Unless that what the code you pastebin'd is...
NaCl: Do you get the same assert with the gtk_demo that comes with cairo2?
Christophe Troestler may be able to provide some insight
It may be worth sending an email/submitting a bug report to the forge
NaCl: Please leave a note if you find out what the problem was! I'll do the same if I can find it.
Nevermind... look like cairo2
NaCl: Are you using cairo or cairo2 on the OCaml side?
The callback would call queue_draw and that would trigger the assert - immediately if Gc.full_major was called first.
I was using Gtk-light for this project, so I used a wrapper function.
NaCl: GtkBase.Widget.queue_draw I think
I'm not really sure how to test it either. I don't seem to get the problem from expose events, but I do when a redraw is triggered from a callback. That may be luck of the draw though.
NaCl: BTW - I think that Cairo's x.y.z versions are development versions when y is odd
NaCl: ^^
adrien: I ran into the same refcount problem. I don't know if it is a Cairo 1.10.2 problem or a ocaml-cairo2 problem as I moved to those version from Cairo 1.2.x and ocaml-cairo-original at the same time.
hcarty: did you ever touch cairo2's gtk interface? =)
So the full view was always fixed and the zoomed in view panned according to user input in the full view.
I don't remember which.
And then updated a zoomed-in drawing area view based on the location of the mouse, or possibly the location of mouse clicks
I have not done that. I used a second drawing area with a zoomed-out view.
A range bar, or perhaps a slider, which controlled the zoom level of a plot displayed in the drawing area
I don't remember if it was with gtk-light, but that small application was one of my targets
Oh, right. I've done something like that before.
adrien: Range bars?
lablgtk2 hidden behind a light syntax + FRP would make for a nice toolkit I think. FrGui had some of that but was sadly abandoned.
hcarty: hmmm, would you happen to have put range bars around a drawing_area?
adrien: I've tried to build ocamleditor under Linux multiple times, sadly without any success. It looks promising.
Ok, thanks
ygrek: Would you recommend your ocurl fork or the original sf.net-hosted ocurl at this point?
Not the Ubuntu package, but ocurl from source (assuming you installed OCaml from source)
Manually install ocurl
You can't use the Ubuntu packages with your manually installed OCaml
You don't have ocurl installed manually
Your manually installed stuff seems to be found anyway
ocurl: Along with all of the other OCaml-related packages you have installed (libraries, etc.)
Remove any Ubuntu packages with ocaml (or caml) in the name
If you want to use Ubuntu's packaged libraries then you should stick with the Ubunut-supplied version. If not, stick with however you installed 3.12.0
It sounds like one was installed with the Ubuntu packages (3.11.2) and 3.12.0 was installed some other way.
It depends on what you want to keep and how you installed each version
Then you have multiple versions installed :-)
ocurl: Or 'which ocamlfind' to see if you are running something other than /usr/bin/ocamlfind
ocurl: Do you have multiple OCaml installs by any chance?
(assuming Debian or Ubuntu)
ocurl: dpkg -l |grep ocaml lists libcurl-ocaml and libcurl-ocaml-dev?
Time to update oasis-db with the latest.
flux: Ah, it looks like my zed, lambda-term and utop are not the most up to date versions.
hcarty, it's a binary lambda-term module installs
flux: lambda-term-actions where?
hcarty, lambda-term-actions lists which actions are available
hcarty, no, but I put C-w: kill-prev-word\nM-b: prev-word\nM-f: next-word\n into ~/.lambda-term-inputrc
flux: Do you know of a list of configuration options for utop/lamdba-term?
_habnabit: hcarty's solution seems reasonable to me
adrien: Ah, too slow!
Or change val i = 1 to method i = 1
Nope :-)
method get_i = i
_habnabit: ... method add x = {< i = i + x#i >} ... but i needs to be a method in that case, or have an accessor
hcarty, right, but if it takes an integer. not an int.
