There is no way to remove/rename module types currently.
thelema_: 'module type S = ... does not match module type S = ...'
thelema_: I had submitted a feature request related to this... I think it has something to do with the module signatures in those modules.
You can have it work that way, but it will take a fair amount of editing or a bit of targeted editing and lots of automted interface generation.
thelema_: That will require changing interfaces
thelema_: I agree
I suppose they could in a future version if a dead code elimination pass is added.
I doubt they do, at least in the current compiler.
And the dummy assert can be hidden by an interface
You could use with module A := A to remove that module...
thelema_: Ah, true. Or module definitions.
hcarty: if we have the include, I don't think we could include type definitions again
thelema_: True. You would have to either force a link to the included definition or have the include but still include the definitions inline.
thelema_: Similar to what Jane St. does for Core IIRC
thelema_: If you have an interface definition then "include module type of Bar" there should work
hcarty: yes, I was thinking about doing that.
thelema_: In real OCaml syntax, preferably...
thelema_: An ugly solution would be to define Foo_throwaway : module type of Bar
hcarty, yeah, asking the right questions is sometimes important :)
flux: And hooray to you for causing that change :-)
thelema_: Hooray
flux: Yes, as long as Float.( + ) is defined as ( +. ) then there should be no performance loss
rly: It's a pretty straightforward process, but there are a few areas where the build system can get mixed up, such as Tcl/Tk detection.
rly: I haven't built OCaml svn in a week or two, but I have a few dozen times before that
adrien: Fair point
hcarty: well, replacing "while true" with like "while !cond" could be nice too
thelema: Ok. I'll see what they come back with on the bug report and go from there. I'll find time to come up with a first pass at a minimal file.
adrien: while true do ... or let rec loop f x = f x; loop f x
adrien: In this case the only way it's returning is if something raises an exception :-)
thelema, Ptival: Thanks
hcarty: I'm fine with a minimal packages file
hcarty: 'a, as exit
If a function never returns (for example, looping forever) it is better to leave its return type as 'a or force unit in the interface?
thelema: What do you think of a minimal or possibly comments-only packages file for odb installed by default with ocamlbrew, showing users how to add their own custom/non-oasis-db'd packages?
mrvn: And in Batteries 2.x the main logging module has a functor which may give you the customization you want.
mrvn: There are a few logging modules that have camlp4 support. I think Lwt's logging module supports this (and requires that you use Lwt). Bolt does as well - http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/bolt/
hcarty: That won't completly optimize away if I want to turn debugs off.
mrvn: I'm heading off for a while, but if you have any questions about the module I can answer them when I get back.
thelema: Ulib has a Matrix/2D-array module which could be pulled from.
thelema: I have a transpose that could be added to BatArray... but I expect a BatMatrix (or BatArray2d?) would be a better target for something like that.
hcarty: after running #require "batteries";; the command open ExtLib is not recognized. I'm trying to use the command ExtLib.List.unique.
hcarty: that said, I think its authors consider it like TeX - Perfect because any bugs are intended.
hcarty: actually, extlib is being maintained, although just barely
hcarty: thanks. #require "batteries";; did the trick.
jarray52: That said, it's probably better to use Batteries than extlib - as far as I know, extlib is not being actively maintained.
jarray52: #require "extlib";; I think
Does anyone here use cmdliner? I'm getting some weird formatting from some of its output.
jarray52: You're welcome. The ocamlpro folks (and ocsigen folks) did a nice job with it.
hcarty: I want to thank you for suggesting http://try.ocamlpro.com/ yesterday. That was a great tutorial.
hcarty: I stand corrected. I never know what's belonging to findlib in the repl.
#list shows findlib package names rather than module names
rixed: That's not batteries, it's findlib
mrvn: Unless you stick with TCP and don't allow the display to update until an update has been sent
mrvn: If you server's interpretation is considered 'truth' then there will be visual differences any time lag or syncronization issues come up
mrvn: The goto should be enough if you trust the client and/or validate all requests from the client on the server.
incr thelema
Very nice
thelema: Right, so you have fixed versions through packages. That avoids the potential issue of a package on oasis-db being updated to an incompatible version.
thelema: Even better.
hcarty: actually, this was the simplest way I could figure to have an automated oasis install by a single command, with a guaranteed stable dependency chain
Oh - is this the ripping off good ideas from barbra thing? :-)
thelema: Sounds really nice
thelema: I saw that patches were applied that implied a feature like that, but I don't think we've discussed it
hcarty: true, I (or someone) should really upload these packages that work to oasis-db
That's not something I want to provide out of the box
I'm a little reluctant to do that though, since not being on oasis-db implies (perhaps incorrectly) a less cleanly integrated package.
thelema: If this is not the case then I can update ocamlbrew to stick the packages file wherever it should go
thelema: And more importantly that it is intended for customization, not as something included by default.
thelema: I can install the packages file, but it was my impression that packages was an optional thing
hcarty: Thanks. Now, I understand what jonafan was trying to tell me.
jarray52: If you just want to get started with language basics then try.ocamlpro.com is a good start, or using rlwrap + the ocaml binary that comes from your distribution
hcarty: I'm just trying to learn the basics of the language.
