Drup: The issue I'm having with cohttp, though, is current and ppx related
gasche: That's good to know
Drup: No, but there were troubles building from master IIRC because it is/was using dynamic setup
Drup: Indeed. Lwt was ready to go, at least from git master, relatively quickly. Quite quickly once oasis was updated.
hcarty: cohttp (and all the mirage stuff) has another issue
Well, cohttp + ppx_deriving, which is really ppx_type_conv + ppx_deriving + 4.03.0
gasche: Two conflated issues in my comment - the ppx stuff is cohttp related
While I don't quite have dbuenzli's distaste for ppx yet, preprocessors have been feeling like dangerous creatures recently
gasche: brat?
hcarty, gasche: Thanks; this discussion was very helpful!
with builds
Which can cause strange issues
clement`: If you pin a directory I think it uses the directory as-is by default
hcarty: I'm modifying Dep, not Main
Without needing to create a local clone
clement`: If there is an existing version of Dep that you want to point to (ex. git master on github for Dep) then you can pin directly to that remote source
clement`: If you're modifying Dep and Main, then yes
gasche, hcarty: I see. So essentially I clone Main and build it locally, and I clone Dep separately; then I use opam pin to use the clone of Dep as the install source for Dep. Finally every time I want to test Main with Dep I opam update Dep and I build Main manually. Is that right?
Or a particular branch or tag in that repository
clement`: And yes, you can pin to a local directory, or a local git repository
hcarty: Thanks! With that solution I'll have to do a full uninstall/reinstall of Main every time I modify Dep, though, right? Also, can I point pin to a folder on my machine?
clement`: "opam pin" allows you to point opam to a specific version or instance of a package
clement`: "opam pin add dep --dev-repo" or "opam pin add dep <path/url to dep's repository or code>"
flambda will have to wait til another day
Realistically I'd love to fix it but don't have the hour to kill...
Will Jane St accept external contributions? I haven't followed their external interactions on something like this before
Well that sucks
Ah, thanks
hcarty: that's b/c it's a ppx_type_conv issue
But the issue does seem to be a conflict between one of the Jane St packages and ppx_deriving
Something in the dependency chain is forcing an older version of ppx_deriving which is not compatible with 4.03.0
hcarty: hmm, so there's a conflict? I've checked cohttp alone on 4.03 btw and it worked
rgrinberg: cohttp and ppx_deriving(_yojson) do not seem to be co-installable under 4.03.0
Drup: Regarding yesterday - sorry if I wasn't clear, but that was part of my point. Less experience is something of a virtue for a position like that because they'll more easily see things from a newcomer's perspective.
Algebr`: ocamlfind can be used to build - it's effectively a wrapper around ocamlc/ocamlopt/etc
hcarty: on the contrary, I would tend to think it's better if it's not done by a complete expert
This doesn't need to be someone who has 10+ years of experience with the langauge and community
gasche: Anil and Yaron have jobs already
hcarty: sure, I'm just saying it's not necessarily easy to find someone interested
gasche: That's part of the challenge of growing a programming language community, and part of why a position like that can be so effective
gasche: I suspect someone would if there were a paycheck attached
Algebr`: A member of the Rust community (and team maybe?)
hcarty: the OCaml maintainers are responsible for the compiler distribution, not opam
gasche: Maybe funding for such a project should go through something like OCaml Labs? If it's not going to be handled/implemented by the core OCaml team
Really no rush on my side. I'm just happy the bindings are there, helps spread the OCaml use around here
No rush though as I have a simple internal library that does the few pieces I need
seliopou: Nudge for S3 support in ocaml-aws :-)
hannes: I'm submitting a Mantis ticket at least
hcarty: yes, to/of_* are the missing bits
aantron: I spoke too soon... I run into issues, at least in utop, if I create and free large pools over and over again
Those could all go into the Int32 and Int64 modules
hcarty: sorry was away. good to hear though
gasche hannes: The worst missing offenders are, I think, compare and (to|of)_*
Or, potentially, add something like Int32.compare_unsigned
gasche: In those modules would make sense
gasche: I think there's a good argument for it as they're a huge pain to do properly otherwise
bruce_r: Starting with oasis is good for getting your code building and sets you up nicely for packaging the result, whether for your own use other the use of others
But Gerd also added omake output to oasis
bruce_r: oasis-generating-X is probably the most common, where X is usually ocamlbuild configuration
aantron: And now pools should be GCd properly... not sure that a thread pool is something that should be left to the GC to clean up, but it should ideally be cleaned up for the user if they forget
more effort = more effort than I've put into the code so far
aantron: https://github.com/hcarty/mwt/blob/master/src/mwt.mli#L3 - proper cleanup of a thread pool is more effort, but this Mwt.run function does the job if the cost of thread creation + teardown isn't too much to pay
sveit: There is a native code toplevel (ocamlnat) but as far as I know it is not installed by default and it is not well supported yet
hcarty: :D
Food time...
