thelema: I don't think the pkg-config would have worked in the first place without them
thelema: That's what I figured :-)
hcarty: of course.
thelema: Dev package(s)?
hcarty: that would help for compiling with cairo2, but ocamlfind isn't even detecting cairo2's existence
thelema, Drakken: Is it CAML_LD_LIRBARY_PATH (or whatever that environment variable is)?
tomprince, hcarty: a tool to prepare Debian package from oasis already exists, it is called oasis2debian
But even then, installing to /usr/* isn't significantly easier than setting a few environment variables.
If you are the only user on the system then it may be beneficial to install to /usr/* by default
Drakken: ocamlfind installs to whatever directory is specified in its configuration file or environment variables
Also, what adrien said. Defaulting to /usr/local/lib/ is a pain for any user without root access.
Drakken: Because that isn't how the OCaml ecosystem works :-)
hcarty every .tar.gz file I download installs to /usr/local/lib/* by default. Why would odb want to avoid that?
It seems more appropriate for oasis than odb
tomprince: I think oasis has (or is planned to have) support for this
One could argue that something like CPAN or odb shouldn't touch system-managed directories
tomprince: odb is a package manager like CPAN, rather than a package manager like dpkg/apt*
Drakken: --sudo and related options are nice, but it's handy having odb default to an installation under ~ as it allows it to work with system OCaml installations without touching system directories
Including the request for IRC log links when relevant and summaries on the mailing list when discussions happen on IRC
It may be a day or few before I can make any bugfixes, but gasche's comments on pull request 180 all seem reasonable
thelema: Oh wow... yes, that's quite an oversight
gildor: Sounds good
thelema, hcarty: @work now, will spend some time talking about oasis tonight around 8-9PM CEST (so in +4/5H), you don't mind waiting to talk about that ?
hcarty: wow, how did we both miss the bug in verify_arg documentation.
gildor: I think that these things would be useful, but I'm not sure where they would rank versus other development priorities.
gildor: The implementation would require a bit of effort in assembling multiple versions of OCaml for staging and compiling against, and then running the same test on multiple platforms
thelema: Good points on both.
gildor: Yes, as long as the package has an _oasis file a basic implementation should be possible.
hcarty: looks good to me. I guess you could use @raises and @since
hcarty: oh, it does say verify_arg. I had just read that as round.
thelema: Thanks. I didn't see a bug with "make doc" but I may have missed something
hcarty: hmm, I didn't notice that - I'll investigate
thelema: His first point in his comment on the pull request I submitted is that there is a bug in the verify_arg doc comment.
hcarty: and just have to detect when new package gets uploaded
hcarty: you have ocaml setup.ml -configure/-build/-test that helps you to do that
hcarty: round?
hcarty: automatic build and testing, can be done on top of oasis
gildor: Very cool :-)
thelema: gasche said he saw an error in the verify_arg ocamldoc comment. Do you know what the error is?
hcarty: it already exists in the darcs version
Code path that is
thelema: Yes, there would likely need to be a special path for these automated uploads
hcarty: That's a good scripting project; I wonder if curl can do a file upload via http
thelema: Having an easy "make oasis-db-push" target would be handy, or a similar support from the VCS (git odb-push tag-for-vX.Y.Z)
hcarty: exactly
Like CPAN I suppose
Automatic build + test on multiple platforms whenever a package is added/updated
Automated package testing would be nice
A more useful feature might be automated pushes to oasis-db through oasis or a related tool
thelema: I agree that support for automated builds from source repositories would be cool, but I don't think it's much of a killer feature.
thelema: For my own use Windows is well down on the list of important features. It is probably an important overall feature though.
hcarty: granted. so... a GUI? the ability to install precompiled binaries on windows?
thelema: Any interest in a round and/or round_to function?
I'll skip unless for now then
thelema: Ah, cool
That could be a separate function - Option.wrap_exn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option. Option.wrap_exn f x returns None if (f x) raises an exception.
Or perhaps a list of exceptions to propagate
thelema: Would unless be more useful if it took an optional list of exceptions to ignore?
thelema: Also - is BatFoo.Infix the proper submodule naming scheme?
thelema: Should operators in BatFoo.Infix be included in BatFoo?
thelema: Well put
inconsistent. I can't type the last letter of words properly today.
