
<tonikasch> bye
<tonikasch> not sure...
<tonikasch> cr1225?
<tonikasch> but i'm just not sure
<tonikasch> i think it might be this https://www.sparkfun.com/products/337
<arokux2> tonikasch: yes, thanks.
<tonikasch> let's ask hipboi as soon as he gets connected
<tonikasch> no idea
<arokux2> tonikasch: what about size and name of such battery? (I mean there is something like AA and AAA, what about this one?)
<tonikasch> but I'm not sure
<tonikasch> hmm, I think I recall someone told me it was a 3V battery
<tonikasch> no, now talking seriously, I don't know, and that's a good one
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> I suppose I'll ask the assistant in the chinese shop here in my town
<arokux2> tonikasch: :) yeah! I'm trying to write down my shopping list too!
<tonikasch> know
<tonikasch> mrueg perhaps you could, it's them who will kwnoe
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> :
<tonikasch> let me see :
<tonikasch> arokux1 oh, another thing for my shopping list tomorrow
<mrueg> tonikasch: no i didn't ask them :)
<arokux2> tonikasch: do you have an idea what battery can be used for RTC clock?
<tonikasch> mrueg sorry, don't know... did you ask them by email?


<tonikasch> interop?
<tonikasch> I don't know if it's illegal here in Spain, I've heard it is but I'm not really aware
<sjoerd> tonikasch: Depends on where you live
<tonikasch> but some people might not feel comfortable with disassembling bootloader as it is illegal, even if in this case is a completely ethical thing to be done
<tonikasch> I know :)
<tonikasch> :p
<pfalcon> tonikasch: ehm, who said that? GPL violators?
<tonikasch> pfalcon dissasembly is a step forward illegality :(


<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> well, not shipped but accepted there from china
<tonikasch> me too... seems mine was shipped from singapur the 28th sept
<tonikasch> By the way, Galland, have you received the radxa yet?
<tonikasch> Omegamoon is checking on his mk808b
<tonikasch> mk808 :)
<tonikasch> Although I had to copy 3 files from Linux3188 (Aloksinha's) and modify the rk30-sdk-board-sdmmc.c file (only one line)
<tonikasch> I have Omegamoon's 3.0.72 kernel working with linux in a MK808 (rk3066)
<tonikasch> Hi Galland
<tonikasch> ;)
<tonikasch> not "too" :)
<tonikasch> me too I'm using lubuntu with awesome :)
<tonikasch> :'( ubuntu... :s
<tonikasch> or... there was a way to reload group changes, but I don't remember
<tonikasch> and restart session of course
<tonikasch> yes, of course, I missed telling you to adduser XXXX plugdev, where XXXX is your user
<tonikasch> ;)
<tonikasch> MODE is the permissions on that device
<tonikasch> shineworld have you tried with MODE="0666"?
<tonikasch> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
<tonikasch> one sec
<tonikasch> mmm, that rule is bad :)
<tonikasch> mmm, why do you have MODE="0010"?
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> CUBE U25GT_PRO are rk3066 or rk3188?
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> But this is a development channel, anyway ;)
<tonikasch> shineworld perhaps I can help you
<tonikasch> mmm


<tonikasch> unexpekt0r have to go, see you tomorrow, good luck!
<tonikasch> configure through /etc/network/interfaces
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> yes
<tonikasch> usually the ip of your internet router
<tonikasch> no, the ip address of your gateway
<tonikasch> everything will go to YOUR_GATEWAY :)
<tonikasch> default route
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> ;)
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r route add -net netmask gw YOUR_GATEWAY
<tonikasch> depmod -a (without make)
<tonikasch> perhaps you have to make depmod -a (as root)
<tonikasch> /etc/modules
<tonikasch> ok
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r there might be problems with the usb port (it is an otg host) which is the same that has the raspberry pi
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r according to your dmesg it's being loaded correctly
<tonikasch> so I've exhausted my ideas...
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r and what about static ip?
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r even with an open network?
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> I go to take dinner, I'll be back in a while
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r Have you tried with an open network first?
<tonikasch> ah
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r mmm... save to file in sdcard, exatract sd card, put it on pc, and so on :)
<tonikasch> the firmware is a binary code that has to be injected to the wifi device before it can work
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r so please paste your dmesg output to a pastebin or similar and paste here only the url :)
<tonikasch> and the firmware and nvram have been correctly loaded?
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> can you paste at pastebin or something similar your dmesg output?
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r if you assign yourself a static address, can you ping your local router?
<tonikasch> mmmm
<tonikasch> I am a bit asleep today
<tonikasch> sorry!!!
<tonikasch> but only 3.0.36 kernel has right gpios for it, so if you are using picuntu (3.0.8) you might need to rebuild the kernel with appropriate gpio values for WAKE_HOST
<tonikasch> the original mk808b uses bcm40183 driver
<tonikasch> unless it is a clone...
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r anyway, if you have mk808b, rtl8192cu is not the right driver
<tonikasch> unexpekt0r I read somewhere that dhclient would not work for some drivers
<tonikasch> include a line containing rtl8192cu in /etc/modules
<tonikasch> yes