hcarty: Is utop the only other interpreter for ocaml?
jarray52: You can use odb.ml to ease the build process, but that may be getting ahead of what you want to do at this point.
jarray52: I'm not sure if it's available anywhere other than compiling from source.
hcarty: It doesn't seem to be in my distro's repository
jarray52: But it has been extended/modified to support more features and a friendlier out-of-the-box environment.
jarray52: utop is still using the same underlying code as the official 'ocaml' binary
hcarty: Are there other ocaml interpreters?
jarray52: utop is a customized toplevel with context-sensitive completion, editing support, and a few other goodies.
jarray52: It can take a bit more effort to get going, but utop is nice as well
joelr: You're welcome, glad you got it working
thelema, hcarty: the problem was with my use of the packed library outside of the library. i was using modules (callbacks) that were packed but not "exported"
hcarty: hahaha
When read out loud, the type is generally pronounced "ooo, spooky"
The 'raw' type indicates things like the return value of the call, where output goes, and maybe a few other items.
ssbr_: The magic happens at compile time. The format string is parsed and the appropriate types fall out of that.
hcarty: the difference is only the allocation of: { state = Return () }
joelr: You're welcome, and good luck
joelr: Deriving may provide something like that. You would need to use something camlp4-based.
diml: Is that implementation any better/worse than this? let once d f = Lwt_unix.sleep d >> f ()
hcarty: it is the cost of Unix.gettimeofday
diml: 'cost' as in any kind of overhead
diml: Do Lwt_unix.sleep threads cost any more/less than a any other Lwt thread?
diml: Thank you. I wasn't sure if there was something special required beyond sleeping.
hcarty: equivalent of Unixqueue.once: let once d f = Lwt.on_success (Lwt_unix.sleep d) f
thelema: The anti-Java layout.
joelr: Either approach should work - if you have trouble with packing, it's relatively easy to switch to the approach thelema suggested. Both have their benefits.
thelema: hcarty's solution is a tad more elegant
hcarty: that solves my problem, i think
joelr: Yes
hcarty: so when i pack into RAPI I can still have an mli file? cool!
joelr: Pack and use RAPI.mli to hide whatever you don't want users to see.
hcarty: i want a packaged API and then API.MarketData.Flags but no API.Flags
thelema: I haven't tried it so I don't know exactly how it works
hcarty: i will include the submodule in the parent but how do i hide the submodule then? so that it's not accessible other than via the parent?
thelema: I saw a bug report that indicated it was supported in 3.11.x, broke in 3.12.x, and is fixed again for 4.x
hcarty: can a pack be packed again?
joelr: Include or pack each sub-module into its parent
adrien: Yep. I have a few libraries written that way. There is a parent.mli but no parent.ml
If you don't pack then the module A, B, C are all directly exposed
hcarty: because your submodules are now under the Parent namespace?
One somewhat significant one is that packing helps reduce name conflicts
hcarty: i suppose so
joelr: The advantage of packing A, B, C into Parent rather including A, B, C in Parent?
hcarty: what's the advantage of the approach, though? i want to hide a bunch of modules
hcarty: ^
thelema: Regarding printing and Ord - yes, it would be very nice to have LefiFi's extension in place for those.
hcarty: is that described somewhere, are there examples?
joelr: Then it should work, although I haven't tried it
hcarty: does it make it easier?
hcarty: i have 0.3.x
joelr: With 0.2.x, only if you patch support in yourself
hcarty: yes, ocaml definitely needs a not-flat namespace of modules
joelr: With 0.3.x, yes
hcarty: can you pack modules with oasis?
thelema: I'm not a huge fan of it either. I would love to see namespace support added to OCaml.
hcarty: I've had more than my fair share of problems with packing and consider it a dirty hack.
joelr: You can pack modules to make that work
hcarty: same with ord
hcarty: yes, I'm wishing I could build batteries' print infrastructure on top of that.
I hadn't read that Lexifi proposal in a while. It looks quite interesting after reading through it again.
True, similar to how atd works
But that's a lot of hand-coded (de)serialization to write if they are removing camlp4
When I looked at it last, sexplib seemed easy enough to use by hand. No more or less difficult than json-wheel.
thelema: Pervasive serialization support is nice, but something like json would be more pragmatic I would think.
hcarty: ah. |> is better.
thelema: And it seems (seemed?) to break often, probably due to the camlp4 complexities involved.
thelema: sexplib is something of a draw, but ultimately not enough.