And the resource leaks :-)
aantron: Not necessarily something to release, but the mli is there
gasche: Said hilarity is definitely not limited to a classroom :-)
companion_cube: Perhaps... I'm hoping I can reuse 90% of what's there
This could be an external library, a new module in Lwt alongside Lwt_preemptive or a replacement for it
aantron: That should greatly simplify the init/at_exit code
aantron: I'm going to take a stab at making a version of Lwt_preemtive with multiple thread pools
If I get a chance to test it I'll report back with how it does or does not work
struk|desk: Yep, sticking to foreign/libffi for now!
mrvn: Thanks. It looks like cstubs doesn't, but maybe there's some special magic with the lwt-jobs support? I kind of doubt it though.
hcarty: I asked that same question last week and mrvn gave me the same answer :) frustrating isn't it?
Or is it only intended for binding blocking-but-not-CPU-costly code?
Does the new ctypes support for Lwt jobs provide an (at least partial) work-around for the lack of support for releasing the runtime lock when using cstubs?
hcarty: it works but it's not as good as it can be. To make it work real well you'll have to create a merlin deoplete source (written in python)
rgrinberg: neovim + deoplete <- Does this work with merlin? Looks quite nice
rgrinberg: Ready as in it compiles and functions. Still doesn't support inline records arguments in variants
hcarty: is ppx_deriving_yojson 4.03 ready yet?
hcarty: yup, you actually paste code between vim buffers and utop properly
rgrinberg: That's pretty slick
rgrinberg: oooooooooo
hcarty: try :term utop ;)
hcarty: I couldn't get merlin + syntastic to work 100% with it yet, but when I do I'm fully switching over from vim
hcarty: one slash too many
I was happy to see that, again in limited testing, my existing vn=im configuration just worked
struk|desk: My limited experience with neovim so far has been that "it feels like vim". But I haven't tried anything special with it.
hcarty: agreed that would be cool
It would be nice if vim+syntastic showed the warnings while editing
I want to be able to see the messages via merlin... not sure how to do that
I haven't looked in much detail yet and I only tested two relatively small codebases. But it looks like a useful start!
infinity0: It seems easy to use, at least in its default configuration
Because ocamllint complains if they don't... which seems a little odd given that (almost) every time I've seen a module type name it's been capitalized
And I just learned that module types can start with a lowercase letter
Ah, it works if I pin to --dev-repo
Same with another pure-OCaml library
It didn't work on my first attempt with a library using ctypes - it's causing ocamldep errors
infinity0: I haven't, but I think I will give it a try now :-)
edgimar: The tls stuff may be for retrieving remote data - the README indicates that some external resources are pulled down as part of the build process
edgimar Kakadu: s/nettls/gnutls/ maybe, in that last comment?
toolslive: If you can, though, it may be simpler to write a C stub and wrap that stub with ctypes, if possible
Gives you a nativeint that you can pass into a manually bound 'external' function
toolslive: raw_address_of_ptr
toolslive: I had to do this recently... there's a way to get the raw address of the pointer
rgrinberg: Understood, thanks :-)
hcarty: obviously it's not a must and the library should still be plenty usable without it but it's an important feature I think
rgrinberg: Ok, I'll see if I can get time to work that in before the initial release
hcarty: it would be sufficient for me if I could fold over the array/map as it's being read
rgrinberg: For a streaming msgpack implementation, would it be sufficient to get an array or map as a complete entity? Or would you want to be able to stream each element/mapping piece by piece?
gasche: Hello
t4nk421: Maybe a problem in the META file for FOO?
toolslive: I ran into the same thing recently :-)
hcarty: Algebr`: so in OASIS, you just do BuildDepends: thread? that doesn't seem right, its not a package
hcarty: right :)
aantron: Thanks! That's what I expected, but more from a "that seems like it would make sense" perspective rather than "I know the intended semantics"
hcarty: yeah, to a first approximation, lwt.async and lwt_main are orthogonal. if the thread you ran async on does some kind of real I/O, lwt_engine will become involved... but thats orthogonal to whether you wrapped it in async or not.
