
<alexvf> leviathancn: but it could be that's just because they don't know the issue at all
<alexvf> leviathancn: i agree that most likely they don't know how to resolve it
<leviathancn> it means we should ask how to fix the problem in the mainline code as well
<leviathancn> if it doesn't occur in their provided version
<leviathancn> alexvf: and that you've just come across a performance limit
<leviathancn> alexvf: it's safe to assume they don't know how to fix this ;-)
<leviathancn> alexvf: if it shows the symptoms even with the code from the manufacturer
<alexvf> leviathancn: yes
<alexvf> leviathancn: ok, so i guess it is bootloader independent
<leviathancn> alexvf: does it still show this performance issues with the Allwinner code
<leviathancn> alexvf: ok, that was the question
<alexvf> leviathancn: but i tested with u-boot-sunxi (from sd) to change some host port settings
<alexvf> leviathancn: i'm using allwinner bootloader
<alexvf> leviathancn: i don't have it
<leviathancn> right?
<leviathancn> alexvf: uhm... there is an android SDK
<alexvf> leviathancn: what binaries?
<leviathancn> %s/does/do/g
<leviathancn> alexvf: does the official binaries from Allwinner also have this problem?
<leviathancn> afterwards I've got time to finally translate this email
<leviathancn> day after tomorrow I've got my last mid term exam
<leviathancn> alexvf: I've got a half translated email around but had no time to finish it yet
<leviathancn> alexvf: it's just a lot of text I've got to translate
<leviathancn> alexvf: then I'll have hollidays and can take care of this
<leviathancn> alexvf: next week it's last semester
<leviathancn> alexvf: I'm totally overworked
<leviathancn> alexvf: I'm right now rotating in university... sorry
<alexvf> leviathancn: hi, i'm still waiting for an answer to the email i sent you, di you made any advance with allwinner?


<leviathancn> bye =D
<leviathancn> alexvf: okey, gotta go, lecture is over
<leviathancn> ^^
<leviathancn> alexvf: yeah, got to me
<leviathancn> alexvf: good thing you reminded me
<leviathancn> alexvf: but I'm doing it as part of my todays Chinese study! ^^
<leviathancn> alexvf: I've got an exam the day after tomorrow
<leviathancn> alexvf: I was too busy translating it. I'm sooo sorry
<alexvf> leviathancn: still no response from allwinner guys? ( about dram documentation and/or shaking screen issue)
<leviathancn> otherwise I would already have made an spl for mainline u-boot myself ^^
<leviathancn> wens: since I don't have the full *A80* spec yet (since I'm still fighting for my study place at 深圳大学) I do not know details about the implementation of their hypervisor firmware
<wens> leviathancn: seems exynos and vexpress all have embedded cores handling power sequencing
<wens> leviathancn: access issues on? power management?
<wens> leviathancn: access issues on? power management?
<leviathancn> wens,, mripard: exactly
<leviathancn> they solved it with this risc as the hypervisor
<leviathancn> when you have two concurrent cores you have access issues
<leviathancn> yes
<leviathancn> ^^'
<leviathancn> wens: but I have to wait a while to disect the A80 VHDL since the semester in Shenzhen hasn't started and my students visa which allows me to work isn't valid yet
<leviathancn> wens: let's say it this way: there are a lot of magic things happening in boot0 ^^
<wens> leviathancn: is there supposed to be some firmware running in the background on the a80?


