
<tonikasch> :D I am
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> so when the bootloader will be replaced there will be new problems to solve?
<tonikasch> mmmm
<tonikasch> ahm
<tonikasch> aps... :S
<tonikasch> oh, yes, of course...
<tonikasch> woooow, Astralix :)
<tonikasch> damn, I cannot access any post on that bbs.rockchip.com.cn site, insufficient rights or smoething alike
<tonikasch> dunno, sorry
<tonikasch> I think some German guys are working on it
<tonikasch> we'll see if Rockchip finally opens up like has done Allwinner...
<tonikasch> I was talking to Omegamoon a while ago :)
<naobsd> tonikasch: sorry, I only know about hotack's HTC-T010-V1/V2 boards
<Astralix> tonikasch: we are working on mainline
<tonikasch> well, lunch time for me, my family waits for me :P
<tonikasch> naobsd, do you know rk3188 diagram to uart pins?
<tonikasch> I though only bare support was present, I'm not following it live
<tonikasch> oh, ok :)
<naobsd> tonikasch: some amount of code were committed, what I said is I want to try it :)
<tonikasch> mainline kernel? Has rk3188 support been introduced yet there?
<tonikasch> I do care :)
<tonikasch> rb
<tonikasch> brb
<tonikasch> s/bug/big
<tonikasch> when at home (only 3g now) I'll download the bug SDK package
<tonikasch> well, it's good, in any case, if we can get that agreement
<tonikasch> yeah, I know, but let us see how much time it takes Rockchip to release that data
<tonikasch> I'm trying to document as much as possible some devices on the wiki such as mk808(b) and mk888(b)
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> :P
<tonikasch> well, I'll begin testing as soon as I receive a mk888b
<tonikasch> so... we have direct connection with Rockchip devs?
<tonikasch> yeah, that Redmine account...
<tonikasch> oh :D
<tonikasch> oh, ok, now reading irclog..
<tonikasch> why?
<tonikasch> hi fonix232
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> well, I have to go to bed, I'll ask you again tomorrow, thanks anyway :)
<tonikasch> naobsd, where are you pushing all those sdks?
<tonikasch> bye!
<tonikasch> so... git clone http://git.rockchip.com.cn ... xDDD
<tonikasch> sorry, have to go now, cu, later I'll continue populating wiki
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> ok, thanks :)
<tonikasch> yes (in registration form)... for example, for rk3066 I answered both 2 and two, and in both cases it tells me that message
<tonikasch> JochenKauz, me
<tonikasch> me
<Astralix> (12:55:25) tonikasch: Hi, do you know if there is any problem to get registered in the wiki? I have tried several times and I get a "Login error / Incorrect or missing confirmation code". I have tried both in figures and in letters and I get the same...
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> Thanks! :D I'd love to contrbute to the wiki
<tonikasch> I can repost if necessary :)
<tonikasch> ping?
<tonikasch> Hi, do you know if there is any problem to get registered in the wiki? I have tried several times and I get a "Login error / Incorrect or missing confirmation code". I have tried both in figures and in letters and I get the same...


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> well, I'll try sometime during these days at a different time
<tonikasch> Hi, do you know if there is any problem to get registered in the wiki? I have tried several times and I get a "Login error / Incorrect or missing confirmation code". I have tried both in figures and in letters and I get the same...