cheater: Can you gist/pastebin/... the code you're #use-ing?
aantron: Not really regression test material! :-) But it illustrates what I was hoping for functionality-wise
A simple test for my use-case, prints out multiple Hello lines as expected
aantron: Thanks. I'll try it and see what happens :-)
hcarty: without confirming, yes
Is it ok to call Lwt.async before any calls to Lwt_main.run? With the async'd thread run once Lwt_main.run is called?
zozozo: The last answer I saw to that question was, effectively, "Don't ask"
gah, the travis builds havent even started. im going to wait for at least 1 row in each of {4.01, 4.02, 4.03} to complete, just in case, then its merged :) thanks companion_cube, hcarty! :)
companion_cube: And Lwt_option and Lwt_option_result and Lwt_result_option and Result_lwt and Option_lwt... I don't think I've needed Result_option_lwt yet though
As far as names go, I'm biased toward Rresult as I've been happily using that for a while. I'm glad this is making it in to Lwt
aantron: Lovely! I'm fine with moving the conversation on naming specifics to a different PR
companion_cube: hcarty: im going to merge Lwt_result https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/pull/247 (in a bit). hcarty: i agree about things like the name of fail. i suggest we make follow-on PRs for those to discuss them independently. if that sounds reasonable to you guys, i'll post something to that effect on GH and proceed
flux: Arrays are used there to match column numbers
dave24: You put ';' in the middle of the line
hcarty: :))
cheater: Welcome to the wonderful world of OCaml :-)
And what chelfi said
cheater: Not really. These derived functions are built by looking at the language AST and building appropriate code based on that
hcarty: thanks. so this is generics? is that what this mechanism is called?
The [@...] syntax specifies attributes. If you use an appropriate pre-processor those attributes can specify things like "generate serialization and comparison functions for this type"
cheater: This 'with' syntax is from older syntax extensions. The more current/modern way to do this is something along the lines of "type t = { ... } [@@deriving sexp, bin_io, compare]"
cheater: I haven't used async_rpc before, but that may help
merlin isn't a search engine but it's a very nice editor support tool
cheater: http://ocamloscope.herokuapp.com/ has a very limited set of libraries that you can search. Otherwise merlin and maybe ocp-browser (part of ocp-index)
cheater: I haven't used webmachine yet, but from a cohttp perspective I'm not sure anything special is required
hcarty: yeah thanks, i found it
dave24: In the case of cohttp it's most likely (always?) the bind operator for the concurrency library being used
One day codoc (or whatever it's latest incarnation is) will save us all
companion_cube: According to the README it's tied rather closely to 4.01.0 which may also make adding more libraries difficult
dave24: merlin can be helpful with this, at least for identifying the type of an entity
octachron: hcarty: yep. and no mention of -as-map anywhere
hcarty: let me grep through ocamlbuild source
aantron: Installed a 4.03.0 switch with oasis, same error sadly
I've been feeling the call of Logs recently, in part because of the dbuenzli effect
companion_cube: It's mostly an overlay. There are a few custom pieces of code, but the whole thing is ~100 lines of code
companion_cube: Yeah, backwards compatibility is a harsh burden!
hcarty: wouldn't it be almost like an overlay?
companion_cube: The whole thing was put together quickly for the benefit of a few folks new to OCaml and is still a major WIP
companion_cube: CC* are on the list to consider. The main (and honestly weak) reason for not using CC* already is naming consistency with an existing codebase. print vs pp and a few similar names.
companion_cube: Gen is in the bundle too :-)
companion_cube: The In_channel and Out_channel code are mainly for with_file-like functions and similar convenience functions
hcarty: you might also be able to use namespaces (though use the master version)
I think I'm going to give up on this for now, unfortunately. I can use the raw module names for now inside of the library (A__b rather than B).