<alexvf> leviathancn: did you fully understand the problem?
<alexvf> leviathancn: howdyd, i hope my questions are clearer after the email


<alexvf> leviathancn: :) you are welcome
<leviathancn> alexvf: thanks!
<leviathancn> :)
<leviathancn> alexvf: it would simplify things a lot, because we communicate with emails in simplified Chinese, so having an email I can just translate would help a lot
<leviathancn> alexvf: exactly what you are trying to do and what exact informations you need to have?
<leviathancn> alexvf: can you maybe describe in an email to me (david.lanzendoerfer@o2s.ch)
<alexvf> leviathancn: ok, thank you, let me know if you get some answer please :)
<leviathancn> but we both don't understand the question fully frankly
<leviathancn> he tries to look into it tomorrow
<leviathancn> a friend there was looking and saying he was very busy with another project right now and hadn't seen my email
<leviathancn> alexvf: the guy hasn't answered yet who is responsible for the graphics part
<alexvf> leviathancn: did you have time to ask allwinner about dram host ports documentation?
<alexvf> leviathancn: hi


<oliv3r> leviathancn: e.g. that there may be a chance this is just some engineers PoV unrelated to your contacts etc? well keep us posted anyhow :)
<oliv3r> leviathancn: okay, good, but you are aware about the actual situation and not just what AW is feeding you? :)
<leviathancn> oliv3r: yes. I haven't only noticed this uproral, I'm quiet heavily involved right now... since It's not a good idea to say anything at this point of time (since it might make the fire burst up even worse) I just say that much.
<oliv3r> leviathancn: hey david, have you seen the uproaral over cedarX? I saw a post from you that you said this was just an intermediate step, but what does that mean? They know they are violating shit and they will keep doing it and obfuscating it until they 'split' the package in half? sounds really fishy imo. ontop of that, i dont' even wanna go wat that means legally. Finally, it's quite likly that there is gpl violating code inside the SoC ..


<libv> leviathancn: let me in privmsg tell you where i am coming from with my hard line on all of this.
<leviathancn> *they
<leviathancn> plaes: they have many stuff do not wanna show to rockchip
<plaes> leviathancn: what's the deal with cedarx ?
<leviathancn> libv: yes, and I explained to the licensing team what the GPL is saying exactly
<leviathancn> plaes: we released the boot0 today


<plaes> leviathancn: o/ ?


<leviathancn> it's really a problem... we're not used to such long hollidays here in Europe
<leviathancn> as soon as he is back from his family I will ask him all the questions
<leviathancn> ssvb: I will keep on trying to get into a session with flord
<leviathancn> plaes: right now he is in an area where he hardly can receive emails
<leviathancn> he is available in Skype and will return next week from his hollidays
<leviathancn> plaes: yes
<leviathancn> openess is an advantage on the market
<leviathancn> by showing the cubie schematics
<leviathancn> I explained to them why Cubietech sold so many boards and they didn't
<leviathancn> plaes: Olimex isn't directly Allwinner
<leviathancn> all the ones who thinks mainlining is a good idea in the company is on board with my free tablet project because they thinks it's cool because they've never done something like that before
<leviathancn> another group is on my side and thinks it's inevitable to drop all the blobs because of the maintainance requirements
<leviathancn> we have internally two groups, one part is very proud of thei SDK and would like to stick to it because they have put a lot of work into it
<leviathancn> I'm aware of this
<leviathancn> nove: yes
<leviathancn> ^^
<leviathancn> nove: for Jolla, it already began: https://twitter.com/cybette/status/568425184190996480
<leviathancn> then we see what happens
<leviathancn> we have to wait now until the year of the sheep has fully began
<leviathancn> anyway
<leviathancn> nove: "don't kill the messenger" ^^
<leviathancn> that's why I didn't even react onto these agressive bombardments
<leviathancn> nove: I totally understand that of course
<leviathancn> yeah, they promised me to hand me the required information with a handshake, face to face, and I usually notice if someone is lying into my face
<leviathancn> about what the Allwinner folks told me
<leviathancn> I just wanted to inform people
<leviathancn> as you've seen, I didn't actually jump into a flamewar
<leviathancn> so I really require these infos
<leviathancn> this foss board
<leviathancn> it's my bachelors thesis
<leviathancn> nove: yes, me too, because I'm also dependant onto their effective cooperation
<leviathancn> they are really interested into having me working for them so they won't mess around with my trust I believe
<leviathancn> nove: I think the best is to just do not listen to any *mimimi* and just hack ahead with anything we actually get from my new friends as soon as we get it..


