
<trogdoro> mysql full text search seems to have an issue with short words like “vm” and “tag"
<trogdoro> my first intstinct was to use just “tag: windows”, but the irc log searcher can’t seem to find the word “tag”
<trogdoro> using “tags”
<trogdoro> then you can see all tagged stuff via searching the irc logger
<trogdoro> tag as: windows
<trogdoro> Here's some more testing for "tagging” stuff we say in irc…
<trogdoro> http://irclog.whitequark.org/xiki/search?q=“tags+documentation”
<trogdoro> for some reason, it won’t find “tag”, but “tags” is fine
<trogdoro> tags: trying to figure out the irc log search
<trogdoro> tags: documentation
<trogdoro> tags documentation


<trogdoro> tag documentation
<trogdoro> tag > documentation
<trogdoro> tag: documentation
<trogdoro> like, I would tag this part “documentation”
<trogdoro> dang, there should be some irc convetion for tagging parts of a discussion