<tonikasch> brcmsmac was supposed to support bcm40181 and bcm40183 wifi chips but I don't remember the actual status...
<tonikasch> and the always-present gpios mapped differently for every device
<tonikasch> there are many
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> Me, I have already cloned the repo and noticed the GPIOs are specifiable now :D As soon as I receive the radxa board I'll begin testing it
<tonikasch> arokux2 oh, yes, latest rk patches were taken from the git.linux.rockchip.org radxa repository
<tonikasch> I'm still tyding up my environment, have just passed exams and for much time I've been almost away
<tonikasch> I'll ask
<tonikasch> I don't know
<arokux2> tonikasch: also, why is he dropping code without history :(
<arokux2> tonikasch: yeah, but where does he have those RK patches from?
<tonikasch> mmm, omegamoon is a developer as well :)
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> mmmm, I don't understand
<tonikasch> sorry, reading the log now
<tonikasch> oh, yes, freebsd
<tonikasch> 3.0.72 kernel with latest rockchips patches
<tonikasch> this kernel is fully working on mk888 and has selectable GPIO parameters on menuconfig


<tonikasch> they not, it (f2fs support)
<tonikasch> (they were officially introduced in 3.5, if i remember well)
<tonikasch> as soon as I receive the radxa I'll try the f2fs backports for 3.0 kernels
<tonikasch> so a f2fs was proposed by Astralix
<tonikasch> But I guess the part of u-boot hasn't progressed so much because of the stranfe thing that rk29/30xxnand.ko does
<tonikasch> aha... I'm receiving soon a radxa
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> anyway, what hardware have you received?
<ojn> tonikasch: nice, that'd be awesome. my test setup isn't really geared towards fastboot. well, i can do it but it's not ideal.
<tonikasch> ojn I think Astralix was working on that
<tonikasch> going to have dinner
<tonikasch> I don't know if he has already committed changed to his github
<tonikasch> omegamoon has successfully booted a rk3188 3.0.72 kernel on top of mk888 with android
<tonikasch> :)


<tonikasch> jeje


<tonikasch> yes, I know
<tonikasch> f2fs? In fact you were looking for someone with experience on it, wasn't it?
<tonikasch> do you know if rockchip devices have an internal bootloader on rom loaded before the actual modified u-boot?
<tonikasch> np
<tonikasch> now I'm reading this: http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/doc/ubi.html
<tonikasch> Astralix Perhaps you said that rk30xxnand.ko did strange things? I assume so that you did a objdump of it?
<tonikasch> Thanks!
<tonikasch> I have to leave now for dinner, I'm going to read it afterwards
<tonikasch> yeah, I can get the address ;)
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> yes, I understand that
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> what does FTL stand for?
<tonikasch> don't know actually, I'm just seeking information to prepare myself for kernel hacking
<tonikasch> Astralix http://free-electrons.com/doc/training/embedded-linux/slides.pdf <-- page 258 and so on, might be of help for that of replacing the nand filesystems you talked about some days ago?
* tonikasch ciao!


<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> Galland hi! any news on the xf86-video-fbdev issues?
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> Hi! what do you think of the wandboard quad?


* tonikasch ciao


<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> it's a case of buying a device that is well supported under linux, so this is great news
<tonikasch> wow, thanks a lot!!
<tonikasch> :D wow!
<tonikasch> do you know if there is full linux support? I hardly find anything on google, too much garbage within results...
<tonikasch> yes, they are
<tonikasch> a friend of mine is seeking those CuBox-i4-Pro...
<tonikasch> hi, Galland
* tonikasch ciao
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> here... around the same price
<tonikasch> mmm, I don't know if I would take the risk...
<tonikasch> what price?
<tonikasch> 55 $ xD
<tonikasch> mmmm
<tonikasch> here a 32 GB UHS-1 was around 42 €, perhaps 35 $ or so
<tonikasch> the cheaper version is mk888 (or mk888b with bluetooth (2.0))
<tonikasch> let's see then write and read speeds
<tonikasch> no, it's been around 120 $
<tonikasch> ahms
<tonikasch> I have bought a UHS-1 32 GB card for a minix x7 that I should be receving in a week or two
<tonikasch> aha
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> wow, that was the same for me, my laptop has some years and it doesn'pt comply with sdxc
<tonikasch> don't desitate to comment your results! :D
<tonikasch> moofree_, supposedly at least a device like minix x7 has in its specs that it complies with sd card 3.0 version, so it should, but... haven't tested
<tonikasch> omm
<tonikasch> see u later, astralix
<tonikasch> ok
<tonikasch> ahh, ok
<tonikasch> so you are refering to booting directly to sd without using the recovery method?
<tonikasch> ahh, I understand
<tonikasch> I can boot linux in a rk3066 with an sd card (well, micro-sd card)
<tonikasch> hi, Astralix