<leviathancn> if you contribute free code for it it's fine, if not... well...
<leviathancn> I just got support from my university yesterday for the A64 board, so it's happening
<leviathancn> it just takes time to get the requested files since now it's new year and many people are not around
<leviathancn> I've got some developer for which I'm organizing the docs right now
<leviathancn> libv: I just gave the community the chance to profit from my employment, if you don't like it don't ask me for documentation but don't troll around Allwinner wouldn't cooperate
<libv> leviathancn: there's plenty more where that came from, and you should by now know that i am not afraid to go all the way.


<wens> leviathancn: please ask them if they have the a80 optimus schematics, specifically the routing
<wens> leviathancn: pdf is easier to read imo
<leviathancn> gn8 ^^
<leviathancn> I will sleep now
<leviathancn> I will ask them
<Netlynx> leviathancn: Can the TV-in documentation for the A20 made available too?
<leviathancn> I ask them to give it to me
<vishnup> leviathancn: Can we get A33 DRAM controller documents from allwinner?
<leviathancn> the only two languages which have survived in this scifi are English and Chinese :D
<leviathancn> there is one guy who safed me with my bad pronounciation, he wants to perfect his English... I just suggested him to watch FireFly ^^
<leviathancn> :)
<leviathancn> if you need any documentation, just send me an email
<leviathancn> Turl: most likely I will write the documentation
<leviathancn> it's exactly the issue
<leviathancn> just be patient
<leviathancn> okey, hopefully I did it grammatically right now
<leviathancn> 7 lines of e-mail on chinese... took me around 2 hours to write -.-'
<Turl> leviathancn: well then :)
<leviathancn> because... well... as I said, they have more work than they can handle
<leviathancn> actually everything I wanna do, I can do
<leviathancn> and a dev board
<leviathancn> hmm
<leviathancn> and I will help them write the documentation in proper English
<leviathancn> so they said everyone here can ask me for documentation, and I will ask them, they will give it to me and I give it to you :)
<leviathancn> actually they have mainlining a priority but not enough people to do that
<leviathancn> they lack man power
<leviathancn> they are totally overworked
<leviathancn> a lot
<Turl> leviathancn: so what are you going to be doing in AW? :)
<leviathancn> the choice was clear :)
<leviathancn> and since I already had learned Japanese once
<leviathancn> so either someone of us learned this language or we had to wait forever for an answer because they wouldn't understand our emails
<leviathancn> well, the problem is, the people who build the chips on which sunxi project is based on just talk this "square"-language
<Turl> leviathancn: I guess it depends on what your main language is
<leviathancn> haha
<Turl> leviathancn: I can tell apart english, spanish, portuguese, italian, russian and "all the squarey things" :)
<leviathancn> it's easier to learn Chinese than it is to learn English IMHO
<leviathancn> :)
<Turl> leviathancn: I can't tell them apart either :p
<leviathancn> they adapted them
<leviathancn> Kanji is "Chinese" signs
<Turl> leviathancn: ah
<leviathancn> Japan has Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji
<leviathancn> Turl: nope, that's Japan
<leviathancn> hmm, and you can easily remember them with pictures
<leviathancn> it's like a programming language
<Turl> leviathancn: I can't even tell the glyphs apart, they all look like funny squares with lines to me
<leviathancn> but writing is no problem
<leviathancn> so I have issues talking
<leviathancn> I just have issues with the 4 tones
<leviathancn> I can already write
<leviathancn> Turl: actually it's quiet easy
<leviathancn> Turl: nope
<leviathancn> apparently they didn't have a lot of "good" experience with Europeans I think...
<leviathancn> hmm
