
<tonikasch> ah, V3? I only heard about v1 and v2
<tonikasch> in linux?
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> kvirc_Guardian45, that for the case that you decide for the serial console way
<tonikasch> what about others such as yaffs?
<tonikasch> oh, well, it's stated on wikipedia article as well xD
<tonikasch> Astralix, I suppose you have already searched and found that, but f2fs is supported on kernel 3.8 onward
<tonikasch> but that refers to doc version or SD standard version? ufff
<tonikasch> that should be?
<tonikasch> Fixed Some typos in SDIO Ver3.00
<tonikasch> Page 40: DMA Select
<tonikasch> Page 16: 64-bit Descriptor
<tonikasch> it will be modified in Ver4.00.
<tonikasch> 64-bit Descriptor is removed because
<tonikasch> February 25, 2011 3.00 Supported UHS-I Interlace
<tonikasch> mmmm
<tonikasch> Does anyone know if a SD 3.0/MMC 4.41 host will support SDXC cards?


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> hi, JochenKauz
<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> aha, I was arriving to the same conclusion :P
<tonikasch> Does anyone know how to measure temperature on a rk3066 device running linux?
<tonikasch> not me :(
<tonikasch> there are people who have managed to boot linux from nand, but apart from that...
<tonikasch> aahh, I see
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> inode db?
<tonikasch> IDB, AstralixNB ?
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> I've managed to boot my mk808 with Galland's rk3x_kernel_3.0.36 kernel
<tonikasch> BusError,


<tonikasch> :(
<BusError> tonikasch, well, that one doesn't have wifi/BT... beside, it won't boot here. seems the TTYs are't "console" compatible somehow,
<tonikasch> (that kernel)
<tonikasch> although it's 4 months old
<tonikasch> in fact, I've compiled it for a mk808 and I'll test it soon
<tonikasch> BusError, sorry about pointing you to a rk3188 only kernel, I have found that https://github.com/Galland/rk3x_kernel_3.0.36.git would compile for rk3066a (rk3066 as we know)


<tonikasch> sorry, I have to go now, see you later
<tonikasch> BusError, command line?
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> don't have any notice of booting kernel loaded just in SD
<tonikasch> sorry, I misread
<tonikasch> ahh
<tonikasch> BusError, somebody has managed to boot linux from nand, don't have the links handy
<tonikasch> but be warned... "Latest source for Rockchip (RK30/RK31) devices. Works also for RK3066: but no 3D and no WM8326 support yet (though there is a MTK5931 Wifi driver!) "
<tonikasch> so then I guess Linux3188 is good
<tonikasch> BusError, what device are you building for?
<tonikasch> I'm just not sure
<tonikasch> I now think I remember, one is from the mk908 source while other is from the leaked sdk source
<tonikasch> afaik, it's the kernel as it was exactly in the sdk "kernel" directory, there may be some code needed to be changed in order to make it build
<tonikasch> Probably it is the same as one of Galland's
<tonikasch> But afaik it doesn't compile well
<tonikasch> I have been told about this: https://github.com/mazen912/rk30_r-box_kernel
<tonikasch> mmm, the one from the mk908 sdk, I guess
<tonikasch> BusError, congrats :)
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> bye, I'm going out, cu