IIRC |! is Core's |>
Also, on a more or less meaningless level, |! is ugly.
hcarty: but sexplib!
thelema: Bah! :-) I've been tempted by the call of Core. But I can't give up the sweet sweet call of BatIO, BatPrintf, and others.
hcarty: he clearly wants core, because... jane street, I guess. :)
I've heard rumors that Batteries is a simple "odb.ml batteries" away
joelr: If it doesn't there, then I may be thinking of one of the other OCaml/C tutorials
joelr: I think the example in the manual does some basic caching/validity checking
adrien: Once that part is done, Lwt can use the file descriptor provided by zeromq to do its select/polling
The part I'm unsure of is how to tell Lwt "wake this thread up and execute it at HH:MM:SS"
adrien: That part works. Lwt and zeromq play nicely together that way.
adrien: But some tasks need to be sent at specific times so I am looking for a clean way to implement that piece.
adrien: It is sent using zeromq, so the receipt of a task by a worker is event driven
hcarty: would the task pool be able to send events over a file descriptor?
flux: The source being checked (a task pool) is unaware of the process(es) doing the checking (workers who perform tasks)
flux: That's part of the situation I'm in. I want to wait approximately n seconds before checking on a condition again, OR wait until some event arrives which may change the result of the checked condition.
pippijn: Perhaps. But sleeping doesn't block other threads and (I think) can be canceled safely.
The memory use arguments don't really apply, but I wouldn't be surprised if the general idea of 'sleep implies flawed logic' applies.
hcarty: probably even more, because there is no preemption
pippijn: That's what I expect. I'd be curious to know how much that article applies to Lwt-type threads.
diml: How reliable is the timing of Lwt_unix.sleep?
pippijn: camlidl does a reasonably good job for the areas it covers
pippijn: ciml does a bit of that, and camlidl does a lot of it
pippijn: Something that an automated tool generally doesn't have
pippijn: That's true
camlidl isn't actually that bad for simple interfaces. But it's old and not well supported by modern tools.
It certainly wouldn't hurt to have a nice, up-to-date tool for (mostly) automating the generation of clean C bindings.
pippijn: Do!
pippijn: adrien has written some tools as well, but I don't know what state they are in.
pippijn: ciml provides some camlp4 magic to make writing bindings a bit cleaner. camlidl automates part of the process if header files are setup properly. swig can produce ugly bindings.
f[x]: I've used camlidl a few times, but I'm trying to move away from it. At least as build-time dependency.
pippijn: There are a limited number of C libraries that people need. People have generally wrapped the ones they need by hand, or with some assistance from something like camlidl.
pippijn: Why not what?
hcarty: why not?
rly: I don't think that there has been enough demand for completely automated C bindings from OCaml. There are a number of tools and libraries to help with the process, but nothing that is 100% automated.
diml: Ok, just curious. I'd like to have a timeline in an Lwt-using project. Rtime looked potentially interesting since Lwt comes with React support already.
hcarty: i don't know Rtime very well
diml: Do you know of an implementation of Rtime with Lwt's React wrapper?
gildor_: Neither do I - the blind providing emacs support I suppose :-)
hcarty: maybe, I don't use emacs and I don't use typerex
But I don't remember the details of the fix or its effects
gildor_: Ah. I think there was a solution though, even if it did disable some functionality...
joelr: Good luck :-)
joelr: I'm not sure. I think this was on the main OCaml mailing list
hcarty: i'll look, thanks
hcarty, joelr: I think there is a problem with socket handling on Mac with emacs
joelr: There is likely something on the TypeRex site about it
hcarty: is there a mailing list?
joelr: IIRC the solution was to turn something off
joelr: I don't use either, but I've read that others have had the same issue
mrvn: Not that I know of... maybe you could with recursive modules?
hcarty: can you pass the "self" module around?
mrvn: That's where I have ended up passing modules around. It's a bit more verbose in some cases than records but the intent can be clearer.
hcarty: I would pass a module around if I need to pass more than one closur from a module I think. Seems easier than to build a record of closures.
Apply the functors in a function and pass the resulting modules around
mrvn: Somewhat. You could mix the two.
mrvn: Or pass around modules in somewhat rare cases
mrvn: rec or functors if it helps get rid of the recursion
abdallah: But you can use ocamlbrew to build OCaml 3.12.1 (or svn or any other version) and have it automatically setup odb and install Batteries
abdallah: I think odb works with 3.11, but I'm not certain
abdallah: odb makes installing Batteries, among other libraries, much easier
abdallah: I can with 1.x, but that should be much easier with 2.0 when it comes out
abdallah: It's worth making the switch
abdallah: You're welcome
abdallah: And streams and sequences and other lazily evaluated structures
abdallah: Batteries provides a lazy list module so you don't need to create your own
hcarty: the fd returned by ZMQ is a socketpair which i think is just used for notifications, that's why it must be monitored for read
diml: I've been away for a bit, but I did get a block eventually.
diml: I may try changing the send wrapper to use Lwt_unix.Read as well
It does go into the retry function, but never more than once.
diml: It has not yet
Without the retry loop it had usually failed by now
diml: It hasn't failed yet
hcarty: no (well yes... but it won't be pretty), but according to this the fd must only be watched for read events
diml: Is this possible in Lwt (watching for both read and write events)?
The syntax is similar for objects but I don't remember it off the type of my head. It's in the manual in the object section...
For records, the syntax is: let new_record = { original_record with field_x = new_value }
Hodapp: If an object has 200 attributes and you want a new object with only two of those changed, the other 198 will be shared between the objects
OCaml's objects support functional updates, so you don't need to copy (much of) anything.
everyonemines: Indeed - thanks for sharing the link
If the Makefile isn't structured to be -jN friendly then it doesn't really matter what the underlying language is.