<leviathancn> they are like "Wow you can eat with chopsticks" and "Wow. You are at least trying to learn our language."
<Turl> leviathancn: ah :p
<leviathancn> "lüsang"
<leviathancn> Turl: it's just his name
<Turl> leviathancn: what does that mean? google says "lee would like to"
<leviathancn> I will just send 李想 the gmane web interface
<leviathancn> many of them hardly understand simple phrases
<leviathancn> also another issue is, what will they do with our group
<leviathancn> hmm, NiteHawk, neat idea
<NiteHawk> leviathancn: if the language barrier is that much of a problem, maybe the news interface is more suitable to native speakers - many mail programs offer news functionality, too (i know thunderbird does)
<leviathancn> hramrach: but I will try to make the suggestions clear to them
<leviathancn> hramrach: just keep in mind, I have to translate everything into Chinese
<leviathancn> but I will discuss it again with them
<leviathancn> and the stuff around
<leviathancn> it is...
<leviathancn> the graphics is an issue, they just got a block from imagine
<leviathancn> boah, translating english-chinese is really hard...
<leviathancn> NiteHawk: I just posted the gmane interface to 李想
<hramrach> leviathancn: if you want some design idea for new chip consider simplifying the graphics part
<Turl> leviathancn: gzamboni handles @linux-sunxi.org mail
<leviathancn> ...
<leviathancn> gosh... can I have access to the server? I could do it in no time
<leviathancn> or we just make a sed command in a procmail
<leviathancn> I will have to translate the guid how to use our mailinglist into Chinese
<Turl> leviathancn: they could just sign up for one, subscribe with it and set it to forward to $work email
<leviathancn> remember
<leviathancn> but a procmail script is easier I think :)
<leviathancn> Turl: yahoo works
<Turl> leviathancn: are there any free webmails on china?
<leviathancn> Turl: maybe having a procmail with a sed-command ^-^
<leviathancn> ok...
<leviathancn> ultra high speed out of the box and so on
<Turl> leviathancn: but To: is not @googlegroups, so it may choke :)
<leviathancn> at the moment it's the chip design which is being reworked, we will be able to use the generic sdhci interface
<leviathancn> but we need to finish the A64 before I can get started to design a board
<leviathancn> maybe end of this year
<leviathancn> well
<leviathancn> especially because I think I inspired them for a new product line ^-^'
<leviathancn> all the chip design is heavily in rework
<leviathancn> f15h: best we can do is next year
<Turl> leviathancn: d.l@o.ch
<f15h> leviathancn: do you have some kind of timeline?
<leviathancn> ;-))
<leviathancn> and so I need video and display ports wired out
<leviathancn> I will need it anyway, since I need the board for my bachelors thesis
<leviathancn> yes, you can
<f15h> leviathancn: That is great news :) - I am coordinator/maindev of the videobrick project - adding HDMI-Input to A10/A20 (Olimex) for low-cost VideoStreaming sollutiongs (http://videobrick.wordpress.com) - and I would highly appriciate Dev-Boards where all CSI/MIPI-CSI Signals are available on headers. Can I lobby for such a feature?
<leviathancn> and routing a BGA isn't that hard, you just do dog bone style and from there on push&shove
<leviathancn> f15h: the CERN addons for KiCAD make push&shove available
<leviathancn> f15h: yes
<leviathancn> gzamboni: /etc/alias or wherever you packed it ^^
<leviathancn> gzamboni: on linux-sunxi.org
<leviathancn> gzamboni: can you please add an alias from linux-sunxi+subscribe@linux-sunxi.org to linux-sunxi+subscribe@googlegroups.com?
<f15h> leviathancn: I just started following the discussion - You are going to do a A64 / open source / KiCad Design?
<leviathancn> kk
<leviathancn> ok
<leviathancn> yes
<leviathancn> or deb
<leviathancn> or apk
<leviathancn> can be shipped by RPM
<leviathancn> and the stuff which really needs to be blobbed
<leviathancn> actually we concluded, we do all with open source drivers