<tonikasch> ciao
<tonikasch> wow, nice work, hope to hear from it soon :)
<tonikasch> so you upported rk specific parts to 3.0.72?
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> that's huge work, isn't it?
<tonikasch> what about that 3.0.72 port, omegamoon?
<tonikasch> xD
<tonikasch> learning how to code for kernel
<tonikasch> well, I'm with a small part of it :P
<tonikasch> I'm with it, I guess, I have found the gpio names both in rk3066 and rk3188 codes is the same
<tonikasch> I see
<tonikasch> so we'll have to combine them with the ones from sdk, aha
<tonikasch> oops, didn't know that, I have yet to watch sources for rk3188
<tonikasch> well, the case is to have a common sources for all devices, isn't it?
<tonikasch> so, naobsd, do you think those sources will also compile for rk2926?
<tonikasch> haha ;)
<Omegamoon> hi there tonikasch
<tonikasch> hi, omegamoon
<tonikasch> yeah, uart :)
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> he/she talked about decompiling firmwares to get asm code...
<tonikasch> well, JochenKauz told me that debugging through serial console had no sense in tablets since that way you couldn't realise the correct parameters of the display... :(
<tonikasch> ouch!
<tonikasch> so... a trial and error, I guess
<tonikasch> oops... JochenKauz told me yesterday about the difficulty of getting display support on tablets and phones...
<tonikasch> nice
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> I will give that source you mentioned a try as soon as I get my k-r42-1
<tonikasch> yes
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> in fact, I have read that Galland and aloksinha2001 have a repository with a kernel source that compiles well with both rk3066 and rk3188 devices
<tonikasch> yeah!!
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> naobsd, which sources, if I can ask?
<tonikasch> :P


<tonikasch> ciao
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> bye!
<tonikasch> well, nice talk, I have enjoyed, I would like to serve as a bridge between these two worlds, will keep coming and telling, and talking with Omagamoon too :)
<tonikasch> ummm, I'm also using hf kernel now... perhaps I won't be able to use rknandxx30.ko under it :(
<tonikasch> :o
<tonikasch> so how do you manage to debug video output settings for tablets?
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> why not?
<tonikasch> I know that it's not as usual as on sticks to have connected usb devices to the tablets, but...
<tonikasch> that's it, but the main components are the same... rk3066/rk3168/rk3188 proccessor, pmus, clocks, even wifi
<tonikasch> well... perhaps usage?
<tonikasch> definitely I don't know which is the difference
<tonikasch> mmm, I don't know if I understand...
<tonikasch> but I think there are more things that are shared between sticks and tablets than those that are different
<tonikasch> in fact, omegamoon, galland and aloksinha2001 are already working as a group
<tonikasch> it will have to happen, sooner or later
<tonikasch> well, otherwise, let's set up a mailing list or something like that
<tonikasch> well, I know, perhaps we should promote this channel, I think it's a good place to co-work
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> usumfabricae said somewhere... "I also forced rk30xxnand_ko (default 3.0.8+) load and I can also access NAND memory."
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> actually there are two 3.0.36 kernels at Galland's github, Linux3188 is the one that has been reported to boot on both rk31 and rk30
<tonikasch> just in case you don't manage to get a lcd or hdmi with linux
<tonikasch> if you combine the idea of the serial console and the linux booting plus forcing rknand.ko loading... perhaps you could format it
<tonikasch> well... I don't know if it is possible for tablets, but Galland's 3.0.36 kernel has been successfully booted on sticks
<tonikasch> mmmm, I read usumfabricae has been able to load rknand .ko (forcing the load) under linux, so perhaps could be a way...
<tonikasch> a tricky way, but...
<tonikasch> ahh, I see
<tonikasch> what about opening it and adding a serial console?
<tonikasch> :S
<tonikasch> have you managed to get hdmi working for that device?
<tonikasch> what a pity
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> no, sorry, not yet, perhaps i'll be buying a bq this christmas
<tonikasch> if there is some way i can help with framebuffers or something else...
<tonikasch> now i'm stuck with giving rk903 support by dumping gpio values, the next is to try changes and perhaps propose changes to code
<tonikasch> well, i'm not a great developer, indeed i'm starting to learn by looking at code, i haven't yet commited any change nor made any fork, but...
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> lcd1 and touch screen support?
<tonikasch> yes, I have seen a 3.0.36 kernel that can already be built, for example, for mk808 (rk3066) device
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> (I didn't inspect it)
<tonikasch> oh, I though it was the same
<tonikasch> a 3.0.36 different from the one that can be extracted from the leaked mk908 sdk?
<tonikasch> ahhh, no problem ;)
<tonikasch> well... that's up to them, now it's public
<tonikasch> problematic? well...
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> well, the fact is that it has clock-rk3066b.c or some file similar that was missing in aloksinha's, galland's, etc
<JochenKauz> Hi tonikasch
<tonikasch> leowt asked me where you got crewrktablets rk3066 code from, since it has important files necessary to build for rk3168
<tonikasch> hi, JochenKauz
<tonikasch> I guess there are missing gpios #definitions
<tonikasch> Since I don0t have handy the specs for MK808B I cannot remember if this device has TCA6424 and/or WM831X
<tonikasch> does anybody know in kernel 3.0.8 which #defined variable would adjust to GPIO 359? I'm trying hard but I only find it would be either FPGA_PIO2_15 (not probable) or something else related to TCA6424_XXX or WM831X_XXX.
<tonikasch> hi
* tonikasch bye
<tonikasch> no idea, sorry... adb under linux or under android?
<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> hola, hi