<tonikasch> see you, Galland
<tonikasch> oh, well, I have to leave now, some friend have come
<tonikasch> yes...
<tonikasch> yes... but perhaps the full source code
<tonikasch> docs, docs, docs... or that git source code :P
<tonikasch> hey, sorry, I was on the phone
<tonikasch> sorry, telf
<tonikasch> :Pç
<tonikasch> :)
<tonikasch> :) I'm waiting for a minix x7
<tonikasch> how much was it, Galland?
<tonikasch> I'll move the rk3066 to my tv and let the newcoming rk3188 do the server stuff
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> only remote access
<tonikasch> Omegamoon, mmmm, I have Linux3188 kernel compiled for a mk808 but I don't use the video in it :(
<Omegamoon> @tonikasch, have you experienced this problems?
<tonikasch> haha
<tonikasch> but perhaps not on keyboard...
<tonikasch> yes
<tonikasch> well, i go to the swimming pool, cu
<tonikasch> yeah, a year ago I bought a chinese mobile phone and, well, I didn't have to pay as much as the double, but somehow something expensive for me
<tonikasch> hehe, I was only wondering about customs taxes
<tonikasch> oh, yes, in the radxa board GPIO pins are accesible :D
<tonikasch> o
<Galland> one of my ideas for it is to do just what you proposed tonikasch :)
<tonikasch> and adding a temperature sensor and connecting it to GPIO would be a hard task, I guess
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> ufff, 2.0 is not a good deal
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> hi, hola


<tonikasch> hi zoobab_


<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> anyway, going to bed, tomorrow I have to work in the early mornin
<tonikasch> well, that's true, but android is somewhat limited
<tonikasch> that's what we are doing right now, aren't us? by the moment, real implementation of pure linux kernel is not viable...
<tonikasch> yes...
<tonikasch> haha, well... I guess many people think tv sticks will perform as if they had linux as per the announced hardware specs
<tonikasch> xDD
<tonikasch> well... next new year present
<tonikasch> a cubie?
<tonikasch> :p
<tonikasch> haha
<tonikasch> lol
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> ah, the v3 issue
<tonikasch> :P I guess Omegamoon managed to make a 3.0.36 kernel boot on a mk908
<tonikasch> so if bcmdhd is in mainline...
<tonikasch> (nvram)
<tonikasch> well, in fact rk903/rk901 is a bcmdhd... with different firmware and .cal
<tonikasch> I guess it's not, so
<tonikasch> which is mainline, 3.11?
<GeorgeJ> tonikasch: Hmm, the wifi driver is in mainline linux aswell?
<tonikasch> ask him
<tonikasch> :P :)
<tonikasch> (the gpio dump procedure, i mean :)
<tonikasch> that will be the same with other wifi chips
<tonikasch> and a gpio_dump from android is needed in order to change the code
<tonikasch> because on other devices having rk903 gpio pins differ
<tonikasch> for mk808b
<tonikasch> wifi rk903 has been reported to be working on 3.0.36 kernel without patch
<tonikasch> hi
<tonikasch> what I see is that ap6210 and many other's drivers were copied from previous kernel, so perhaps you could add it as is... don't really know if it has to be upported or what
<tonikasch> aahhh, nope, I guess...
<arokux> tonikasch, ^
<tonikasch> which is mainline?
<arokux> tonikasch, ok, but no support in mainline git grep shows :(
<tonikasch> this has also AP6210 support
<tonikasch> arokux,


<tonikasch> BusError, I don't know... I managed to build Galland's rk30... kernel for my mk808
<tonikasch> BusError, did you manage to get 3.0.36 kernel working on rk3066 device?
<tonikasch> hi


<tonikasch> cu
<tonikasch> well, have to go to bed, see you later
<tonikasch> that would be more than fine :)
<tonikasch> :s
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> mmm, SATA!!?? :D
<tonikasch> haha, interesting software bugs
<tonikasch> what about a Minix X7? I have bought that instead of a MK888B
<tonikasch> :\
<tonikasch> ok, I though it could be of some help
<tonikasch> :P
<tonikasch> kvirc_Guardian45, the PMU chip for v3 mk908 seems to be an ACT8846
<tonikasch> ahmm
<tonikasch> mmm, dunno, debugging bootloader... :)
<tonikasch> ^_^
<tonikasch> :P
<tonikasch> hardware accel, i mean
<tonikasch> and it's not likely to happen
<tonikasch> ahhh
<tonikasch> :D
<tonikasch> streambox?
<tonikasch> https://plus.google.com/u/0/109451178006683865932/posts/A4qFEY1CXtA <-- the nand thing, but I haven't tested it yet
<tonikasch> ufff... :(
<tonikasch> i'm planning on using nand not only for linux kernel but also for linuxroot filesystem, somebody has managed to
<tonikasch> wow! sound great
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> at the end I have ordered a minix x7
<tonikasch> later I decided for mk888b
<tonikasch> I was going to go for mk908 some weeks ago...