<qwebirc93545> has anyone figured how to boot the gui on debian for the nanonote?
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ben-baseframe-bottom-500um is done. http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-scans/1fd036e
<rafa> wpwrak: what is the problem with clocks?
<rafa> wpwrak: we have not touched nothing about .. so i do not have idea where to check if you need some info from jlime and clocks :)
<wpwrak> rafa: good morning ! how's the head ? :) the problem is with the clocks gmenu2x in openwrt is messing with
<wpwrak> rafa: at least in the latest "official" image, which is from june. so maybe this has changed since.
<mth> the gmenu2x in git has been modified to use a cpufreq driver if one is present and otherwise it does not modify the clock frequencies
<kristianpaul> whz was modified?
<kristianpaul> why
<mth> because it's dangerous to poke into registers via /dev/mem
<kristianpaul> hehe
<kristianpaul> noo ;)
<bartbes> lol, so that's why there's a poke program now?
<mth> poking is useful for testing things, but it's not a long term solution
<kristianpaul> well in mobile/emdebbed stuff i bet is verz commmon
<rafa> wpwrak: ah.. okey.. well, we do not do anything like that
<mth> a lot of bad practices are common in embedded ;)
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> mth: so zou think i should make a driver to drive io? and other stuff?
<kristianpaul> mth: btw what was doing gmenu with /dev/mem what it needed?
<mth> it was reprogramming the CPU and other clocks
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> he want we linux ;)
<kristianpaul> we/be
<kristianpaul> ahh the cloks !
<kristianpaul> power saving
<kristianpaul> sound too?
<mth> the sound clock is not derived from the PLL freq afaik
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> zear: are you aware off issues realted woth gmenu?
<kristianpaul> woth/with
<mth> in general, if I/O is exclusively to one device and there is no need to handle interrupts and it is very device specific (no opportunity for creating an abstract interface) then it would be OK to do I/O directly from userland imo
<kristianpaul> i agree
<mth> but with the CPU clock there is a generic interface for that (cpufreq) and there is interaction with other drivers (many clocks derive from the PLL freq)
<kristianpaul> indeed
<kristianpaul> why we dont have dmenu in the nanonote?
<bartbes> because I worked so hard on gmenu2x.. :P
<kristianpaul> :)
<mth> if you want to experiment, you can merge the cpufreq driver from my git tree: http://github.com/mthuurne/opendingux-kernel
<mth> I'm not sure how much power is saved by lower frequencies though, since the CPU goes into idle mode when there is nothing to do
<mth> on the Dingoo people use it for overclocking rather than underclocking
<kristianpaul> but but, what other drivers will required cpufreq in plaform/feature specific devices like the nanonote?
<mth> the cpufreq driver is not mature yet, it can crash and likely will if you use the on-demand governor
<kristianpaul> well i bet in dingoo in is different bacuse the game oriented features
<wpwrak> mth: (gmenu2x switch to cpufreq) ah, that's much better then, thanks.
<kristianpaul> or let used to a 200Mhy nanonote ;)
<kristianpaul> mhz*
<mth> dmenu is nice if you have a few programs, but gmenu2x can handle larger numbers of programs well
<kristianpaul> you mean multi tasking?
<kristianpaul> or sort of that...
<mth> no, the number of programs displayed in the menu
<kristianpaul> ok i got the point
<kristianpaul> hmm i remenerb last gmenu was able to add command line programs :)
<kristianpaul> so bartbes is doing great ob :)
<kristianpaul> job*
<kristianpaul> talking about kernelcan i hack mz linux to limit the number of threads allowed to run?
<mth> in theory you can hack in anything, but why do you want that feature?
<kristianpaul> well i want ensure better timimg response to handle IO traffic
<mth> wouldn't thread priorities be a solution to that?
<kristianpaul> well i was aware of thread priorities ;)
<kristianpaul> as i said ißm a kernel newbie
<mth> I mean, it doesn't matter how many threads there are, it only matters that your I/O thread runs when it should
<kristianpaul> zeah
<kristianpaul> zes
<mth> but the lowest latency you'll get if you write a driver and handle interrupts
<mth> then just put the data in a buffer and do more expensive processing from user land
<kristianpaul> i want use ram and sd as much as i can
<kristianpaul> i think NAND is slow..
<kristianpaul> compared to SD
<kristianpaul> but i dont know wnought zet#
<kristianpaul> yet*
<mth> you can test by copying a fixed amount of data using "dd"
<mth> from /dev/zero
<kristianpaul> mth: i cant handle 2mhy of interrupts
<kristianpaul> well i must leave or plain will dropme out, cya in some hours
<kristianpaul> thanks mth :)
<mth> run
<mth> run "sync" after "dd" and time the complete sequence
<mth> otherwise the write cache might distort the picture
<mth> or just copy a very large amount of data, then the cache won't have a big influence
<rafa> wpwrak: a little of headache  :)
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> bye
<wpwrak> rafa: i was surprised how difficult it was for me this morning to properly rotate a 3d shape ... :) this was the orientation i was looking for http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/ben-scans/source/tree/master/data/jpg/ben-baseframe-bottom-1mm.jpg
<bartbes> kristianpaul: I really only modified the sd card stuff
<mth> Ayla did a lot of fixes on gmenu2x
<rafa> wpwrak: ;-)
<tuxbrain2> Do anyone here , lost his screen on NN? all system seems ok(checked by ssh) and it can usb.boot, I can even play music due I remember the key sequence to start blindly gmu, but screen does't turn on. it is an unopened realatively brand new NN just flashed  three or four times, the same I do the video, so it works totally ok, but I have dried the batt, and I have not touched it for two or tree days, and when I want to use it again , nor on batt, nor
<tuxbrain2> usb power(with or without batt) the screen is totally black
<mth> sounds like the backlight is not working
<tuxbrain2> any clue on how to recover it?
<mth> check for broken connections, I guess
<mth> I don't know the NN hardware very well
<tuxbrain2> mth that was on of my guesses, but I want some assessment before... estrage due I have not messed inside with this one
<mth> afaik it has a separate controller for the backlight
<tuxbrain2> I must leave is some one has some clue or experience on this I will read the log.
<kyak> hm.. i was able to create a custom font (with cyrillic glyphs) for use with setfont2.. cyrillic input/output works fine after setfont2/loadkeys/loadunimap, but the font looks terrible. Unfortunately, unclouded has been away for quite some time now, and i don't know what font/settings he used to create fonts for setfont2
<kristianpaul> back
<kristianpaul> mth: so i do dd if=/dev/zero of=foo
<kristianpaul> follow by sync?
<kristianpaul> oh i see numbers now
<kristianpaul> :)
<mth> kristianpaul: you can specify block size and block count to copy an exact amount of data
<wolfspraul> shutting down the servers for scheduled downtime now... (server moving to new data center)
<wolfspraul> according to our ISP they will be down for up to 9h, oh well
<wolfspraul> happy travels!
<wolfspraul> :-)
<mth> kristianpaul: you can use the "time" command to see how long it took