_habnabit: ... method add x = {< i = i + x >} ... or something along those lines may do what you want
hcarty you might be right
adrien, Anarchos: I don't think a class can - I think they are limited to value definitions and methods.
zorun: No problem. My guess is that this is, in part, because of the license differences (LGPL vs QPL)
Anything messing with the toplevel directly will presumably need to link with core pieces of OCaml
zorun: I don't think that the toplevel bits are normally exposed
Just warning ahead of time
Not needed, but handy.
thelema: Yep. It would be handy to have a collection of those tarballs all together to speed up the process.
hcarty: it should be just a matter of re-uploading the tarballs
gildor: That would allow a few of us to quickly re-populate the next version/replacement
gildor: the odb/oasis-db site is wiped, it would be useful to have a dump of all of the existing packages available.
gildor: An oasis-db request - if/when the data currently driving
I have not
That is true I suppose.
They are similar, but utop has better context-sensitive completion
Skip it for utop :-)
flux: It's a step up from lwt-toplevel, if you're used that before
hcarty, nice. I guess I should try it.
flux: It's quite nice, and installable with odb, given a small amount of extra effort.
flux: I've used (and I use!) utop a lot now
DimitryKakadu: For classes vs modules - It is probably fine to use either. If one feels more natural or easier to you then go with that.
hcarty: I haven't had much to do actually
adrien: If you have time to write up something like that, of course
adrien: Do you have a recipe to make this work? I'm sure it would be of interest to other folks.
hcarty: thanks =)
adrien: Well done :-)
hcarty: I don't see a book linked besides the manual
The official manual is actually quite readable. And there is an out of print book linked from the main OCaml site which is pretty good as well.
Hickey's book/PDF is quite nice
Rakko: Yes, that's the on
Rakko: I've heard that Practical OCaml is awful
Rakko: Hello
It's ok, I just don't want to take credit for his good work :-)
thelema: I think someone else made that fix... but it was made and available through odb before I spent any time with 3.12.1
NaCl: hcarty fixed that so well that I never even saw the problem.
Previous versions didn't play nicely with OCaml 3.12.1
NaCl: I think you need 1.4.1
NaCl: Are you using the latest version of Batteries?
hcarty: well, I've fixed these issues
adrien: You may be able to work around it in the _oasis file
hcarty: thanks, so I can't hack around it in the configure stage :P
adrien: Yes
thelema: Doesn't make stop once an error result is returned?
hcarty: failing to uninstall shouldn't cause the entire make process to fail
thelema: It would fail, which would cause the entire make process to fail. If this uninstall is a prerequisite of the install target then they would be stuck.
A user may want to install a library which exists in a system location, but install it somewhere else where they have permission.
hcarty: oops, you're right.
thelema: I've used it for a few libraries and I get the standard "this library already exists" error from ocamlfind if I try to "make install" twice without "make uninstall" between
thelema: I don't think oasis removes existing installs
hcarty: this means that oasis and batteries are doing the wrong thing, and that odb needs to step up to uninstall a package before reinstalling
thelema: But a "make uninstall" target is (always?) welcome
thelema: Probably not
Whoever it was released their code/patches
accel_: I think someone did something for using OCaml to write iPhone applications. I don't know if that involves cocoa.
Which is part of why that notation is so handy :-)
hcarty: exactly
adrien: True... 50 places is not enough if you have 1e-200
qdl: Then it's not an issue
qdl: Keep track of the precision of your calculations
qdl: It is if you spell it "Printf.sprintf"
qdl: Printf.sprintf
qdl: You can use sprintf if you want more control over the format
thelema, NaCl: This sounds like something which would be helpful once there are 10s of mirrors, rather than 1 or 2
thelema: One mirror would be plenty to start out
thelema: Completely agreed.\
hcarty: we should delay this over-engineering until we have enough mirrors to make a mirrorlist worthwhile, no?
thelema: odb could avoid downloading a mirror list unless the hard coded mirrors are not available
Since you could presumably pull packages from there as well
Although, if you have one mirror you can pull a list from you may not need the rest
thelema: Each server could hold a list of mirrors, and odb could come pre-loaded with a set of mirrors hard-coded.