That may be inconsisten with how other people perceive them
Rather than logical errors on the part of the caller
I think of assertions as being more useful for catching local logical errors
Raising Invalid_argument is also something of a language and library standard. It makes it clear that the arguments provided are not valid.
Assertions go away if they are disabled. Raising Invalid_argument does not go away.
everyonemines: As you said, that's not always safe when reading function names. But once you know/trust some code it helps.
everyonemines: Primarily for readability and ease of deducing the intent of code.
assert <> invalid_arg
verify_arg came first, then the more general verify
everyonemines, thelema: That's true. Like I said, if it went away I wouldn't miss it too much. I wrote it originally to act as a more general form of verify_arg;
hcarty: it gets brevity points, but for me loses on clarity - if/then raise is quite clear, verify could do anything.
hcarty: Not everyone will agree with you there.
thelema: That said, I have found "verify ...;" to be more quickld readable than "if expr then raise ...;"
thelema: I use verify_arg quite often. I only use verify in a few places, so if it went away I wouldn't be horribly upset.
hcarty: I actually don't really use findlib. If I need to use a library in multiple places I make a symbolic link.
But your proposal could be useful in some cases too
No, I was thinking like printf
verify could be renamed to verify_exn to help avoid naming collisions
Do you think it's worth adding both verify_arg and verify_argf?
thelema: Maybe an extlib-ism
thelema: Should I fork master or v2 for these additions?
"might want to stay with verify for consistency" - I'm not sure what you mean
I use ( |? ) fairly often, although it does bite me when I forget that it doesn't short circuit.
unless and ( |? ) could live in BatOption
thelema: What about verify_arg/verify_argf?
hcarty: yes, although I'm not so sure about verify and unless going into default namespace
thelema: Would you be interested in some or all of these additions: http://vpaste.net/y5NAH
everyonemines: OCaml + findlib is already a large improvement over OCaml on its own :-)
thelema: A source list to go along with the rest of the package metadata
thelema: That's may be something that would fit more easily into oasis-db
hcarty: I'm working on odb-from-github, but don't have a good solution for the metadata needed to connect packages to where to get them
everyonemines: It's different. It is lighter and arguably easier to package for. GODI still has more features, particularly with respect to upgrading libraries and OCaml itself.
thelema, ygrek: Ok, I haven't tried any Windows builds yet.
hcarty: I've tried those, and couldn't get them to work right
everyonemines: I think ocamlpro or ygrek provides a Win64 binary of some sort
The only modifications, IIRC, were to the build system
thelema: Ulib as in the stdlib extensions from the OCaml CVS/SVN repository, not Ulib for Camomile replacement
hcarty: from ulib? ulib is in v2
thelema: Additions from Ulib might be nice, but those can presumably happen during the 2.x release cycle
I've used this for my own local Batteries-derived stdlib. myArray.mli = include module type of Array include module type of BatArray val ...
That may or may not be considered a good thing...
thelema: Just that they could make interface management simpler. "include module type of Stdlibfoo" in batFoo.mli reduces code duplication and (more closely) matches the Batteries API to the underlying OCaml stdlib
hcarty: were you wanting to use them for something?
Ok, that's what I thought. Thanks.
thelema: Sorry, I meant features like "module type of" and first class modules
hcarty: I think it has; I'll double check now
thelema: Are you still thinking of Batteries v3 as a time to move to using OCaml 3.12 features in Batteries itself?
thelema: Do you know if the Batteries v2 branch has an updated BatMap.S to match the OCaml 3.12.x stdlib updates to Map.S?
hcarty okay thanks. Do you know if this qualifies for the Ocamlbuild category (instead of Ocaml general)? Or is Ocamlbuild only for sources that go into the compiler itself?
Drakken: Submit a bug report + patch if you have one on the bug tracker
Drakken: If it works, you would probably need ;; after that block
That works out well
thelema: Do you think that will make it into 2.0?
hcarty: yes, gasche has a prototype in it.
thelema: There was some talk in the Batteries world about adding something along the lines of type comparison_t = Less_than | Equal | Greater_than along with modules and functions to use this type (rather than <0, 0, >0)
Drakken: As long as you switch to the correct plot stream before rendering, you can have as many simultaneous plots as you want
Drakken: Multiple pages in one plot (PDF or PS for example), multiple distinct output devices (ex. windows or PNGs) and multiple plots rendered on a single surface (ex. 2x2 arrangement of plots on a single PNG)
Drakken: You can have multiple plot windows
hcarty I wasn't asking about pages, I was asking about overlapping windows on the monitor
Drakken: Regarding your PLplot question the other day - you can have multiple plot windows open, and you can have multiple plots on a single page.
