric: I'm not sure how to reply to your answer directly on stackoverflow, but for what it's worth - the Batteries string and super-printf extensions are still included in the latest Batteries releases
hcarty: haven't had troubles with 3.12 except the camlp4 incompatibilities but now it's solved (I was using mikmatch) so I mostly switched to it
adrien: I have the same (3.11.2 and 3.12.0), and have been enjoying experimenting with 3.12.0's new features.
hcarty: yeah, 3.12
adrien: 3.12?
Once Batteries moves to 3.12
This should greatly simplify the Batteries-provided myocamlbuild.ml
adrien: Thanks for the ocamlbuild pointer
Using Array.make with a mutable value that is
pierreN: You're welcome - I've run in to the same problem in the past :-)
hcarty: thank you (gaah that was obvious)
stdDoubt: Both work, but the mli is the more common approach
stdDoubt: Generally the .mli, as it makes it easier to install/provide the .mli with the compiled library, without requiring the full source code
pierreN: You could make the array, then replace each element with a fresh queue.
pierreN: Ah, I'm not sure then - I've never used caml light. Does it not have an Array.init?
hcarty: i'm sorry but i'm using caml light
pierreN: Creating a new Queue.t for each element, of course
pierreN: See Array.init
pierreN: That's only with Array.make
pierreN: Not sure I understand the question. You could initialize an array with queues as the values in the array.
The talks from the 2010 Baltimore meeting(s) are certainly impressive
That will hopefully reduce the syntax overhead
There is a development branch for OCaml which looks like it is attempting to simplify the first class module packing and unpacking syntax
flux: "open Foo(Bar)" does not seem to
flux: Doesn't "include Foo(Bar)" work?
hcarty: it's basically ok. I might dedicate an exception for range check failures, maybe Constraint_Error
gildor: Send the patch that is. Does that sound reasonable?
hcarty: ok
gildor: I'll send the patches to you for now. If I end up making any more changes I'll request commit rights.
hcarty: do you want to have commit rights ?
hcarty: send me patches and tell me when you want a release
gildor: I may end up wrapping a few others as well. Would you prefer patches as I go, or a single patch with the final result?
gildor: I've wrapped a new function for ocamlmpi (iprobe, a non-blocking probe)
hcarty: pong
gildor: ping
thelema: Does that basic structure look ok to you (the Limited module example)? If so I'll try to get it more fleshed out and properly submitted for inclusion over the next few weeks.
hcarty: very interested. I've wanted this for a long time