hcarty: todo: mirror system for odb -- there'll still have to be a toplevel server with the mirror list
Unofficial mirrors could pull specific content at regular intervals
"Official" mirrors could be pushed to each time a package update occurs
thelema: Looks like it. One of the pitfalls of a development system I suppose
hcarty: I guess we'll have to wait for gildor to get back from vacation...
thelema: A mirror of oasis-db would be ideal, but that requires more infrastructure on the mirror side
hcarty: isn't a better solution to have a mirror of oasis-db?
hcarty: is oasis-db down?
thelema: A simple, static mirror updated by cron or similar, would hopefully not be too much to maintain.
thelema: A reasonably near-term goal for odb may be to have a mirror of the odb-relevant portions of the oasis-db site
That's a bummer
NaCl: Thanks. It looks like the forge is up, but the oasis-db site is down
Is ocamlcore down?
Didn't think so... it was worth a shot!
Could you provide the whole thing as a Linux VM image?
adrien: So Windows support may not be there yet
adrien: I know the authors use a patched oasis to support .cmxs generation
But if there isn't a need, then it may not be worth the effort.
If you have 5 functions to wrap for something you want to do, wrap and release those 5. If someone else needs 5 more, hopefully they wrap and contribute those :-)
NaCl: If you do go through with it, 10% coverage is not a bad place to start.
NaCl: That Christophe puts a lot of effort into the software he releases :-)
It probably helps that it is based on the existing C and Python Cairo tutorials.
The tutorial is also relatively complete, which is nice (and rare for OCaml modules)
There is a gtk_demo.ml file
At this point I think the new (Christophe Troestler) bindings are a bit more complete. I'm not sure that they support Pango though, which is supported by the original bindings.
hcarty: yeah, it's tricky and afaik, Archimedes' result is not perfect, but it exists and I can probably find proper settings for it
adrien: Christophe Troestler wrote new Cairo bindings after finding a number of GC and segfault issues with the previously existing bindings
But I agree that most (all?) available plotting libraries are severely lacking
adrien: Intelligent removal of plotted points is a tricky thing to get right
bitbckt: It would definitely be a worthwhile addition
bitbckt: I emailed the findlib author to ask about the possibility of adding version support. I don't remember if I heard anything back.
thelema, hcarty: it would be nice if findlib used version numbers in installed packages' root dirs. So you could install multiple versions and choose at compile/link time.
thelema: That seems like a reasonable change to make if the findlib name is changing as well
You would need to change the oasis package name as well, I suppose.
Ah, right.
Would it show up as a different package, since the findlib name is different?
I like it
batteries3, etc.
I would be happy with batteries = v1, batteries2 = v2
thelema: I've been thinking about that. It would make it possible/easier to have both v1 and v2 installed together
hcarty: any opinion on making batteries v2.0 use a different ocamlfind package name?
adrien: Ah, drat.
hcarty: no, because when I tried to do that in the CMakeList file, it would automatically disable qt
adrien: Did you try forcing static linking in the PLplot build? That's currently doesn't work with the OCaml bindings, but it should work with C++.
I agree that --no-godi makes more sense that --godi, given how it works
thelema: That looks like a nice set up updates
thelema: Glad I could help. I'm sorry that they weren't part of a pull request. I haven't had a chance to sit and hack properly.
hcarty: many improvements to odb just pushed - thanks for the patches.
Nevermind - that exception is not coming from Batteries
This is odd (and unrelated to PLplot...) - I'm getting Invalid_argument("Key/value not found") from BatMap.StringMap.iter.
adrien: I understand - good luck in wrapping this up!
adrien: They can probably give better assistance than I can
adrien: If you do have feedback on PLplot on Windows, I'm sure the folks on the mailing list will be happy to hear about it
I doubt that will happen any time soon though, unfortunately.