<leviathancn> yes, they kick that, and libnand
<leviathancn> ah, and I told them that many of you are pissed about binary blobs, and also managed to explain why
<leviathancn> but this time all sources are available
<leviathancn> it's more as I got the job to make a cubie like board for Allwinner
<leviathancn> it is
<ssvb> leviathancn: is this no longer the case for a64?
<ssvb> leviathancn: afaik, allwinner used to cooperate with cubietech and some other company (don't remember the name offhand) when making devboards at least for a80
<leviathancn> ssvb: they are even very eager to do that especially after I explained it in the context of their own cultural area
<leviathancn> ssvb: yes
<leviathancn> anyone? go grabbing some chinese-english speakers in san francisco and offer them a job ^-^
<ssvb> leviathancn: the cubi-style open source dev board for a64 sounds very interesting
<leviathancn> we need more bilingual people at Allwinner
<leviathancn> it's all about knowing how to talk Chinese ^_^
<leviathancn> we decided on KiCAD at the meeting
<leviathancn> also maybe Allwinner will set up a git repo, I don't know
<leviathancn> WarheadsSE: I will push the KiCAD files regularly there http://git.o2s.ch/
<leviathancn> WarheadsSE: yes
<leviathancn> ^^
<leviathancn> the company holding the license is one street away
<WarheadsSE> leviathancn: if/when this board exists, can you please make contact with Arch Linux ARM (either through me, or other contact channels)
<leviathancn> mp4 wouldn't be an issue
<leviathancn> yes
<leviathancn> but power vr crashes...
<leviathancn> Mali isn't very performant, that's why they switched
<leviathancn> also the graphics is an issue
<leviathancn> hramrach: wait for the new A80 layout
<leviathancn> I will do a cubi-style open source dev board for the A64 together with Allwinner
<leviathancn> but it's not done yet
<leviathancn> hramrach: we have 64bit in the new A64
<leviathancn> and which to?
<leviathancn> Turl: which "from" line was in the mail you got from me on dev@?
<leviathancn> google will react in the following way: it will swollow it (given the MAIL, RCPT and DATA are preserved)
<leviathancn> Turl: since I earn my food with networking stuff until Allwinner gives me a contract, I can answer that :)
<Turl> leviathancn: it's dev@l-s.o btw
<leviathancn> uhm
<Turl> leviathancn: gzamboni, but I dunno how would google react to a bounced subscription email
<leviathancn> Turl: <linux-sunxi+subscribe@linux-sunxi.org>: Recipient address rejected: User
<leviathancn> so that it is being forwarded to google groups?
<leviathancn> Turl: could who can add linux-sunxi+subscribe@linux-sunxi.org to the aliases list?
<Turl> leviathancn: I got an email from you :)
<leviathancn> how hard can it be anyway to set up a mailman on linux-sunxi.org???
<leviathancn> it's really just because of the IP range
<leviathancn> fact is: I can not use google maps or google groups without a vpn, neither can the rest of Allwinner
<leviathancn> some said they have vpn
<leviathancn> yes
<leviathancn> strange
<leviathancn> hmm
<Turl> leviathancn: we have some AW people on the list.. sugar iirc
<leviathancn> so by definition they have to assume linux-sunxi doesn't have a mailinglist
<leviathancn> their perspective google doesn't exist because it does ping timeouts
<leviathancn> here they weren't even able to find this mailinglist
<leviathancn> it obviously doesn't work everywhere...
<leviathancn> they have vpn
<leviathancn> outside of the country or you are lost when trying to reach google
<leviathancn> so you've gotta use a jump host
<leviathancn> it's just in China all google ip ranges aren't routed
<leviathancn> I can also answer because the server is not in this location
<leviathancn> uhm
<leviathancn> I can, because my mail server is located in Switzerland ;-)
<Turl> leviathancn: can you receive email from google?
<leviathancn> nope
<leviathancn> yahoo works though