<tonikasch> ciao!
<tonikasch> hi, has anybody noticed that a working patch for rk903 wifi is out?


<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> leowt, it was JochenKauz who told me
<tonikasch> ummm, somebody told me here, now I don't remember the nick
<leowt> tonikasch: where did they take this sources?
<tonikasch> :) np
<tonikasch> but I saw it on github...
<tonikasch> ouch :(
<tonikasch> even on crewrktablets' kernel source?
<leowt> tonikasch: hi
<tonikasch> hi, leowt, did you manage to build something for your rk3168 device?
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> thanks :)
<tonikasch> okz
<tonikasch> omegamoon, the user-gpio-drv.ko also works on rk3188 devices?
<tonikasch> job, errr work
<tonikasch> you all
<tonikasch> good job, you two :D
<tonikasch> I am suscribed to that issue
<tonikasch> I guess this is the method they were using to get MT5931 Wifi and MT6622 Bluetooth support on alok's 3.0.8 kernel on github
<tonikasch> :D
<Omegamoon> @tonikasch: kernel module can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlywhnnuro2s84g/user-gpio-drv.ko
<tonikasch> have you pushed it to git repository yet? :)
<tonikasch> so you both, Galland and you, managed to get working gpio dumper...
<tonikasch> with my 3g connection... :S :P
<tonikasch> :P
<Omegamoon> look who's here, it's tonikasch :-)
<tonikasch> hi again, Omegamoon
<tonikasch> by the way, I wrote to Kingnovel requesting release of source code, explaining benefits for them and for the community and all that. I know they are probably not the manufacturers of the K-R42-1, but who knows...
<tonikasch> mmmm, a but offtopic but today I knew of two things: flash running on chrome for arm, and wine running on arm...
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> @leowt, https://github.com/crewrktablets/rk3x_kernel_3.0.36 <--- take a look at this, has clock_data-rk3066b.c
<tonikasch> @JochenKauz, thanks, I'll take a look
<JochenKauz> @tonikasch, if you nee clock_data-rk3066b.c look at our rk3x_kernel_3.0.36 repo
<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> sorry!
<tonikasch> mmm, don't know
<tonikasch> oh, rk3168 is 3066b?
<tonikasch> obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_RK3066B) += clock_data-rk3066b.o
<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> sorry
<tonikasch> well, I have to go now
<tonikasch> but that's for rk3066...
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> but some are missing, like that clock_data-rk3066b.c
<tonikasch> ouch!
<leowt> tonikasch:
<tonikasch> do you know which wifi chip does mk888b integrate? I haven't still received my unit so I cannot look into it... :(
<leowt> tonikasch: what is the newer 3066 sdk
<tonikasch> ok
<leowt> tonikasch: didnt try it yet
<tonikasch> leowt, any progress?
<tonikasch> have to leave, bye
<tonikasch> so it's your choice :)
<tonikasch> I know omegamoon's one is ok for rk3188 with wifi, but linux-rockchips' has been updated fewer days ago
<tonikasch> mmm, perhaps a week or two ago, I don't know well
<tonikasch> leowt,
<tonikasch> a new rk3188 and rk3168 sdk has been found, containing kernel sources for these models (well, not everything, but the same as what we've got by now for rk3066)
<tonikasch> which repository were you trying to build from?
<tonikasch> mmmm, the source of the leaked rk3066 sdk
<tonikasch> aps
<tonikasch> that way I found my side that 219 ftp
<tonikasch> on google xD
<tonikasch> what files exactly? perhaps we could search them
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> rk3168_ds1006h_defconfig rk3168_tb_defconfig
<tonikasch> rk3168_86v_defconfig rk3168_LR097_defconfig
<tonikasch> not that
<tonikasch> Proyectos/rk903_bcm40183/ftp/platform/RK3066/RK3066_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0/RK3066_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0.tar
<tonikasch> ups
<tonikasch> mmmm, I've read somewhere that 3188 sources also include default configs for 3168 devices
<tonikasch> 3168?
<tonikasch> ok
<tonikasch> fonix232, Astralix has left
<tonikasch> I would love that to happen, but I'm still reluctant...
<tonikasch> so do you think RK will switch to a business not based on selling SDKs nor source code?
<hipboi> tonikasch, hi
<tonikasch> hi