One Of These Days I should setup a Windows VM to test PLplot + OCaml + Cairo + Gtk under that environment
NaCl: Yes, I think those were part of the reason for the move
hcarty: windows doesn't have a sh script interpreter
adrien: My understanding is that KDE's choice to use CMake was an influence. And the previous autoconf/autotools/whatever-it-is-called build system was apparently too fragile when porting to different platforms.
hcarty: that was maybe a bad design decision on their end then
NaCl: My guess is that a lot of the complexity in CMake comes from the languages it targets
adrien: CMake is supposedly easier to work with when targeting native compilation on multiple platforms. But the CMake language is kind of awful.
adrien: And I agree regarding CMake, but the decision was made before I joined the project
adrien: Depending on your target, jqplot is a relatively simple Javascript option
It's not hard to do, but it is not included in PLplot out of the box
Panning, for example, requires you to write the appropriate code to update the plot and/or display.
Honestly, I think matplotlib may give you panning and such for fewer lines of code than PLplot. PLplot has a lot of nice features, but the widget support is pretty bare-bones.
Sounds reasonable - I'm sorry I can't be more help!
hcarty: yeah, that is what is currently failing, but I'm going to see what is going on during the compilation
examples/c/ if you are going to use Cairo (or examples/ocaml/)
If you are going to use Qt
adrien: The examples/c++/ directory should have something to start from
I know that PLplot has been used that way with both Qt and Cairo/Gtk under Linux
I'm pretty sure the PLplot C++ interface + Qt has been used that way on Windows
But it's not tested, and anything Windows-specific is not handled
It may work - I don't think that there is anything to prevent it
adrien: None, only Linux and OSX
hcarty: saw any report of plplot and ocaml on windows?
adrien: My first guess is that's not good.
hcarty: ................. test application exits with status code 1
adrien: Of course!
There are build instructions but that's about it
adrien: Not that I know of. There was some talk about putting a binary distribution together, but I don't think any of the developers use Windows regularly
hcarty: no windows binaries?
... and, of course, the fact that it's python :-)
matplotlib was a contender for a while, but I couldn't stand the API. It quite possible that reaction was due to not spending enough time with it...
adrien: Indeed! That is part of why I started using PLplot initially.
hcarty: well, it might be ok after all: I had been using applications (as opposed to libraries) and forgot that with libraries, I have a better control over what I can send
adrien: Yes, you are correct - PLplot will do what you ask it to without any attempt to simplify the data
hcarty: or is it my duty?
hcarty: about plplot, if I give it 100000000000000000000000000000 points but my display can only accomodate 1000 points, will it skip some of the points automatically?
gildor: I built GODI from that rocketboost package recently and it worked without any errors
is there any GODI specialist aroun (hcarty ?)
hcarty: oh yeah, good point. I will give that a shot later.
technomancy: You could probably do a relatively simple backport if you've built Debian/Ubuntu packages from source before
technomancy: Cairo won't tie you to a windowing system at all
gildor: Take your time - I look forward to the update
hcarty: but it takes time because I have a problem with libc6 version mismatch between my computer and the server
hcarty: which includes _oasis online edit and synchronization with debian
hcarty: thx, when I'll have time I'll update to my current version (~alpha3)
gildor: I have been enjoying the oasis-db web interface. oasis-db-web + oasis have made it very convenient to add new packages.
_habnabit: You can play with the *.print functions' optional parameters. Those allow you to choose what strings to use to separate values in a list or set, for example.
Oh, right, I forgot about that
The functions take a bit of getting used to, but they work very well together and can be easily implemented for your own types.
Parent_structure.print Child1.print Child2.print ... stdout; is another way to use the print functions, without bothering with *printf
Everything should. If it doesn't then it's probably a bug.
avsm: It builds on oasis-db's server side components
hcarty: Reasonable idea. I maintain an OS package for ocaml, ocamlfind and oasis and go from there.
avsm: odb is in a usable, if limited, state
bitbckt: I used odb for the first time in order to get oasis up and running
ygrek: If there are no backwards-incompatible changes then it could be pushed over. Ideally someone would so some basic tests first.
And the yearly OCaml meetings have been quite nice from the videos and presentations I've seen online
There have been some positive steps from the core OCaml folks, such as built-in support for ocamlfind in ocamlbuild.
hcarty: I know.
bitbckt: ^^
technomancy: X. Leroy has made it clear that packaging is a community job in their eyes. Their blessing seems to comes in the form of trying not to interfere :-)