I suspect that's a fixable problem but I haven't had time to spend on it yet
aantron: I'd love to move to 4.03.0 but cohttp didn't build on there last time I tried
aantron: I think that's correct, based on how the manual describes it
companion_cube: Astring, Rresult, Fmt, Yojson, ppx_deriving.std, ppx_deriving_yojson and the In_channel and Out_channel modules from Core
aantron: Yes
aantron: for a.ml: src/a.ml: A__b A__c; for a__b.ml: src/a__b.ml: A
aantron: 4.02.3
hcarty: is the switch 4.03, or 4.02?
hcarty: I mean what specific do you add to your mini stdlib?
hcarty: whats the build error?
companion_cube: Internal work projects
hcarty: im torn in namespaces between writing a whole-project ocamldep, which is the right way to solve this, and adding some hacks to be able to use 4.03 ocamldep, which i can do probably in a few days, but it won't be very flexible. i guess i should go with the latter and do the former later..
aantron: This is an internal mini-stdlib at the moment. But I'd like to use module aliases more intelligently in general. Improvements to Namespaces would be wonderful to see :-)
hcarty: do you have the _build/_log?
octachron: It looks like it is - trying to track that down now. I'm not sure how to tell oasis to show ocamlbuild's verbose/class output
hcarty: what are you working on? every time someone mentions aliases i feel a fire lit under me to work on namespaces again :p
companion_cube: \o
o/ aantron and hcarty
aantron: Thanks ... I'm making lots of foolish typos along the way
hcarty: want me to take a look? maybe make a gist?
Gah... same issue even on a simple project
parentlib.ml has actual code used by parentlib_a.ml as opposed to just module aliases
Aaaaah, I see... I haven't split all the code I need into indenpendent modules
aantron: Adding "true: no_alias_deps" and appropriate open(Parentlib) entries to _tags fails with circular build errors
hcarty: what do you mean by straightforward?
Is there a straightforward way to use module aliases with oasis?
seliopou: Sounds good, thanks!
hcarty: sorry haven't had time to comment on PR but looks good!
That will (hopefully) come eventually in the form of modular implicits, but that isn't in the language yet
There is no automatic resolution of a matching module like you get with type classes
I don't know the current state of xavierbot but it's not running at the moment and hasn't been for a while
zRecursive: OCaml doesn't support type classes or other mechanisms for symbol/function overloading. A mechanism to support this is being worked on though.
hcarty: xavierbot isnot working now ?
There was xavierbot or similar for a while
seliopou: Then let's do this parsing thing
hcarty i'd be down for some endian parsing!
rgrinberg: Oh yes... it would be very nice if there were a version of setup-dynamic which did away with the setup.data file entirely
hcarty: which is also extremely unhelpful :/
setup.data caches the information found when ./configure is run
There's a bit of bash magic I saw once to complain if setup.data doesn't match the current switch. Not sure if I have the link though.
seangrove: You're welcome, glad it worked
Thanks hcarty
seangrove: setup.data may have been pointing to a different switch
hcarty: Wow, looks like that did it
seangrove: You could try a "make distclean && make" but it's a bit of a reach. Any chance there's a switch mismatch?
reynir: Of an exposed Cmdliner.t? I can find something
hcarty: do you have an example of this?
* hcarty
adds notes to to-be-released libraries so that this isn't forgotten
rgrinberg: Agreed!
hcarty: Yeah, I wish more libs did this.
hcarty: Ill make an issue to track this btw. Perhaps it's worth separating the options that modify run settings and options that have different actions (like printing the routes)
rgrinberg: Exposing the cmdliner terms/args would be useful
seliopou: Are you interested in LE/BE number parsing in Angstrom? (8,16,32,64)bit integers
Bah, wrong window...
Is there an equivalent to `opam-admin make -r` for compiler definitions?
Ah, I just saw the PR to do so and discussion around it
seliopou: Do you think you'll be moving Angstrom away from cstruct?
LE/BE numbers that is
seliopou: For Angstrom, is it worth adding raw LE/BE to the library?
hcarty: most recent thing I knew was that they had either given up or weren't really supporting it
hcarty: I haven't, but you can ask everything to seliopou
Drup: You've mentioned Angstrom a few times - have you used it at all/
adrien: MXE can do dynamic linking FWIW
mrvn: If they segfault please submit a bug!
I haven't tried async parallel. I use zeromq more or less daily and am quite happy with it overall
flux: Or a feature request
flux: That would be useful... submit a PR to lwt-zmq with the appropriate scaffolding :-)
flux: And listening for multiple senders
flux: Not channels, just bytes
hcarty, 0mq for ocaml allows passing channels easily from process to process?
flux: zeromq maybe?
companion_cube: seliopou: Drup: hcarty: proposals to change Lwt_stream and/or include something else in Lwt (or factor streams out) are welcome. id rather not keep something people dont want to use, even if it takes a long time to fully phase out. as for me as a user, i have no strong opinion on Lwt_stream, but the interface does frighten me slightly