Drakken: pa-do has one and I think that camlp4 includes a simple version as well
Most of the popular extensions I've seen were ported to the new camlp4.
thelema: That's fair. Although the volume is likely comparable at this point.
reynir: Truly
camlp4 documentation comes down to wikis and reading code, primarily
reynir: As you noticed, the camlp5 documentation is much more thorough.
hcarty: not by volume, but the maintained ones are in camlp4
And most extensions are written in camlp4 at this point
reynir: Keep in mind that camlp5 and camlp4 are not likely to play well together
Dangerous at times, but fun
reynir: It is a lot of fun
reynir: IIRC, camlp5/only-camlp4 was not able to properly preserve comments. camlp4-new has somewhat better support, but there are a number of bugs.
But it would be cool :-)
adrien: Who knows if anyone would use it...
adrien: You do. Because that would be Pretty Cool.
thelema: For what it's worth, PLplot does support multiple plots, both on the same output and separate outputs.
hcarty: I think both JSON CSV can be done with `List.print` for a float array
thelema: True
hcarty: since I'm marshalling about the simplest datatype possible, I'm thinking that I can do the right thing with `List.print` using the right ~first, ~last, ~sep
Or maybe BatBench should be an external library that depends on Batteries, OCaml's CSV library, one of the OCaml JSON options, a plotting library...
adrien, thelema: Those are both probably easier to handle with external support functions
And probably useful... or .bars with ?impulses as an option.
But it would be very straightforward
Where Quick_plot.impulses has not been written :-)
hcarty: impressive.
thelema: Quick_plot.impulses [xs, ys];
hcarty: yes, more likely the second. Except I probably want a bar plot with one-pixel-wide bars
hcarty: I need to get a findlib-enabled lablgtk re-installed
hcarty: float array
I tried to make PLplot's OCaml interface easy to use (ex. Quick_plot.func [sin; cos] (-3.14, 3.14);). But Archimedes is probably easier to get up and running since it's available through odb.
thelema: If you get get the distributions in array or function form then you the end user can use whichever plotting library they like
* adrien
points at hcarty
vivanov: Just a guess though.
vivanov: Christophe Troestler does a lot with OCaml + math. Something of his may be helpful if GSL doesn't have what you need: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/users/chris/
chambart: I'll take a look at the tests, thanks. I haven't done much with OCaml svn trunk beyond peek at commit messages and the changelog every few weeks.
hcarty: You can play with the svn version of the compiler ( and there are quite a few good examples in the typing tests )
chambart: I'm looking forward to playing around with GADTs in OCaml. I'm unfamiliar with them and what they provide. It will be fun to learn something new.
thelema: Interesting slides. Thanks for the link.
thelema: "Confident coding" is one of the things that keeps me in the world of OCaml
hcarty: are you sure ocamlnat is bound by the QPL? the compiler standard libraries are LGPL+exception, i thought
hcarty: totally agreed
Once that is tested and stable optimizations could be made with a working implementation to compare against.
thelema, eikke: Thank you for the clarificataion on roots. However, if a function doesn't work with noalloc it's probably best to start with CAMLparam*/CAMLreturn*.
hcarty: I think CAMLparam is only needed for proper GC operation, which means it's registering some kind of roots
Roots are separate from the CAMLparam macros, if I recall correctly
eikke: Everything
hcarty: e.g. for int arguments, I see no reason why 'roots' should be defined etc, since they're just unboxed arguments, so Int_val can work as expected, no matter how GC is involved?
hcarty: there's some contradicting information out there
hcarty: but for which types should CAMLparam* be used?
eikke: Some older code does not, but it's generally considered bad practice and can introduce subtle data corruption bugs if you don't use the CAML* macros
eikke: You should always use the CAMLparam and CAMLreturn functions
I've tried the new ocamlnat/jit project. The performance is impressive.
adrien: Or you could modify ocamlnat to allow communication over some non-local medium (sockets, something networky) and avoid some of the licensing issues
adrien: I imagine it could, as long as the QPL license terms are acceptable.