<naobsd> fonix232 explained to tonikasch, as like "we(fonix232) stored SDK on private gitlab"
<tonikasch> yeah , good idea
<tonikasch> thanks, fonix232
<tonikasch> oh ok :-D
<tonikasch> I'm contributing to the wiki and would like info to be open :-)
<tonikasch> s/get/git
<tonikasch> hey does linux-rockchip have a private get repository ?
<tonikasch> well spell checker
<tonikasch> touch, encourage
<tonikasch> well , we'll have to search for other ftps like that, or encoraje sellers to publish source code
<tonikasch> perhaps we'll see that soon
<tonikasch> i have read that k-r42 ethernet is supported through rk vmac driver, do you know if that's true?


<tonikasch> well, I have to leave now, cu :)
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> well, until now I was using the gnueabihf toolchain, but I read somewhere that it is not good for development
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> JochenKauz1, wiki ok, adding some models in the free time
<tonikasch> ... :)
<tonikasch> thanks ;)
<tonikasch> JochenKauz, yeah, I began to add some models
<tonikasch> xD
<tonikasch> I read wifi
<tonikasch> sorry
<tonikasch> ouch
<tonikasch> Omegamoon has not had yet time to test it and mawkish has not replied, perhaps he/she didn't succeed in compiling kernel, I still don't know
<tonikasch> But I hope that kernel patch will work
<tonikasch> I don't have one now, I donated mine
<tonikasch> mk808b?
<JochenKauz> hi tonikasch, wiki working?
<tonikasch> hi
<tonikasch> bye!
<tonikasch> ok, PiyushVerma, see you
<tonikasch> I'm taking a look, but I'm on holidays now and on 3g, only 100 MB left...
<tonikasch> I don't really know
<tonikasch> Perhaps best option for now would be trying libhybris
<tonikasch> ahm
<tonikasch> I didn't know about libhybris, what's it about?
<tonikasch> I tried lima about a month ago but support was still on the way...
<tonikasch> fonix232 said so
<tonikasch> I only own a mk808
<tonikasch> don't know, actually
<tonikasch> but by the way I continued talking about gps :)
<tonikasch> oh, yes, I knew, PiyushVerma ;)
<PiyushVerma> tonikasch: sorry GPS -> GPL
<tonikasch> bye, Astralix
<tonikasch> which GPS? ah, that on tablets, I guess...
<tonikasch> well, have to leave, see you later
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> so...?
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> <fonix232> "one of the refs exceeds the limit"
<tonikasch> <fonix232> cannot push it to github
<tonikasch> I have a full copy of that ftp but I think that has been already uploaded
<tonikasch> oh xD