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<_Sync_> SpeedEvil: just read that article
<_Sync_> the idea is neat but I don't see the benefit over traditional patterning
<_Sync_> especially because that hot embossing technique is super annoying to get right
<SpeedEvil> yeah - I was more interested in the effiiency
<SpeedEvil> is that efficicucy under 1 sun?
<SpeedEvil> Now they just need to get it down to $1/W.
<_Sync_> I just looked at it, do they mention the total efficiency somewhere?
<_Sync_> because they only tell the enhancement
<_Sync_> well cheap panels are at around $1/W
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<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: yeah - but if you can get to twice the power per panel - that helps som apps
<_Sync_> that's not happening there
<_Sync_> also total efficiency is where it is at
<_Sync_> and you cannot "double" the efficiency of any common panel
<_Sync_> the limit for silicon is 33%
<_Sync_> and even cheap cells acheive 18-20%
<SpeedEvil> odd
<SpeedEvil> Is this common claim just sloppy reporting of the original?
<SpeedEvil> 'The end result is a solar panel that has a quantum efficiency of around 40% — up about 22% from the non-patterned solar pane
<SpeedEvil> oh
<SpeedEvil> so 24%, not 20
<SpeedEvil> that's damn useful still
<_Sync_> it's not
<SpeedEvil> but not quite awesome
<_Sync_> because every solar cell is patterned already
<_Sync_> and also AR coated
<SpeedEvil> hmm
<SpeedEvil> sigh
<_Sync_> :3
<_Sync_> and it is an additional process step
<_Sync_> so nobody is going to do it
<_Sync_> the PV industry is purely profit driven
<SpeedEvil> So is the above nanopatterning a slight improvemetn over the existing pattern?
<_Sync_> nobody wants to make the world a better world
<SpeedEvil> _Sync_: yeah - but it's not quite all $/W
<_Sync_> it is all $/module
<SpeedEvil> there is a small market for higher output cells - simply as you can fit more in a given area
<_Sync_> that's an interesting question
<_Sync_> you see, small market
<_Sync_> nobody is interested in that
<_Sync_> people who need high eff buy triple layer cells
<_Sync_> (aerospace people)
<SpeedEvil> I was meaning more 'small' as in people wanting rooftop solar
<_Sync_> everybody else buys the cheapest cells
<_Sync_> or, if they want more efficiency, solarpower
<_Sync_> it's unfortunately just how the industry works
<SpeedEvil> The advances in cost are astounding
<SpeedEvil> well - regresses
<SpeedEvil> ecently, multiple leading polysilicon producers have suggested they can cut Siemens costs to less than $14 per kilogram (kg) in the near future, and FBR costs to less than $10 per kg within a few years.
<_Sync_> well the cost advance is due to everybody making the same cells
<_Sync_> a standard cell takes 8 process steps
<_Sync_> and you can buy all of them out of the box
<_Sync_> so you just buy a factory building, fork out a few M and then you got a production line running
<SpeedEvil> The cost of some of the steps is dropping too
<SpeedEvil> I mean - going from 25-8 cents a watt for poly is damn good
<_Sync_> yeah, but who buys poly anymore
<SpeedEvil> Is almost competitive - as a roof covering - never mind solar
<SpeedEvil> if only I believed the guarantee
<SpeedEvil> Plus - it matches my roof
<_Sync_> just get some sunpower cells, they currently are the best
<Noxz> black friday sucks.. got me looking into building up a new computer...
<Noxz> SpeedEvil# you're in the UK, right? do you guys have black friday/cyber monday sort of thing?
<SpeedEvil> Various people are trying to start it.
<Noxz> international sellers, most likely
<Noxz> yup, that would be one of them
<SpeedEvil> I'm more on the 'what panels can I get cheap on ebay' :)
<Noxz> panels?
<Noxz> solar
<Noxz> I'm looking at a tad over $3k USD for a new rig.. includes a 5930k and 32gb of ram, along with a raid5 setup and m.2 boot drive, two gtx 970 cards in SLI..
<Noxz> hopefully I wont have to build another computer for a while..
<SpeedEvil> This computer I recently built for $300
<Noxz> heh, dang
<Noxz> I am getting a devkit or two soon, one for gaming related.. so I kinda need somethign that'll work
<SpeedEvil> :)
<Noxz> CastAR devkit ;)
<SpeedEvil> Ah - quite fun
<Noxz> I dont even have a computer desk.. I am litterly sitting on the floor right now
<Noxz> monitors ontop of the computer case
<Noxz> I think I am planning on building one out of Walnut
<Noxz> anyways... there is a right tool for the job
<Noxz> and currently I dont have the right tool for the future job at hand
<Noxz> I am still waiting to hear back about the lithography related job.. given it was the holidays, I havent pushed too much
<SpeedEvil> Doing what?
<Noxz> programming related
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